[Adventure] Rage of the Savage Lands (DM: Dekana, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)


First Post
Jarel-karn surround Beatrice with a powerful shield that deflect all the wave of darkness and she get out untouch by it.

Jarel-karn then move into melee and strike at the Avatar. "Good timing drwaf we got a chance to get her down now, but beware, she can mind control..."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Immediat Interrupt: Aegis of Shielding on Beatrice (I can orevent damage only on 1 person). [MENTION=44459]Luinnar[/MENTION]: Avaratar's damage on Beatrice is reduced to 0 and Jarel-karn gain 15 THP.

Move: Walk to L8.
Standard: Booming Blade vs AC on Avatar (1d20+18=32, 1d8+14=18, 1d6+14=17)
- Hit for 18 damage.
- If the avatar move willingly away from Jarel-karn, she takes another 17 thunder damage.
- If she attack Jarel-karn, she takes an extra 5 ligtning damage.
Minor: Duty's Virtue +2 to all defenses on Beatrice against Avatar's attack.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Immediat Interrupt]Jarel-karn have many immediate action. Take the first trigger that happens during the round. If many trigger happen at once, take the first in the list.

1) Trigger: A marked enemy hit any ally within 10 squares Power: Aegis of Shielding Effect: Close Burst 10; -10 damage to triggering attack.

2) Trigger: A marked enemy with your Aegis of Shielding target Jarel-karn and at least one ally with an attack. Power: Leather Armor of Aegis Expansion +2 Effect: The damage of the triggering attack is reduced by 7.

3) Trigger: An enemy hit in melee any non-pure-defender ally within 5 squares and pushing the target 1 square would put him out of reach of the ally. Power: Countering Thunderclap Effect: Close Burst 5; +13 vs. Fort; 1d6+9 thunder damage and you push the target 1 square. If the target can no longer reach your ally, the attack misses.

4) Trigger: An enemy hit in melee any non-pure-defender ally within 5 squares and is within 5 squares of another enemy. Power: Dimensional Vortex Effect: Ranged 5; +13 vs. Will against triggering enemy. If hit, you teleport the target 5 squares next to an enemy. The target make his melee attack against the most damaged enemy and do an extra 5 damages if it is marked by Jarel-karn. If there is no target valid, he expend the attack.

5) Trigger: An enemy hit any non-pure-defender ally within 10 squares or Jarel-karn is hit by an attack. Power: Channeling Shield Effect: Close Burst 10; You reduce the damage by 10 from the triggering attack. You next successful attack you make before the end of your next turn will do 5 more damage.[/SBLOCK]

Genasi Swordmage 10
Initiative +5
Passive Insight 16; Passive Perception 16; Normal Vision
HP 58/96; THP 15; Bloodied 48; Surge-Value 25; Surges Per-Day 12/13
AC 28; Fortitude 23(27); Reflex 22(26); Will 21(25)
Resist Ligthning 10
Speed 6
Action Points: 0

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack: Runic Longsword +16 vs AC 1d8+7 damage

Skills: Arcana +15, Athletic +13, Endurence +19, Intimidate +12, Nature +6, Perception +6
Languages: Common, Tsugo

[ ]Aegis of Shielding
[ ]Booming Blade
[ ]Lightning Lure
[ ]Duty's Virtue

[ ]Second Wind
[X]Promise Storm
[X]Wind Fury Attack
[X]Lightning Clash
[X]Dimensional Vortex
[X]Echoes of Sword Magic
[ ]Countering Thunderclap
[X]Channeling Shield
[X]Armathor's Step

[X]Dimensional Thunder
[X]Lingering Lightning
[X]Blade Bolt
[X]Impenetrable Warding

[X]Leather Armor of Aegis Expansion +2 [E]
[X]Periapt of Cascading Health [E]
[X]Warded Vambraces [E]
[X]Boots of Fencing Master [E]
[X]Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might [Sword Burst] [E]
[X]Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might [Dual Lightning Strike] [D]

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[sblock=Eithal's Ministats]Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 9

Initiative: +4
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 19; Passive Insight: 14; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 23; Fort: 23; Reflex: 16; Will: 18
HP: 34(24)/93 Bloodied
Surge Value: 23; Surges left: 5/14
Action Points:0[sblock=At Will Powers]
:melee: Strength of Stone link +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and Eithal gains 5 temporary hit points.

