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DnD 3.5 - Valley of the Dead


Thy wounds are healed!
just from the game as i understand it so far we will be facing undead

Undead come in numbers usually Shayuri so I would say a big blaster type
heavy on area effect if you can go warlock and get plenty of area effect invocations go for it but I would be thinking multipe hits weaken for the rest of us and take out chunks on your own

lets see party lvl 8 so EL8=

7 zombies , 5 skeletons
10-12 ghouls
7-9 bugbear zombies
5-6 ghasts
4 minotaur zombies
3 mummys
or 2 grey render zombies

this is the low encounters we will face an EL 11 would be 10 zombies and 8 skletons

thats my two cents


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First Post
Did anyone have any advice for which tank-y class I should go with? Fighter/Barb/Knight?

Any preferences/advice?
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Thy wounds are healed!
Don't know knight but from what you have been discussing sounds kool but i'd have to vote fighter for weapon specialization (and are you sword and board or two hander?)

you don't need to rage for a +4 str bonus just ask i got a spell just for it

another thought is hp though if we get max hp per lvl those two extra per hit die add up


First Post
Don't know knight but from what you have been discussing sounds kool but i'd have to vote fighter for weapon specialization (and are you sword and board or two hander?)

you don't need to rage for a +4 str bonus just ask i got a spell just for it

another thought is hp though if we get max hp per lvl those two extra per hit die add up

Player's Handbook II Excerpt (Knight Info) It can also be found on Crystalkeep, Holyman.

Anyways, my intent was to go 'sword and board' with a Morning Star and a Heavy Steel shield. (Basically walk around as a giant tin can and soak up blows).


Thy wounds are healed!
morning star then I'd go Barbarian savage weapon for a savage fighter

good hp
medium armor but DR
and who needs to read and write i don't think the undead remember how to either, so there will be no pening them a treaty so they can surrender

And of course you get plenty of skulls to decorate with :cool:


Voda Vosa

First Post
Dang! I lost this one! Looking forward to play a game dmed by you, you strike me as a great rp dm, but I've been hell busy, just saw it now. Dang agian.


First Post
morning star then I'd go Barbarian savage weapon for a savage fighter

good hp
medium armor but DR
and who needs to read and write i don't think the undead remember how to either, so there will be no pening them a treaty so they can surrender

And of course you get plenty of skulls to decorate with :cool:


Figured Morningstar would be an optimal choice for slaying undead. Bludgeoning(good on skellies) and piercing (Which I thought would be good for killing zombies, but I need slashing for that... and only need bludgeoning/magic for Liches.)

Hm... Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance has misled me. Apparently if I wanted 'optimal' performance against undead, I'd need two different weapons, a slashing and a bludgeoning one.

Though, if I'm going barbarian, chances are I'd be using a big ol' two hander.

Edit: Voda, perhaps Myth would allow you to roll up an alternate in case someone drops out?
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First Post
"The Wanderer"

Lawful Good Male Human Paladin 6/ Fist of Raziel 2

Patron Deity: Ilmater

EXP: 28,000

Strength 18 (+4) +16 [base]+1 [4th level] +1 [8th level]
Dexterity 12 (+1)
Constitution 14 (+2)
Intelligence 12 (+1)
Wisdom 10 (+0)
Charisma 16 (+3)

Size: Medium
Age: 23
Height: 6' 11"
Weight: 162 lb
Eyes: Green
Hair: Blonde
Skin: Tanned

Above all else, Maximus is noted for his size, standing a head above most people. He usually has a smile on his face, which sets against his battle scars. His hair is always seems mangled, even if combed or cut. His sharp, green eyes watch everyone around him, as if looking for something. He has 4 large scars on his back, his wound for fighting a dire ape. His black sword has green runes on it, a sign of its magical nature.

Total Hit Points: 96

Speed: 30 feet

Armor Class: 20 = 10 +1 [dexterity] +6 [armor] +3 [shield]

Touch AC: 11
Flat-footed: 19

Paladin Abilities:
Aura of Good [Detect Good @ Paladin Level]
Detect Evil [at Will]
Smite Evil 2/day [Charisma bonus to attack, +1 per paladin level to damage]
Divine grace [Charisma bonus to saving throws]
Lay on Hands [Heal Paladin level x charisma bonus]
Aura of Courage [Immune to fear, allies within 10’ gain +4 on saving throws against fear]
Divine Health [Immune to all diseases]
Turn Undead [3/day +Charisma modifier] Turns undead as a cleric of three levels lower would.
Special Mount [Call Heavy Warhorse 1/day as full-round action]
Remove Disease 1/week [as the spell]

Fist of Raziel:
Magic Circle against evil [as Cleric of same level]
Smite evil 1/day [stacks with Paladin abilities]
Good aligned [Weapons are good aligned whenever smiting evil]

Initiative modifier: + 5 = +1 [dexterity +4 [Improved Initiative]
Fortitude save: + 13 = 8 [base] + 2 [constitution] + 3 [Divine Grace]
Reflex save: + 6 = 2 [base] + 1 [dexterity] +3 [Divine Grace]
Will save: + 5 = 2[base] + 0 [wisdom] +3 [Divine grace]
Attack (handheld): +12 =8[base] + 4[strength] +1[Weapon]
Attack (missile): +9 = 8 [base] + 1 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +12 = 8 [base] + 4 [strength]

Light load: 100 lb.
Medium load: 101-200 lb.
Heavy load: 201-300 lb.
Lift over head: 300 lb.
Lift off ground: 600 lb.
Push or drag: 1100 lb.

