BLEB1: Beer Run (stonegod - Designated Driver)

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Drowned Hero

First Post
Khuhter follows the cargo to its place and starts the use of his dragonmark spell. He will stay at the nearest tavern eating stew and a glass of wine.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The rail journey is uneventful, if early, and Kuther quickly makes arrangements for the ferry. This part takes longer, due to one of the ferries having been burned a few days back, and it is not until late that the group makes it to Thaloist. The next rail will not leave until the morrow, so there are train and lodging arrangements to be made.

OOC: I'll post the fees later.


Get the train tickets and cargo arrangements made first: Kenn, at least, never thought of warehouse space overnight. Depending on how early we can load the train, we may be kipping in the freight yard.

Drowned Hero

First Post
Khuther takes the task of loding the cargo and purchase of ticket to the lightning rail.

'Hopefully we get some fast service and we can you store all this beer until tomorrow early'
Khuther comments to Kenn and Rio 'when did you say the rail leaves' he ask to the rail ticker seller when finishing the queue to get attended.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As evening falls, the group manages to get some Orien porters to deliver their cargo to the lightning rail station. Security it tight, with significant Deneith presence, due in part to heightened Aundairian sympathist raids in the area. Kenn is fairly certain it will be kept perfectly safe.

Meanwhile, Rio manages to secure some lodging at an establishment near the station catering to travelers. The price is not cheap, but the proximity could not be beat. 1gp per head with a light meal. The place is busy, with significant Brelish and Thranite presence.

Assuming the party does not seek trouble, the morning finds everything in order. Seats are arranged for the trip (let me know what class you'll be taking), and folks settle in for the trek.

Drowned Hero

First Post
'Steerage tickets please, three of them' Khuther says to the Ticketmaster 'better to be near that cargo cart of the rail i believe, even if the seats will leave my bottom sore' he says to Kenn and Rio.

Voidrunner's Codex

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