:melee: Thorn Strike link +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+7 damage and Eithal pulls the target 1 square

:melee:Warden's Fury (Immediate Interrupt) link +15 vs Fortitude
Trigger: An enemy marked by Eithal makes an attack that does not include Eithal as a target

Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and the target grants combat advantage to Eithal and her allies until the end of Eithal's next turn (EONT).

Warden's Grasp (Immediate Reaction) link
Trigger: An enemy marked by Eithal that is within 5 squares of Eithal makes an attack that does not include Eithal as a target.

Effect: Eithal slides the target 1 square. The target is slowed and cannot shift until the end of it's turn. [/sblock][sblock=Encounter Powers]
:melee: Gasping Winds link 1d20+15 vs AC
Hit: 1d12+8 and Eithal pulls each enemy within 3 squares of her 2 squares.

:melee: Relentless Panther Attack link 1d20+15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d12+8 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends)

Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 2 damage (save ends).

Effect: Before the attack, Eithal shifts her speed

:melee: Oak Sentinel Attack link
Trigger: An enemy within Eithal's reach makes a melee attack against her ally

Attack: 1d20+15 vs. AC

Hit: 2d12+8 damage

Miss: Half damage

Effect: Eithal becomes the target of the triggering attack, even if she isn't within that attack’s range.

:close: Burst of Earth's Fury link 1d20+15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and the target cannot shift until the end of your next turn.

Mountain Hammer link 1d20+15 vs AC
Hit: 2d12+8 damage and the target takes a -5(Earthstrength) penalty to melee attack rolls until the end of Eithal's next turn

Stone's Endurance link
Effect: Eithal gains resist 5 to all damage until the end of her next turn

Warden's Tempest link
Effect: Eithal Slides the target 1 square

Second Wind [/sblock][sblock=Daily Powers]
Form of the Relentless Panther link
+2 bonus to Reflex and a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies marked by Eithal.

In addition, she can shift 2 squares as a move action.

Special: Once during this encounter, Eithal can use the Form of the Relentless Panther Attack power while she is in the form of the Relentless Panther.

Form of the Oak Sentinel link
melee reach increases by 1.

In addition, any enemy that hits Eithal with a melee attack takes 6 damage.

Storm Strike link 1d20+15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 Lightning damage and Eithal slides the target 3 squares

Miss: Half damage and Eithal slides the target 1 square

Bear's Endurance link
Trigger: Eithal drops to 0 hitpoints or fewer

Effect: Eithal regains hitpoints as if she has spent a healing surge[/sblock][sblock=Equipment][sblock=Bracers of Mighty Striking: Level 2]Property: When Eithal hits with a melee basic attack, she gains a +2 item bonus to the damage roll.[/sblock][sblock=Gloves of Grace: Level 5]Power Daily (Minor Action): An ally adjacent to Eithal makes a saving throw.[/sblock][sblock=Rope of Slave Fighting: Level 7]Property: Eithal does not take the –2 penalty to attack rolls while prone.[/sblock][sblock=Fleetrunner Boots: Level 5]Property: Running gives Eithal only a -2 penalty to attack rolls.[/sblock][sblock=Reading Spectacles: Level ]Property: Eithal can read any language (the spectacles do not grant the ability to speak or write a language).[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Feats]
Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Guard of Stone: While Eithal is under the effect of her stone’s endurance racial power, each enemy marked by Eithal takes an additional penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include Eithal as a target. The penalty equals her Constitution modifier and lasts until the end of her next turn.

