Behind the Curtain - OOC (full)


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I picked up Mutants and Masterminds a few months back with the realization that my own gaming group would probably never be interested in playing. I like the rules and the genre enough, however, to take a crack at running a game here.

Stylistically, I'm aiming for more of the four-color comics flavor. Plenty of tongue-in-cheek humor, while still maintaining a bit of grounding in the real world. I would also like to shift the focus of the game somewhat away from the big plotline and onto the individual characters' stories. For this reason, I'm probably going to limit this to only four players, with the expectation that each will develop an interesting character with fairly well developed concept/backstory.

I'm still working on the game concept, but here's a rough version of my vision. The world closely resembles modern Earth, subjected to many typical movie and television conventions. Game will be set in a generic US city - probably something along the east coast ala Gotham or Metropolis. Up to this point in Earth's history, there have been (almost) no superpowers. Then, just a few months ago, things changed. Curtains of mysterious energy, whose appearance was not unlike the aurora, swept across the planet in bands. The curtains seemed mostly harmless, only causing sporadic electrical interference. Speculation as to their nature was rampant through the media and scientific communities - solar activity, new military weapon systems, government-induced mass hallucinations, etc. After two days, their intensity and frequency decreased dramatically, but the bands have continued to appear seemingly at random ever since.

Not long after the initial passage of the curtains of energy, strange things started happening. Some people were transformed into...other things. Creatures once believed mythical appeared. Super powers were manifested. Certain places on the planet began to exhibit unusual and/or physically impossible characteristics. In short, the energy bands had caused something to happen.

Now, several months later, the world is still in a bit of turmoil and people are trying to come to terms with the changes. Most people were not directly affected, but stories of the odd and supernatural now dominate every news outlet. Physicists, upon reviewing the data collected during the initial outbreak and of the subsequent "mini energy curtains", believe that the barrier between this universe and its neighbors has thinned - allowing unpredictable bleed-over. Theories have now exploded about whether this is a cyclical type of event, one that may have been responsible for everything from the mass dinosaur extinctions to the sinking of Atlantis to the triggering of ice ages.

This is still very much a work in progress, but I'm eager to give it a try. Interested players are invited and encouraged to provide their own input and suggestions around the basic framework I've put forth. As super powers have only just begun to manifest within the last three months, all characters will still be coming to terms with their newfound abilities, and this will be prominent theme in the game.

Character creation:

Characters begin at level 8. All powers are available, though I may discourage the use of certain ones in the interest of my story telling style. A good character concept will go a long way toward overcoming my personal distaste for a few of the powers. (Try to stick to a unified "theme" when it comes to power selection.)

No house rules. Until I'm more familiar with the game, I'm not prepared to change it.

Power sources should fit in line with the world concept above. e.g. - Mutation, mystic, and training fit well; alien and super-science less so.
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*waves* wow a M&M game and I didn't notice it only after it's full. I'd be real interested. Allready running two M&M games but I somehow never get to play it myself.
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Radiant said:
*waves* wow a M&M game and I didn't notice it only after it's full. I'd be real interested. Allready running two M&M games but I somehow never get to play it myself.

Yeah, I was kinda waiting around for one to open myself. Got tired of that and finally just decided to try running one.

Anyway, good to have you aboard. I'm eager to see some character concepts.


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Interested here too. I have one of my many concept that could be interesting to test... but I got a question. As it is recent the mutation, how about devices and Super-Science? Is a super-Intelligent mutant would had got the time to devellop many devices?


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Velmont said:
Interested here too. I have one of my many concept that could be interesting to test... but I got a question. As it is recent the mutation, how about devices and Super-Science? Is a super-Intelligent mutant would had got the time to devellop many devices?

Yeah, that's why I mentioned above that such power sources might not fit very well. However, it's not supposed to be set on the "actual" earth, so some of this could possibly slide. Go ahead and post a concept. If it seems too far out there on the tech side, I might ask for you to back off a bit. Having a few devices may be perfectly reasonable, however.


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Well, it looks like we've got our four players. If someone wants to post as an alternate, that would be fine, but I think the four of you are among the more reliable/regular posters here.

It'll probably be about a week before I'm ready, so we have plenty of time to get ideas posted. Feel free to work together on some concepts or diversification of powers if you like.

I will post any other background that may be useful or relevant as I get it prepared.


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morrolan said:
Consider me as an alternate?!

Really though, I can tell your gonna need five players. ;)

Consider yourself considered. :)

Feel free to write up a character concept. Maybe if you can really sell me on it, I'll relent and run with five characters...

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