[Adventure] Rage of the Savage Lands (DM: Dekana, Judge: TwoHeadsBarking)

OOC: [MENTION=57009]Dekana[/MENTION] can you please tell me what the MBAs are for the NPCs? I'm going to use Direct The Strike on someone.

Thanks :)
GM: The dwarf guard can use his flail at +16 vs AC, 1d10+7 damage.
The battlemage guards can use their scimitars at +14 vs AC, 2d8+4 damage.

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Damen attempts to make use of the Avatar's distraction with another shot, but its too high this time.
OOC: Tactical trick to gain CA, then fire: Miss
[sblock=Damen (Bloodied)]Damen Bane—Male Drow Outlaw Thief 10
Initiative: +19, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 25, Fort: 18, Reflex: 25 Will: 21 — Speed: 6
HP: 29/69, Bloodied: 34, Surge: 18, Surges left: 5/7
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Ambush Trick
Feinting Trick
Sneak's Trick
Tactical Trick
Fleeting Ghost
Shadow Stride

Backstab x2
Surprise Strike
Cloud of Darkness
Cunning Escape
Slip Aside

Shadowdance Armor +2 (daily)
Boltshard Hand Crossbow +2 (daily)
3 Healing Potions
Potion of Eladrin Shape
Lesser Elixir of Invisiblity
Shadow Dancer's Mask

Damen Bane - PC:Damen Bane (stonegod) - L4W Wiki[/sblock]
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The Avatar shifts her attacks to Jarel-karn, compelled by his magic shield, and she tears into his armor with her plagued longsword. Like Eithal, the genasi's mind is immediately assaulted by visions of impending doom.

One of the human guards lands a magic touch against the Avatar, this time with success. The old god wheezes deeply and is temporarily unable to speak any more threats (probably to the party's relief). The second guard unleashes a gust of wind with hurricane strength, ripping off more raven feathers from the avatar.

The dwarf leaps up and dropkicks the Avatar's legs, knocking her to the ground. "That's how it's done!" he says victoriously as he picks himself up. He then motions to Eithal and Beatrice, who have both suffered greatly under the Avatar's attacks. "Now, are ye' gonna let me have all the fun? Are ye' ladies warriors or little girlies?"

[sblock=actions]Avatar: Fails to recharge Shadow Explosion. Standard: Plagued Longsword vs Jarel-karn hits AC 34 for 13 damage and 10 ongoing psychic (save ends).

If you fail a save on the Shadow Explosion, the avatar can slide you 3 squares.

Guard 1: Drowning Touch vs Avatar hits Fortitude 32. She is dazed and takes 10 ongoing damage (save ends both).

Guard 2: Whirling Vortex vs Avatar crits for 22 damage, and the guard can slide the Avatar 3 squares (but he chooses not to).

Dwarf: Standard: Trip vs Avatar hits Reflex 31 for 10 damage and the Avatar is knocked prone. Minor: Inspiring Word on Beatrice, heals for surge + 7. (2 surges left) Minor: Rousing Words on Eithal. Spend 2 surges + 6. (3 surges left)[/sblock][sblock=combatants]Avatar of Ravens
AC 28, Fortitude 25, Reflex 26, Will 29, Resist 20 psychic, Saving Throws +5
Avatar: 263/640 HP, aegis'd by Jarel-karn, prone, dazed and ongoing 10 (save ends both), -3 to defenses (included above)

Dwarf: 162/194, lion's roar, rousing words, inspiring word x1 used
Guard 1: 70/99
Guard 2: 74/99

Beatrice: 37/64, ongoing 10 psychic and dazed (save ends both), +5 damage rolls TEOE
--Killer: 7/32, bloodied
Damen: 29/69, bloodied, hidden
Eithal: 63/93, +2 defenses, ongoing 10 psychic (save ends)
Jarel-karn: 2+58/96, ongoing 10 psychic (save ends), +5 damage rolls TEOE
Scarmiglione: 19/64, bloodied, +5 damage rolls TEOE

[sblock=guard stats for my reference]Guards
AC 23, Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 21, Saving Throws +2 against ongoing

AC 25, Fortitude 24, Reflex 21, Will 21, Saving Throws +2, Dwarf Stench (aura 1, enemies take -2 to attack rolls), Action Points: 1[/sblock][/sblock][sblock=map]

Scarmiglione crouches, watching the avatar with beady-eyed intensity, before slashing out violently with his knife. Unfortunately, the avatar staggers at precisely that moment, and Scarmiglione deals only a glancing blow. Cursing loudly and in several different voices, he retreats toward the throne.

[sblock=actions and rolls][MENTION=57009]Dekana[/MENTION] Scarm was trying to knock the avatar out so he could take her yucky sword away. If this tactic wouldn't have worked owing to the sword having no real existence separate from the monster or whatever, he would have used explosive pyre instead (as noted in the roll link itself). Either way, he missed, but which power is expended depends upon whether it would have been possible to take the sword in the first place.

Standard: Knockout vs Fort (+3 flock flank), Avatar; damage (+5 wrath, +2d6 sneak); if retconned, use this d20 roll for explosive pyre
4(1d20) +15 +3 = 22; 6(2d4) +9 +5 +2(2d6) = 22
knockout misses. Avatar takes half damage (11 points) and is dazed EONT (irrelevant, as she's already dazed).