Courage of the Lone Stag: When you mark three or more enemies with Nature’s Wrath, you gain a +2 bonus to weapon damage rolls against creatures you mark until the start of your next turn. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level, and to +4 at 21st level.[/sblock][/sblock]


Eithal rushes into the crowd to join the fight, but her efforts don't draw blood. Perhaps her position will offer the guards an advantage against the Avatar.[sblock=Actions]Standard: Charge to L9
Attack: 1d20+15+1(Charge)+2(Flanking)=27 vs. AC Miss
Free: Mark Avatar
[/sblock][sblock=Eithal's Ministats]Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 9

Initiative: +4
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 19; Passive Insight: 14; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 23; Fort: 23; Reflex: 16; Will: 18
HP: 34/93 Bloodied
Surge Value: 23; Surges left: 5/14
Action Points:0[sblock=At Will Powers]
:melee: Strength of Stone link +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and Eithal gains 5 temporary hit points.

:melee: Thorn Strike link +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+7 damage and Eithal pulls the target 1 square

:melee:Warden's Fury (Immediate Interrupt) link +15 vs Fortitude
Trigger: An enemy marked by Eithal makes an attack that does not include Eithal as a target

Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and the target grants combat advantage to Eithal and her allies until the end of Eithal's next turn (EONT).

Warden's Grasp (Immediate Reaction) link
Trigger: An enemy marked by Eithal that is within 5 squares of Eithal makes an attack that does not include Eithal as a target.

Effect: Eithal slides the target 1 square. The target is slowed and cannot shift until the end of it's turn. [/sblock][sblock=Encounter Powers]
:melee: Gasping Winds link 1d20+15 vs AC
Hit: 1d12+8 and Eithal pulls each enemy within 3 squares of her 2 squares.

:melee: Relentless Panther Attack link 1d20+15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d12+8 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends)

Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 2 damage (save ends).

Effect: Before the attack, Eithal shifts her speed

:melee: Oak Sentinel Attack link
Trigger: An enemy within Eithal's reach makes a melee attack against her ally

Attack: 1d20+15 vs. AC

Hit: 2d12+8 damage

Miss: Half damage

Effect: Eithal becomes the target of the triggering attack, even if she isn't within that attack’s range.

:close: Burst of Earth's Fury link 1d20+15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and the target cannot shift until the end of your next turn.

Mountain Hammer link 1d20+15 vs AC
Hit: 2d12+8 damage and the target takes a -5(Earthstrength) penalty to melee attack rolls until the end of Eithal's next turn

Stone's Endurance link
Effect: Eithal gains resist 5 to all damage until the end of her next turn

Warden's Tempest link
Effect: Eithal Slides the target 1 square

Second Wind [/sblock][sblock=Daily Powers]
Form of the Relentless Panther link
+2 bonus to Reflex and a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies marked by Eithal.

In addition, she can shift 2 squares as a move action.

Special: Once during this encounter, Eithal can use the Form of the Relentless Panther Attack power while she is in the form of the Relentless Panther.

Form of the Oak Sentinel link
melee reach increases by 1.

In addition, any enemy that hits Eithal with a melee attack takes 6 damage.

Storm Strike link 1d20+15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 Lightning damage and Eithal slides the target 3 squares

Miss: Half damage and Eithal slides the target 1 square

Bear's Endurance link
Trigger: Eithal drops to 0 hitpoints or fewer

Effect: Eithal regains hitpoints as if she has spent a healing surge[/sblock][sblock=Equipment][sblock=Bracers of Mighty Striking: Level 2]Property: When Eithal hits with a melee basic attack, she gains a +2 item bonus to the damage roll.[/sblock][sblock=Gloves of Grace: Level 5]Power Daily (Minor Action): An ally adjacent to Eithal makes a saving throw.[/sblock][sblock=Rope of Slave Fighting: Level 7]Property: Eithal does not take the –2 penalty to attack rolls while prone.[/sblock][sblock=Fleetrunner Boots: Level 5]Property: Running gives Eithal only a -2 penalty to attack rolls.[/sblock][sblock=Reading Spectacles: Level ]Property: Eithal can read any language (the spectacles do not grant the ability to speak or write a language).[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Feats]
Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Guard of Stone: While Eithal is under the effect of her stone’s endurance racial power, each enemy marked by Eithal takes an additional penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include Eithal as a target. The penalty equals her Constitution modifier and lasts until the end of her next turn.

