BLEB1: Beer Run (stonegod - Designated Driver)

OOC: Brews is paying 350gp a piece to you (not including the 50 advance), so you could in theory take some of that now.

Kenn is able to find the curved knives once limited to the high mountains of Sarlona, though oft replicated during the Last War. Karrnathi regiments were common with them, the command "Sever you life so you may return to defend the Fatherland lest the enemy take away your honor" given to infantry in the last days. If death was imminent, the goal was to take ones life behind Karnnathi lines in order to join the undead ranks soon thereafter. It is common knowledge that the Cyrans, Thranes, and Aundarians all burnt the bodies of the dead to ensure that could not happen.

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Kenn considers making a few pointed remarks about the efficiency of stabbing blades in killing people versus the efficiency of cutting blades, then recognizes that he's actually purchasing one.
In fairness, though, he intends to use it on undead warforged, which are about as not people as he can imagine...except for flumphs.
He considers adding a T-shaped punching dagger, but reflects he's carrying enough weaponry anyway.

Whistling, he returns to the party, the warknife adding more weight to his long coat.
"Going to have to do something about that." he muses.
"My silhouette's gone all lumpy."

Khuther Qbyer Dwarf Sorcerer

Khuther walks to the nearest potion shop taking some vials out of the stands and handing them to the shop keeper. 'All of those sir, any possibility you can give me a discount?'

ooc: 4x Cure light wounds (200gp), Shillelagh (oil) (50gp). Total = 250gp
Bluff +2 - 1d20+2=12

Kuther is able to get his purchases, but at standard prices. The grinning salesperson just talks the dwarf in circles.

In the morning, everything is set. The barrels are in place, and the airship and gnomes both on their way. Soon, the trio begin their homeward stretch.

In no hurry, the group takes the well defined road to Rekkenmark. The cart threatens to give them some trouble, but holds reluctantly. In four days time—slowed by their cargo—the group once again finds themselves in the Karnnathi city with the question remaining on how to get home.

Khuther jumps down from the cart, stretching his legs and looks over to Rio and Kenn. 'Was it a river we had to cross here? seaway to Flamekeep and then to the lightningrail from Fairhaven? Im not to much into politics, i might have suggested a dangerous route'

Kenn opens his journal and flips back a few pages.
"I think it was less politics and more logistics."
He rolls his eyes.
"Gods of the host protect us."
He looks at Kuther, mock-horrified.
"I'll bet we need to fill out customs forms!"

travel plans

I think we can just backtrack: take the lightning rail to Korth, get the non-destroyed ferry, and go back downriver under the bridge to connect with the lightning rail again, riding it back into Sharn.
But we need to go by the S&S junk shop to return their mule.
Kenn also wants to pick up some toy soldiers.

Kenn opens his journal and flips back a few pages.
"I think it was less politics and more logistics."
He rolls his eyes.
"Gods of the host protect us."
He looks at Kuther, mock-horrified.
"I'll bet we need to fill out customs forms!"

'I should kick you in the leg Kenn!' Khuther laughs light hearthed and changes Kenns hair color to pink with a spell 'better use some color' 'and i will take it away soon as you always taken me safe back home'

Kenn raises an eyebrow.
He sighs and settles his slouch hat firmly on his head.

"You do realize I'm now obliged to shout something outlandish every time someone someone attacks us, right?"

Glancing over his shoulder at Rio, he adds shamefacedly "And all the heroes get to laugh at me. Come on, let's book us a boat with some cargo space."

Kenn will also gleefully haggle Sanford down for the Heron Guard models once he's attended to business.

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