Move: to G10.[/sblock]
[sblock=MiniKenku]Scarmiglione Male Kenku Rogue|Sorcerer 9
Initiative: +9, Passive Perception: 19, Passive Insight: 14, Senses: Low-light vision
AC:24 (--), Fort:17 (--), Reflex:22 (--), Will:21 (--); Resist 5 psychic
HP:19/64, Bloodied:32, Surge Value:16, Surges left:1/7
Action Points: 0
Blazing Starfall, Sly Flourish
[o] Explosive Pyre
[x] Low Slash
[x] Spark Form
[o] Swift Parry
[x] Songmaster’s Boon (item)
[o] Boots of the Fencing Master (item)
[x] Second Wind

[x] Shocking Magnetism
[x] Thunder Leap
[x] Knockout
[x] Deep Shroud
[x] Lucky Charm (item)

Phase of the Sun: At the start of my turn, each enemy adjacent to me takes 2 fire and radiant damage; resist 5 cold
Phase of the Moon: Bonus to AC equal to number of conscious adjacent enemies; resist 5 psychic
Phase of the Stars: Whenever an enemy's attack misses me, I can teleport 2 as a free action; resist 5 radiant

[x] First Time Bloodied: Change immediately to next phase.

Conditions: phase of the moon, bloodied, wrath of the gods

Note: When Scarmiglione shifts, he gains a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex until EONT (from boots of the fencing master)

Full sheet: Scarmiglione[/sblock]
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[sblock=Mewness]It was a good idea, and I would have let it work. Alas, there's not much you can do with that roll. Sorry, but Knockout is expended.[/sblock]

Damen risks another shot while the Avatar is down. His lack of honor pays off, and she takes the bolt to the thigh.
OOC: CA, but -2 from being prone: Hit, 29 hp.
[sblock=Damen Bane (Bloodied)]Damen Bane—Male Drow Outlaw Thief 10
Initiative: +19, Passive Perception: 20, Passive Insight: 15
AC: 25, Fort: 18, Reflex: 25 Will: 21 — Speed: 6
HP: 29/69, Bloodied: 34, Surge: 18, Surges left: 5/7
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones: 0
Powers -
Ambush Trick
Feinting Trick
Sneak's Trick
Tactical Trick
Fleeting Ghost
Shadow Stride

Backstab x2
Surprise Strike
Cloud of Darkness
Cunning Escape
Slip Aside

Shadowdance Armor +2 (daily)
Boltshard Hand Crossbow +2 (daily)
3 Healing Potions
Potion of Eladrin Shape
Lesser Elixir of Invisiblity
Shadow Dancer's Mask

Damen Bane - PC:Damen Bane (stonegod) - L4W Wiki[/sblock]

I'm old enough to be your grandmother dear, I'm not girl.

she shouts
OOC: Direct The Strike on Battlemage Guard 1, 31 vs AC 17 damage.http://invisiblecastle.com/roller/view/3518369/
Save succeed!!!

Beatrice Human Blackguard|Warlord 9
Initiative: +4 | Passive perception: 16 | Passive Insight: 14
AC: 26(+2 against OA) | Fort: 22 | Ref: 20 | Will: 22
HP: 20/64 | Bloodied: 32 | Surge value: 16 | Surges: 3/9
Speed: 5 | Languages: Allarian, Primordial
AP: 0| Second Wind:
Melee Basic Attack (including her permanent melee CA from pack outcast): +16 vs AC, 1d12+8 damage (+2 AC item bonus against the target EONT.) +1d6 (horned helm) & +1d8 damage (vanguard weapon) on charge.
Ranged Basic Attack: N/A (have to use daggers)
Powers: Ardent Strike, Ferocious Strike, Direct the Assault, Summon Killer
Invigorating Word, Dread Smite X0/2, Vengeance is Mine, Encouraging Boost, Swift Recovery, Battlefront Shift, Bravura Presence
Blood of the Mighty, Stand the Fallen, Wraith of the Gods, Vanguard's Weapon

Conditions: +5 power bonus to damage rolls.

[sblock=When spending an action point(please read)]
Bravura Presence: Once per encounter when an ally who can see Beatrice spends an action point to take an extra action and uses the action to make an attack, the ally can choose to use this feature before the attack roll. If the attack hits he/she can either make an extra basic attack or a move action as a free action, is he misses the ally instead the ally grants CA EONT.

[sblock=Vengeance is mine reaction]
Vengeance is mine (Encounter Immediate Reaction Melee weapon ✦ Martial)
Target: Personal
An enemy hits Beatrice.

Effect: Beatrice makes an MBA against the triggering enemy and one ally within 5 squares can move his or her speed and make a MBA against the triggering enemy as a free action.
[sblock=Killer the Blink Dog]
Hp: 14/32 AC:24 Fort22: Ref:22 Will:22 Medium Fey Beast
Perception=+8 Low-light Vision
Speed 7

Aura 1:Killer or any Ally in the aura can teleport to another square in the aura as a move action. Any enemy in the aura grants Beatrice CA.

MBA Biting Blink:
+14 vs AC, 1d8+4 and Killer teleports 2 squares.

Str:14 Dex:20 Wis:14 Con:17 Int:2 Cha:6
[sblock=Battlefront Shift ]
Battlefront Shift (Encounter No Action Burst 3 ✦ Martial)
You or 1 ally in burst.

You roll initiative.

The target shifts half their speed.

Please mention in
if you are using the power.

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