Courage of the Lone Stag: When you mark three or more enemies with Nature’s Wrath, you gain a +2 bonus to weapon damage rolls against creatures you mark until the start of your next turn. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level, and to +4 at 21st level.[/sblock][/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Damen shoulders around the corner and takes another shot at the avatar. This time his aim is better, and it hits solidly.
OOC: Tactical Trick to move to C15, gaining CA. SA vs Avatar: Hit, 25hp.
[sblock=Damen (Bloodied)]Damen Bane—Male Drow Outlaw Thief 10
Initiative: +19, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 25, Fort: 18, Reflex: 25 Will: 21 — Speed: 6
HP: 29/69, Bloodied: 34, Surge: 18, Surges left: 5/7
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Ambush Trick
Feinting Trick
Sneak's Trick
Tactical Trick
Fleeting Ghost
Shadow Stride

Backstab x2
Surprise Strike
Cloud of Darkness
Cunning Escape
Slip Aside

Shadowdance Armor +2 (daily)
Boltshard Hand Crossbow +2 (daily)
3 Healing Potions
Potion of Eladrin Shape
Lesser Elixir of Invisiblity
Shadow Dancer's Mask

Damen Bane - PC:Damen Bane (stonegod) - L4W Wiki[/sblock]


The dwarf holds his attack for a moment. "Aliya! Is that you?! I 'kin hear yer voice!"

The Avatar roars in fury and then turns away from the dwarf. She towers over Eithal and catches her unprepared with the black, plagued longsword. The wound itself is not very serious, but Eithal again feels maddening thoughts tearing at her mind.

Meanwhile, the battlemage guards move to flank the Avatar. One slashes off a few raven feathers with his scimitar, but the other guard only hits air. The dwarf tries and fails to trip the Avatar twice. Even with her back turned, she has no trouble simply flapping her wings at the right moment and flying above the dwarf's legs.

GM: Note that the Avatar does something when bloodied, so please let me post if you damage her (any attack should do it).
[sblock=actions]Beatrice: 21hp last turn, -10 ongoing, +16 second wind = 27. On the next turn, you take no damage (because of Jarel-karn's aegis) and spend another surge to go up to 40. Looks like you're right! However, this turn you end up at 25, not 20 (40 - 10 OG - 5 from your power).

Jarel-karn: Thanks, I misread your aegis power.

Avatar: Recharges Shadow Form, but not Shadow Explosion. Declines to use her gaze when surrounded by 5 creatures with OAs. :erm:
Standard: Plagued Longsword vs Eithal hits AC 26 for 7 damage and 10 ongoing psychic (save ends).

If you fail a save on the Shadow Explosion, the avatar can slide you 3 squares.

Guard 1: Move to N10. Ready an attack after Guard 2 moves (for flanking). Scimitar vs Avatar hits AC 30 for 15 damage.

Guard 2: Shifts to N7. Scimitar vs Avatar misses AC 25.

Dwarf: Trip vs Avatar misses AC 1. Uses an Action Point to repeat the same, which misses AC 24.[/sblock][sblock=combatants]Avatar of Ravens
AC 28, Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 29, Resist 20 psychic, Saving Throws +5
Avatar: 323/640 HP, marked by Eithal, -3 to defenses (included above)

Dwarf: 170/194, lion's roar used
Guard 1: 78/99
Guard 2: 82/99

Beatrice: 25/64, bloodied, ongoing 10 psychic and dazed (save ends both), +5 damage rolls TEOE
--Killer: 7/32, bloodied
Damen: 29/69, bloodied, hidden
Eithal: 27/93, bloodied, 10 ongoing psychic (save ends)
Jarel-karn: 58/96, +5 damage rolls TEOE
Scarmiglione: 19/64, bloodied, +5 damage rolls TEOE

