• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Any interest? [closed to recruiting]


What sort of setting were you thinking of running? In any case, I might be thinking about a Druid/Monk, with the Aspect of Nature variant ability from Unearthed Arcana, if you would allow it.
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Vigwyn the Unruly said:
I am thinking of jumping back into the PbP DM gaming thing. I have DM'ed PbP 4 or 5 times previously, and all of the games have come to a successful conclusion except one that was totally derailed by the massive server crash many months ago.

Here's what I have in mind. I'm thinking of a relatively free-form game with no set adventure, but placed in and around a small town. There would be opportunities for adventuring in town, in the surrounding wilderness, in ruins and dungeons, etc., depending on the characters' decisions and the players' desires. This would require quite a bit of making it up as I go, but I think I have the resources for that. The 'feel' of the game would be similar to 1980s Basic D&D, and I would like to stick with the standard fantasy races and classes.

I would need two 5th level characters using the gestalt rules from Unearthed Arcana (these rules can also be found at d20srd.org if you do not own Unearthed Arcana). I would prefer a party that has all the major roles covered.

I would need players to commit to posting within 24 hours of a DM update most of the time, and to be willing to wait a couple of days between DM updates (my goal would be 3-4 updates a week). Also, the intimate nature of the game--only having 2 PCs--would require a little more roleplaying than a typical online game. 'Powergamers' and 'min/maxers' might not prefer this game.

Any interest in this?

So I see a recruiting post from Vigwyn and I immediately think of pulling Norbrit off the shelf and blowing the dust off. Alas, he's not gestalt, and it appears you've got more than enough interest at the moment anyway. Although, if I were going to put a character into the mix, I think a human Ranger/Barbarian would serve nicely.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
industrygothica said:
So I see a recruiting post from Vigwyn and I immediately think of pulling Norbrit off the shelf and blowing the dust off. Alas, he's not gestalt, and it appears you've got more than enough interest at the moment anyway. Although, if I were going to put a character into the mix, I think a human Ranger/Barbarian would serve nicely.
IG, it's nice to hear from you again. It would be good to have Norbrit in a game again too--what a great character! Do you have any interest in making him gestalt for purposes of this game? Alternatively, do you have any interest in playing a character with arcane spell casting abilities, or maybe a rogue level or two?

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Everybody, I appreciate all the interest, and will definitely be starting up a game. Right now, I would like to give Creamsteak and Industrygothica first dibs on being in the game if they so desire. But until I get definite commitments from them, feel free to submit character ideas or very brief sketches.




I'm stealing from my own vault here (a lot of this was originally developed for an NPC I never really got to use fully). I had to append a different ending, so it comes out a bit longer. Everything is described "In Character" to somewhat develop the character's voice.

[sblock][sblock]Part 1
"Edgar is my father's name. At least, that's what my mother always told me. She worked in the tavern, where I've spent most of my life. She always told me that as soon as my uncle Thomas tracked down the man who sired me, he would come home and settle down, and we'd live a life in luxury with his money. My mother wasn't very wise, I suppose. She was a barmaid, and she got knocked up when some shiny armored up adventurer decided that he had a liking for her. She named me after him. Of course, that's only accurate if the name he gave was even his real name. I took it upon myself to one day giver her the luxury she thought she might eventually have."

"I grew up under the tables in that tavern. In exchange for my own room and board, as soon as I was able to walk and talk, I was in charge of watching the pockets of the good folks that were regulars from town. That didn't mean much except when travelers would stop by. I'd watch their hands, as best I could, to make sure nothing was ever stolen from the regular folk. The couple times I managed to catch a thief, I'd end up inciting an argument between the pickpocket and the locals. Those never went very well for the locals, even if they did manage to get the thief to confess and hand over the money."

"Once I was old enough to turn a rusted out crank, I was put to work in the Brewery at night. In exchange, I was given some change to help make my life and my mother's easier. It was good work, even though I was getting in the way more than anything. I learned enough about being a brewer to make myself useful, but that was about the only technical training I ever had. It was an easier time, back before the tavern became a shade more dangerous."

"About the time I was old enough to mean anything, the bartender was getting to that age where he couldn't be his own enforcer anymore. At the same time, the rogues' guild that my uncle was a charter member of started picking up some really nasty types. My uncle, being on the road as often as he is, had no idea just how nasty his old friends had been getting. Apparently some of them had done something real awful, and now the guild was growing a great deal. The bar went from an occasional place to have a drink to a meeting place for a bunch of thugs. At the same time, my spotting job was made into a bouncing job, and it wasn't exactly the easiest. I had my ass handed to me quite a few times, and it wasn't just fists coming for me."

"So I decided I needed some weapons training, and the only place I could get it around here was the constable. He wasn't the smartest man, but he knew how to use his axe, and he knew how to teach. That was good enough for me, but it meant I'd have to serve in the watch. That meant I couldn't be at the bar nearly as much, and it meant a lot of work. I took him up on the offer, and ended up pulling two hard jobs and trying not to look like a slouch at either. It was tough, and even after I felt like I had learned everything I could from the watch, I wasn't about to quit."

"There was also a girl around this time, someone that I honestly thought I'd end up married to. The inn across town employed her, and she had a similar upbringing. The difference with her being she knew her mother and father, and considering her father ran the inn, she had a pretty good future to look forwards to... better than mine. We courted for two full years, and I honestly enjoyed her company. Thing was, I was beginning to feel like my life was headed nowhere, and I wanted to leave. I wanted to hit the road and see someplace else. I had lived in a lowly bar most of my life, and I wanted to do something. She didn't like that very much, and tried to dissuade me. The more she tried, though, the more I was ready to leave. Let's leave it at this: we parted ways and she ended up marrying a bard. That pretty much covers that end of my life."[/sblock]

[sblock]Part 2
"So I got on the road, got myself moving, and along with a flail that had at one time belonged to the town's priest, I started traveling in circles. I'd go to the next town, and then to the town after that, but by the time I hit the third or fourth town, I started heading back. I was never gone for more than two seasons; it was because I was worried about my mother. I wasn't earning a great deal of money traveling either, it seemed like I was just whittling away at the pennies I had managed to save from working two full jobs for four full years."