Languages: Common, Abyssal

1: Power Attack
1: Servant of the Heavens [Book of Exalted Deeds]
3: Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Bastard Sword)
6: two-weapon fighting

Appraise + 1 = 1 [Int]
Balance + 1 = 1 [Dex]
Bluff + 3 = 3 [Cha]
Climb + 4 = 4 [Str]
Concentration + 2 = 2 [Con]
Craft + 1 = 1 [Int]
Craft (Weaponsmithing) + 1 = 1 [Int]
Craft (Armorsmithing) + 1 = 1 [Int]
Decipher Script + 1 = 1 [Int]
Diplomacy + 14 = 11 [Ranks] + 3 [Cha]
Disguise + 1 = + 1 [competence: Ioun Stone]
Escape Artist + 1 = 1 [Dex]
Forgery + 1 = 1 [Int]
Gather Information + 3 = 3 [Cha]
Heal + 5 1/2 = 11 [Ranks]
Hide + 1 = 1 [Dex]
Intimidate + 3 = 3 [Cha]
Jump + 4 = 4 [Str]
Knowledge (Arcana) + 1 = 1 [Int]
Knowledge (The Planes) + 1 = 1 [Int]
Knowledge (Religion) + 12 = 11 [base] + 1 [Int]
Knowledge (Local) + 1 = 1 [Int]
Listen + 0 =
Move Silently + 1 = 1 [Dex]
Ride + 1 = 1 [Dex]
Search + 1 = + 1 [Int]
Spot + 0 =
Sense Motive + 11 = 11 [ranks]
Spellcraft + 1 = 1 [Int]
Survival + 0 =
Swim + 4 = 4 [Str]
Use Rope + 1 = 1 [Dex]

[sblock=Level Advancement]
1: Paladin – Diplomacy +4, Knowledge (Religion) +4, Heal +2, Sense Motive +4; gain Aura of good, Smite Evil 1/day, Detect Evil
Feat: Power Attack, Servant of the Heavens

2: Paladin - gain Divine grace, lay on hands

3: Paladin - gain Aura of Courage, divine health
Feat: Exotic Weapon Proficiency(bastard sword)

4: Paladin - gain Turn Undead

5: Paladin - gain Smite Evil 2/day, Special Mount

6: Paladin - gain Remove Disease
Feat: Two-weapon fighting

7: Fist of Raziel – gain Magic circle, smite 1/day (good aligned)
Born to a Paladin and priestess Ilmater, Maximus started his training early. He didn’t have the mentality for the divine arts, but tried his best. He was more capable as a warrior of the church, and his training for paladin hood started. His training went well.

When Maximus was about nine, he was given the task to take care of the leader of a village destroyed by orcs. Maximus befriended him and was taught how to use his words and personality to get things done, instead of always referring to the blade. Maximus went along with the citizens when they were escorted back to their village. He was appalled by the destruction that the orcs caused, but was surprised when the villagers had already been buried. The leader explained that one of the fist of Raziel must have done it when they cleansed the village. When asked what they were, the leader said that the fist of Raziel are holy warriors that are called to destroyed evil wherever it is.

Maxmus, with the dislike for the evil orcs in his mind, became determined to join fist of Raziel. So shortly after he became a paladin, he decided to leave and join them. Shortly after leaving, Maximus learned he had a bad sense of direction. As such, he got lost often and just started wandering, taking care of problems that came up around him, helping people work out problems or killing a monster or two.

After a year of travel he located them and shortly thereafter, joined them. After learning from them, he was sent out to purge evil, and once again traveled, mostly alone. He would occasionally travel with other adventurers or fellow fists of Raziel. He eventually got wind of the troubles of Angel and started off, a few weeks later he has finally arrived.

72gp 5sp 1cp

+1 Mithral Chainmail 5150gp 20lb
Greater crystal of aquatic action 3000gp-lb (Magic Item Compendium)
+1 Ghost touch Bastard sword [color: black] 8344gp 6lb (Color: Races of the Dragon)
+1 Bastard Sword [color: red] 2344gp 6lb (Color: Races of the Dragon)
Belt of one mighty blow 1500gp 1lb (Magic Item Compendium)
Brute Ring 2300gp -lb (Magic Item Compendium)
Dimension stride boots 2000gp 1lb (Magic Item Compendium)
+1 heavy steel shield 1170gp 15lb

Backpack 2gp 2lb
Crowbar 2gp 5lb
Everburning torch 110gp 1lb
Hempen rope (50ft) 1gp 10lb
Waterskin 1gp 4lb
x7 trail rations 3gp 5 sp 7lb
x3 Flasks 9cp 4.5lb
x5 Potion of cure light wounds 250gp 5lb
x3 Potion of mage armor 150gp 3lb
x2 Potion of cure moderate wounds 600gp 2lb

Let me know what you think and if I missed anything. And, can I use katana, they're masterwork bastard swords.
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Myth and Legend

First Post
My wisdom is going to be too low for spell casting, could i take the non-spell casting variant in the Complete Warrior?
yep. Which page in CW is this variant (I recall a lot of paladin-related things in the book). Also, please add in all the skills, i know it's a bit much but trust me it'll make it easier for me to judge things on the fly, instead of looking up your stats and doing math.

We already have one spare character, VodaVosa is our number 10 potential player! :) Let's see how it goes, if i can handle 8 adventurers fine i might include another one or two. On encounter difficulty, since this is twice the size of a normal party, I think i'll be using a calculator to help me see if i'm in the right direction.

Someone enlighten me where to find the rules for shapechanging and items. I always thought that unless the item is specifically designed to give bonuses to someone that has altered his/her form, they lose the bonuses do not apply?
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First Post
Hellrazor - I just did a quick scan of your PC.

Your AC should be 20 (10+1+6+3) not 19

Maybe add a chart for your weapons as well (attack/damage/crit/range).

Nice PC.

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