[sblock=guard stats for my reference]Guards
AC 23, Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 21, Saving Throws +2 against ongoing

AC 25, Fortitude 24, Reflex 21, Will 21, Saving Throws +2, Dwarf Stench (aura 1, enemies take -2 to attack rolls), Action Points: 1[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=map]
Last edited:


Eithal swings wildly off the mark, "Ah'm tahrd of beyin' yowah bit@#! gahlie!" the voices and the pain from her wounds are too much for the warden. She can't concentrate.[sblock=Actions]Free: Save vs. Ongoing 10
Standard: Strength of Stone
Attack: 1d20+15+2(Flanking)=26 vs. AC Miss
Free: Mark Avatar
Free: Save vs. Ongoing 10

Dude! Who at IC have I offended!?
[/sblock] [sblock=Eithal's Ministats]Eithal Lemindt Arehei Female Goliath Warden Level 9

Initiative: +4
Speed 6
Passive Perception: 19; Passive Insight: 14; Senses: Normal
Powerful Athlete: Roll twice for Jump/Climb Athletics checks
AC: 23; Fort: 23; Reflex: 16; Will: 18
HP: 27/93 Bloodied
Surge Value: 23; Surges left: 5/14
Action Points:0[sblock=At Will Powers]
:melee: Strength of Stone link +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and Eithal gains 5 temporary hit points.

:melee: Thorn Strike link +15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+7 damage and Eithal pulls the target 1 square

:melee:Warden's Fury (Immediate Interrupt) link +15 vs Fortitude
Trigger: An enemy marked by Eithal makes an attack that does not include Eithal as a target

Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and the target grants combat advantage to Eithal and her allies until the end of Eithal's next turn (EONT).

Warden's Grasp (Immediate Reaction) link
Trigger: An enemy marked by Eithal that is within 5 squares of Eithal makes an attack that does not include Eithal as a target.

Effect: Eithal slides the target 1 square. The target is slowed and cannot shift until the end of it's turn. [/sblock][sblock=Encounter Powers]
:melee: Gasping Winds link 1d20+15 vs AC
Hit: 1d12+8 and Eithal pulls each enemy within 3 squares of her 2 squares.

:melee: Relentless Panther Attack link 1d20+15 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d12+8 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends)

Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 2 damage (save ends).

Effect: Before the attack, Eithal shifts her speed

:melee: Oak Sentinel Attack link
Trigger: An enemy within Eithal's reach makes a melee attack against her ally

Attack: 1d20+15 vs. AC

Hit: 2d12+8 damage

Miss: Half damage

Effect: Eithal becomes the target of the triggering attack, even if she isn't within that attack’s range.

:close: Burst of Earth's Fury link 1d20+15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 damage, and the target cannot shift until the end of your next turn.

Mountain Hammer link 1d20+15 vs AC
Hit: 2d12+8 damage and the target takes a -5(Earthstrength) penalty to melee attack rolls until the end of Eithal's next turn

Stone's Endurance link
Effect: Eithal gains resist 5 to all damage until the end of her next turn

Warden's Tempest link
Effect: Eithal Slides the target 1 square

Second Wind [/sblock][sblock=Daily Powers]
Form of the Relentless Panther link
+2 bonus to Reflex and a +1 bonus to attack rolls against enemies marked by Eithal.

In addition, she can shift 2 squares as a move action.

Special: Once during this encounter, Eithal can use the Form of the Relentless Panther Attack power while she is in the form of the Relentless Panther.

Form of the Oak Sentinel link
melee reach increases by 1.

In addition, any enemy that hits Eithal with a melee attack takes 6 damage.