"I did this for two years, walking circular paths from town to town, until I came home one day and found the bar empty."

"Don't worry, nothing bad had happened, it was just a slow night."

"The only person in the place was a man with a yellowish hue of skin and a pointed set of ears. He looked like he was a packrat, with two huge bags strapped to his back, and an extremely dingy fur coat. I wouldn't have thought much of it, had the bar not been completely empty at the time. I heard someone moving things up the stairwell from the cellar, and went around to help the bartender move up a really old barrel of oil. He said hello, asked if I had visited my mother yet, and told me that the thieves' guild had been attacked while I was away. Apparently, with the consent of the watch, their underground network was infiltrated by a group of travelers who had been looking for something the thieves had stolen from an exceptionally wealthy man a couple towns over. I asked, of course, if my uncle had been there, and luckily he hadn't. Apparently none of the charter members had been involved at all, and they were all on their way back at this very moment."

"So, I sat down next to the funny looking man, with his oddly stretched skin, and I asked him a few questions. Basic questions you use to gauge a persons personality, find out what kind of group would be heading in. Not really because I was interested, but mostly because I was worried that anyone who had the kind of money necessary in order to afford that kind of ale was probably dangerous. My judgment though, was that this man was strict and disciplined. He was dangerous, but not the kind of danger that I had been worried about. At one point he told me that I looked like the sort of person that he would travel with, and even though I wasn't sure if he was hitting on me or just making conversation, I had to ask a few more questions.

"He proposed something to me that was probably the best bargain I had ever come across, though there was no way of knowing it at the time. He offered to teach me how the world really works. This wasn't a lesson in philosophy or anthropology, this was a lesson in how the real forces of the world works. The man taught me how to hunt, and how to be fair to the land. But that wasn't his limit, he helped me understand the ebb and flow of the elements and the forests. Now, to someone a thousand years ago, maybe this stuff would seem like common sense, but I grew up in a bar, with no idea who or where my father was. To me, these lessons were like an escape from a cage I was born into."[/sblock]

[sblock]Part 3
"After a year with this man, I had given my last coin to my poor mother. She had taken to a sickness that left her bedridden. When I told my mentor of her illness, he said that he could help. The cost, however, was rather exacting. I told him I was out of money, and there wasn't much hope of me raising enough to pay for her recovery. Apparently, though, coin isn't currency where he was from. He said the only payment he needed was an oath that I would need to take."

"I wasn't quite certain what this meant at the time, but the next night we traveled to a dark part of the forests I hadn't ever seen before where seven stones were raised out of the earth. Four other men were there, all strange and clearly changed like the teacher. Through ritual, my eyes were given new light and my spirits lifted. There I was initiated into the brotherhood of the leaf, as a Warden."

"Ever since that night, I've had the ability to help others, in more than just labor or the use of a blade. I was able to help my mother's illness with my own two hands, and I'm proud of that. I still owe her, more than she knows, and I intend to help her with the best of my abilities. However, with this power came extra responsibility. Now I have to be both a son and a protector defender. I have to do everything in my ability to maintain the balance, and follow the old way. Really, it's not that different from my childhood. Two jobs at once, maybe more. Either way, I do what needs to be done."

"I still have goals though. This definitely isn't the end. There are a lot of loose ends to tie up, and this is just the start."[/sblock][/sblock]
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Vigwyn the Unruly said:
IG, it's nice to hear from you again. It would be good to have Norbrit in a game again too--what a great character! Do you have any interest in making him gestalt for purposes of this game? Alternatively, do you have any interest in playing a character with arcane spell casting abilities, or maybe a rogue level or two?

I don't think I could do Norbrit justice with another class, and arcane casters and I never really saw eye-to-eye. I could definitely handle up on the rogue though. I had a nice and tragic rogue/druid that'd be good, I think, but it looks like Creamsteak has a handle on the druid spot.

I'll give the arcane thing a shot and put out a rogue/sorcerer. Should be able to work on a background tonight at work, but it could end up being a day or so. You know my whacked up work schedule.

Nac Mac Feegle

First Post
I would be extremely interested in this (I think I've played in one of your games before, and you've got an excellent track record :)).

I've got a handle on the UA gestalt rules, and a few ideas for a character. I'm not sure exactly what I'd go for, but I could tailor it to whatever we need. Random ideas include going straight Fighter/Cleric (the real paladin :)), Ranger/Rogue, Cleric/Wizard, and many others.

If you want a background from people, I'll start working one up asap and post it up here (hopefully by tonight). Hoping like hell to get in.


I have a lot on my plate also, so if another player steps up that you want in the game, just inform me and I'll step down. I have enough to keep myself from getting bored, obviously.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
industrygothica said:
I don't think I could do Norbrit justice with another class, and arcane casters and I never really saw eye-to-eye. I could definitely handle up on the rogue though. I had a nice and tragic rogue/druid that'd be good, I think, but it looks like Creamsteak has a handle on the druid spot.

I'll give the arcane thing a shot and put out a rogue/sorcerer. Should be able to work on a background tonight at work, but it could end up being a day or so. You know my whacked up work schedule.
I agree. Norbrit is too great as is to mess up at this point. If you would like to put together a character with arcane abilities, and maybe some rogue, please do so. If not, let me know as soon as you can, so that I can give someone else a shot at it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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