Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The group makes their way to the Orien station to arrange shipping over the rail to Korth where they will pick up a ferry to Thaloist. The straining cart gets a eye over by the attendant who takes it to a large frame of timbers that act as a scale. Hmm. Bit over a ton, eh? To Korth? That'll have to be the Sunrise Limited tomorrow. Gonna be 130 gold for the cargo alone, normal fares for the rest. Pays your tickets at the counter once you mind is a made.
OOC: 130gp for cargo, 28 gold and 2 silver standard fare for each person, while steerage is 4 gold, 2 silver, and 3 copper. The train will get you there latter in the day tomorrow; departure is 6am sharp. DrownedHero: Please mark off the cost whatever the group decides.
After handling the cargo, Kenn returns with the cart to the salavage market of S. and Son. The old man is quite put out by his return. Lamont! It be those outlanders again! Goin' to be complaining about the merchandise! Oh, Keeper, they want to put out my weak heart, I know it! Probably got old Esther a-killed, too!
Lamont, shaking his head, negotiates 10 galifars for the return of Esther and the cart. Kenn, covertly eying the solider set, gets its price down to 20 gold coins, for a net 10 galifar cost if he so decides.
OOC: 130gp for cargo, 28 gold and 2 silver standard fare for each person, while steerage is 4 gold, 2 silver, and 3 copper. The train will get you there latter in the day tomorrow; departure is 6am sharp. DrownedHero: Please mark off the cost whatever the group decides.
After handling the cargo, Kenn returns with the cart to the salavage market of S. and Son. The old man is quite put out by his return. Lamont! It be those outlanders again! Goin' to be complaining about the merchandise! Oh, Keeper, they want to put out my weak heart, I know it! Probably got old Esther a-killed, too!
Lamont, shaking his head, negotiates 10 galifars for the return of Esther and the cart. Kenn, covertly eying the solider set, gets its price down to 20 gold coins, for a net 10 galifar cost if he so decides.