Storm Strike link 1d20+15 vs. AC
Hit: 1d12+8 Lightning damage and Eithal slides the target 3 squares

Miss: Half damage and Eithal slides the target 1 square

Bear's Endurance link
Trigger: Eithal drops to 0 hitpoints or fewer

Effect: Eithal regains hitpoints as if she has spent a healing surge[/sblock][sblock=Equipment][sblock=Bracers of Mighty Striking: Level 2]Property: When Eithal hits with a melee basic attack, she gains a +2 item bonus to the damage roll.[/sblock][sblock=Gloves of Grace: Level 5]Power Daily (Minor Action): An ally adjacent to Eithal makes a saving throw.[/sblock][sblock=Rope of Slave Fighting: Level 7]Property: Eithal does not take the –2 penalty to attack rolls while prone.[/sblock][sblock=Fleetrunner Boots: Level 5]Property: Running gives Eithal only a -2 penalty to attack rolls.[/sblock][sblock=Reading Spectacles: Level ]Property: Eithal can read any language (the spectacles do not grant the ability to speak or write a language).[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=Feats]
Sudden Roots: Whenever Eithal hits an enemy with an Opportunity Attack, that enemy is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Crushing Earthstrength: When Eithal uses her second wind, she gains a +4 bonus to her weapon damage rolls until the end of her next turn.

Guard of Stone: While Eithal is under the effect of her stone’s endurance racial power, each enemy marked by Eithal takes an additional penalty to attack rolls for attacks that don’t include Eithal as a target. The penalty equals her Constitution modifier and lasts until the end of her next turn.

Courage of the Lone Stag: When you mark three or more enemies with Nature’s Wrath, you gain a +2 bonus to weapon damage rolls against creatures you mark until the start of your next turn. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th level, and to +4 at 21st level.[/sblock][/sblock]


First Post
Jarel-karn react at the Avatar attack with a wave of thunder that wound her.

"Eithal, let me distract her." say Jarel-karn before slashing again at the Avatar, but this time missing her.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Immediat Interrupt: Countering Thunderclap vs Fort on Avatar (1d20+13=27, 1d6+14=16) Hit for 16 thunder damage. Can't push avatar, so she can still hit Eithal.

Minor: Aegis on Avatar
Standard: Booming bLade vs AC on Avatar (1d20+18=24, 1d8+14=21, 1d6+14=18) Miss
Minor: Duty's Virtue +2 to all defenses on Eithal against Avatar's attack.[/SBLOCK]

[SBLOCK=Immediat Interrupt]Jarel-karn have many immediate action. Take the first trigger that happens during the round. If many trigger happen at once, take the first in the list.

1) Trigger: A marked enemy hit any ally within 10 squares Power: Aegis of Shielding Effect: Close Burst 10; -10 damage to triggering attack.

2) Trigger: A marked enemy with your Aegis of Shielding target Jarel-karn and at least one ally with an attack. Power: Leather Armor of Aegis Expansion +2 Effect: The damage of the triggering attack is reduced by 7.

3) Trigger: An enemy hit in melee any non-pure-defender ally within 5 squares and pushing the target 1 square would put him out of reach of the ally. Power: Countering Thunderclap Effect: Close Burst 5; +13 vs. Fort; 1d6+9 thunder damage and you push the target 1 square. If the target can no longer reach your ally, the attack misses.

4) Trigger: An enemy hit in melee any non-pure-defender ally within 5 squares and is within 5 squares of another enemy. Power: Dimensional Vortex Effect: Ranged 5; +13 vs. Will against triggering enemy. If hit, you teleport the target 5 squares next to an enemy. The target make his melee attack against the most damaged enemy and do an extra 5 damages if it is marked by Jarel-karn. If there is no target valid, he expend the attack.

5) Trigger: An enemy hit any non-pure-defender ally within 10 squares or Jarel-karn is hit by an attack. Power: Channeling Shield Effect: Close Burst 10; You reduce the damage by 10 from the triggering attack. You next successful attack you make before the end of your next turn will do 5 more damage.[/SBLOCK]

Genasi Swordmage 10
Initiative +5
Passive Insight 16; Passive Perception 16; Normal Vision
HP 58/96; THP 15; Bloodied 48; Surge-Value 25; Surges Per-Day 12/13
AC 28; Fortitude 23(27); Reflex 22(26); Will 21(25)
Resist Ligthning 10
Speed 6
Action Points: 0

