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Airwalkrr's 4e Game IC: Ch 2 Amnesia

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The journey to Avandra's shrine is rather uneventful and takes up very little of your morning. Within about an hour or so, the sun has still barely crept up above the horizon and you find yourselves approaching a wooded roadside vista a few dozen meters off the main highway which houses a small chapel adorned with the trappings of the faith of Avandra. Prayers for travelers adorn the entryway, which is open to the interior. A ruddy-faced halfling with curly brown hair and bare feet tends the shrubs and flowers outside which contribute to the inviting atmosphere. The halfling wears the signature traveling pack of a priest of Avandra. Off to the side of the chapel is a stone-lined fountain which seems to trickle with clear and refreshing water, possibly from a natural spring.

"Hi-ho, travelers," the halfling calls to your party as you approach, getting up and dusting the soil off his clothes and hands before coming to meet you, "and welcome to Avandra's Shrine. Please, refill your waterskins at the fountain and take a moment to rest within if it suits you."


"Tomlin, primary caretaker of this shrine, a pleasure," the halfling says, introducing himself to Krawlinstar and shaking his hand. "Things have been quiet here, but thank you for asking. Is there anything in particular I can do for you?"


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As the caretaker chats, the party can see they're not the only ones availing themselves of Avandra's mercies for travelers. Sitting on the edge of the fountain is a young woman in dusty, road-worn leather armor and clothing. She looks to be fairly young, perhaps in her early 20's, with shoulder-length sandy blonde hair, slightly sun-touched skin, and pleasant features with a spatter of freckles over her nose and cheeks. She's munching on a corner of waybread while her waterskin refills in the pool beside her.

She glances up at the group and nods in acknowledgement, but doesn't otherwise react.

A sharp eye spots the hilt of a sword at her left hip and something smaller...dagger or short sword at her right. The curve of a bow pokes up over her shoulder.

Voda Vosa

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Never the slower to react before a woman, Petron lunches forward after muttering a "HellothereandwellmetmynameisPetron,pleasetomeetyouTomlin" to the halfling priest.
More eloquently, Petron approaches the fountain, waterskin already in his hands. "My greetings young lady, I see you are resting after a tiresome journey, yes?" he winks and proceeds to refill his waterskin with the refreshing water, taking a long swing of it and exclaiming in satisfaction "AHHH! Nothing like fresh water for tired hearts. I'm Petron by the way." he says, nodding emphatically.


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"Amicae," she replies with a small smile. "Resting, yes, though my journey is far from over." For a moment Amicae regards the others who had come in with this 'Petron.' "Is that one of the elf-folk?" she asks curiously.

Voda Vosa

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"Well met then Amicae." replies Petron, extending a chain-gloved hand. "You mean him? Oh yes, he's our spiritual guide, or walking healer's kit, as I like to call him. Where are you travelling to young Amicae, if you allow me the indiscretion of asking?"


GM: Krawlinstar is human. The only elf in the party is no-tweed's character, Scarlet, who has yet to be introduced. Still working with no-tweed to see if Scarlet will have been with the group all along (essentially taking Lia's place) or if Scarlet is going to be introduced here at the shrine, but I think it will be the latter.


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While the group was otherwise occupied, Scarlet took her chance to slip into the shrine. She was wearing a traveling cloak over her armor and clothes but it did little to hide her gait. She dusted herself off at the door and paid a bit of homage to Avandra and began her work. She'd cased the group while they were at the inn and they seemed the perfect alibi. Adventurers by the looks of them, they had a charge in the big quiet one in armor and a newly gained charge in the little girl. They'd be out of town long enough to cover her tracks and just trustworthy enough to give her ample cover.

She moved towards the fountain where the loud mouth ladies man she'd chosen was chatting up a supple young thing, distracted yes, but few men could ignore her for long. She bent down and filled her water skin, then throwing back her hood, flipping out her long luscious brown hair she took a long drink from it, exposing her long neck, her pale skin and her plump breasts and let a few drops of water flow down to her chest.

"Oh you're Petron? You are a hard man to find."

Voidrunner's Codex

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