D&D 5E Do you want D&D Next to succeed?

Will you be happy if the game is popular, even if it's not one you'd want to play?

Will you be willing to give it a try to support the D&D brand that has brought so many people years of fun, even if the rules aren't perfect? (And really, have you ever thought any version of D&D had perfect rules?)

Do you trust that the game designers are people who love gaming, who want to help others have fun, and who are trying to make a game that best encapsulates what they think the audience wants D&D to be?

Do you think that the benefits of having Hasbro's infrastructure to help market, distribute, and sell the game outweigh whatever limitations might be passed down from a corporate level?

Will you not begrudge your fellow gamers if they have different tastes than you?

Me, I liked AD&D 2nd edition because I was gaming with friends, but I house ruled it. I liked D&D 3rd edition because I was gaming with friends, but I house ruled it. I liked D&D 4th edition because I was gaming with friends, but I house ruled it.

I know 5e isn't going to satisfy me wholly from a game mechanic perspective. But what would make me happy, what would excite me and bring joy that no system has in a decade, would be if my fellow gamers across the internet would realize that we share a hobby, and while our differences might mean we won't share a game with a given person, that shared love of RPGs should unify us.

Let's stand behind D&D Next. What do you say?

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First Post
I hope it at least introduces people to the hobby. As long as it provides a decent introduction (as have games as diverse as 2e, 3e, and PF, IME), I'll support it on that level.


I want it to do well AND I want it to be something I'd like to play. I'm not a petty person who wishes ill on others' fun like many in the edition wars and I'll be okay if if it's not something I prefer. I'd just like it to be to my tastes so I can enjoy it with others also.

Tony Vargas

I hope that the game will succeed if it is good, or be improved quickly (perhaps with another dreaded half-ed) if it is not. But, I don't have any particular good will left for WotC or loyalty to the line for it's own sake, and I don't believe the future of the hobby hinges on the success of yet another version of D&D re-selling core rulebooks to it's existing fanbase.

I'll happily play whatever decent games I can find, whether the current ed of D&D is among them or not. But, however bad 5e may turn out to be, at worst I'll be indifferent to its success.


Will you be happy if the game is popular, even if it's not one you'd want to play?

If I don't want to play it, I'll be indifferent to its popularity.

Will you be willing to give it a try to support the D&D brand that has brought so many people years of fun, even if the rules aren't perfect? (And really, have you ever thought any version of D&D had perfect rules?)

I'll be happy to give it a try if the presentation and intial review make it seem like something I'd enjoy. I won't give it a try just because it shares the D&D brand.

Do you trust that the game designers are people who love gaming, who want to help others have fun, and who are trying to make a game that best encapsulates what they think the audience wants D&D to be?

I trust the game designers will be building a game that they think encapsulates a wide vision of D&D. I'll want to make my own judgement on whether or not that vision is one I share.

Do you think that the benefits of having Hasbro's infrastructure to help market, distribute, and sell the game outweigh whatever limitations might be passed down from a corporate level?

No, not really.

Will you not begrudge your fellow gamers if they have different tastes than you?

Absolutely. I play a lot of games. Others have different taste.

Me, I liked AD&D 2nd edition because I was gaming with friends, but I house ruled it. I liked D&D 3rd edition because I was gaming with friends, but I house ruled it. I liked D&D 4th edition because I was gaming with friends, but I house ruled it.

I know 5e isn't going to satisfy me wholly from a game mechanic perspective. But what would make me happy, what would excite me and bring joy that no system has in a decade, would be if my fellow gamers across the internet would realize that we share a hobby, and while our differences might mean we won't share a game with a given person, that shared love of RPGs should unify us.

Let's stand behind D&D Next. What do you say?

Gaming is just a leisure pastime. It's not a cause we are united behind. It's like saying people who watch soccer (football) should be united by their spectator sport love. United for what? What is the coming together expected to accomplish? What will everyone in the world "standing behind" D&D Next provide (besides exceeding revenue projections for WotC)?

I share a hobby of playing RPGs; my tent is way bigger than D&D. That doesn't mean I enjoy all RPGs or that I'll play any RPG with any group. My interest and support for D&D Next will be entirely based on how much it interests and amuses me and those I want to game with -- how well it fulfils a role as a tool on my RPG arsenal.

El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Absolutely. I am not sure why anyone would want D&D Next to fail. :hmm:

Oh, I can think of reasons...stupid reasons...but I can certainly concieve of them. Although, most are almost universally based on personal, negative emotions, rather than any objective reasoning whatsoever. Unfortunately, no matter how unreasonable, there really are people who don't want 5E to succeed. And some of those people post right here in the New Horizons Forum...and the only reason I can concieve for that is simple spite.:erm:

As for me, I most certainly want 5E to succeed...whether I prefer it as a system or not.

I will be happy if 5E is popular...whether I prefer it as a system or not.

I will at least buy the core books and support the game...whether I prefer it as a system or not.

Just as I did with 4E.

For those that don't want 5E to succeed, I wish there was a litmus test that would show your true colors to the world. And I wish you'd just stay the hell away from this Forum. I don't begrudge your opinions, don't begrudge mine, and stop trying to poison the well. If you don't want it to succeed, then you have nothing constructive to contribute...so please, just go away, play the game you do like, and reserve your vitriol (veiled or obvious) for complaining (in person) with your friends.

Anyways: GO GO 5E! I can't wait to see what you've got in store for us!:D

Crazy Jerome

First Post
Mainly, what Tony said. I've never had particular good will towards a gaming company merely because they've produced something that sort of works. So I can't particularly lose that good will that isn't there to begin with. However, I don't have any ill will towards them, either. A company has to work really hard to gain good or ill will from me. I think Hasbro is a pretty shoddy outfit, but all that's produced so far is a very mild dislike, which mainly makes me want to forget about them. ;)

I could not care less about the brand or designer intentions. If "Joe's Game Shack" game out with a D&D-ish game tomorrow, that was a good fit for the game I want to run when I'm doing D&D, I'd be all over it. If WotC comes out with a game that produces play I like, I'll buy it. If I like it enough, I'll play it and run it. If not, I won't.

If a bunch of other people enjoy it, even if I don't, that's sort of a trace positive--the same way I might get a trace good vibe that someone across the country is having pleasant weather. Mostly, it's too far off my radar to care.

I do want at least a handful of table top games, somewhere, to be successful, because I think Steve Jackson got it right years ago when he said D&D being successful made it possible for the niche guys to have niches. It need not be D&D or its owners to fill that role, as long as it gets filled.


First Post
I certainly wish success to 5e. I see no reason to destroy creative effort even on the very obscure chance it turns out that I don't wish to play the system. Too much time and effort is wasted on trying to destroy rather than create, and fit everything into very narrow points of view or see things we don't like as personal attacks.

So I'm in.

Voidrunner's Codex

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