Current Effects: None

Basic Attack: Runic Longsword +16 vs AC 1d8+7 damage

Skills: Arcana +15, Athletic +13, Endurence +19, Intimidate +12, Nature +6, Perception +6
Languages: Common, Tsugo

[ ]Aegis of Shielding
[ ]Booming Blade
[ ]Lightning Lure
[ ]Duty's Virtue

[ ]Second Wind
[X]Promise Storm
[X]Wind Fury Attack
[X]Lightning Clash
[X]Dimensional Vortex
[X]Echoes of Sword Magic
[X]Countering Thunderclap
[X]Channeling Shield
[X]Armathor's Step

[X]Dimensional Thunder
[X]Lingering Lightning
[X]Blade Bolt
[X]Impenetrable Warding

[X]Leather Armor of Aegis Expansion +2 [E]
[X]Periapt of Cascading Health [E]
[X]Warded Vambraces [E]
[X]Boots of Fencing Master [E]
[X]Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might [Sword Burst] [E]
[X]Corellon's Boon of Arcane Might [Dual Lightning Strike] [D]


The Avatar counters Jarel-karn's thunderclap with an explosion of her own. This time, the guards are ready for it.

GM: When the Avatar is bloodied, she recharges Shadow Explosion and uses it immediately. She blasts the guards and, somehow, misses all 3 of them (rolled a 1 and two 5s). They take 8 psychic damage. (This would have taken place on the Avatar's turn, so the guards were still grouped together at that point.)

Eithal's Warden's Fury hits Fortitude 25 for 12 damage.


First Post
OOC: [MENTION=57009]Dekana[/MENTION] can you please tell me what the MBAs are for the NPCs? I'm going to use Direct The Strike on someone.

Thanks :)


First Post
Scarmiglione takes a deep breath. "Wish me luck," he murmurs to Damen, before running out into the middle of the room again. A high-pitched, glass-shattering SHRIEK accompanies a flurry of movement so fast that the kenku vanishes entirely, appearing only as streaking light. Unfortunately, it seems to have no effect on the avatar, and when Scarmiglione reappears next to one of the guards, his followup knife slash narrowly misses.

[sblock=actions]Move: to F12.

Standard: spark form, shifting 8 squares so as to enter the avatar's space in M9 and end up in M10. spark form vs Ref (+3 flanking), avatar; damage (+5 wrath of gods)
1(1d20) +13 +3 = 17; 1(1d6) +18 +5 = 24
misses horribly.

Minor: low slash vs Ref (+3 flank), avatar; damage (+5 wrath, +2d6 sneak)
7(1d20) +15 +3 = 25; 1(1d4) +9 +5 +5 +8(2d6) = 28
not happening. Bleah.[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniKenku]Scarmiglione Male Kenku Rogue|Sorcerer 9
Initiative: +9, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Low-light vision
AC:24 (26), Fort:17 (--), Reflex:22 (23), Will:21 (--); Resist 5 psychic
HP:19/64, Bloodied:32, Surge Value:16, Surges left:1/7
Action Points: 0
Blazing Starfall, Sly Flourish
[o] Explosive Pyre
[x] Low Slash
[x] Spark Form
[o] Swift Parry
[x] Songmaster’s Boon (item)
[o] Boots of the Fencing Master (item)
[x] Second Wind

[x] Shocking Magnetism
[x] Thunder Leap
[o] Knockout
[x] Deep Shroud
[x] Lucky Charm (item)

Phase of the Sun: At the start of my turn, each enemy adjacent to me takes 2 fire and radiant damage; resist 5 cold
Phase of the Moon: Bonus to AC equal to number of conscious adjacent enemies; resist 5 psychic
Phase of the Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses me, I can teleport 2 as a free action; resist 5 radiant

[x] First Time Bloodied: Change immediately to next phase.

Conditions: phase of the moon, bloodied, wrath of the gods, fencing master

Note: When Scarmiglione shifts, he gains a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex until EONT (from boots of the fencing master)

Full sheet: Scarmiglione[/sblock]

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