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Falcon and winter solider

Maybe that was because she is a she and not because racism? I know a few woman who don't call the auto service department because of how they are treated simply because they are woman.

Not everything is tied into racism....

It's really hard to treat famous people as actual people. "If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die?"

If ever episode's after talk is gonna go into "is every action racism related or not" I'm not sure i wanna keep talking about the show here. I mean at that point we're going to have to consider every interaction that Bucky has with Sam. Since Bucky was born in 1917.

Something I have seen as an issue in the past 5-10 years, maybe longer, is to label anything racism, no matter how subtle or unconscious the behavior may be. There is bias and then prejudice and then bigotry and then racism. Real racism generally requires active intent and hate, which sometimes is linked with fear, of the "other". Racists think the "other" is lesser than them, less human. And if the show is going to be covering this important topic more in the other 5 episodes, I really hope we can see the differences in the portrayal. The different reactions just here to how the actor portrayed the loan officer shows that we need more.

And yeah, Sam's sister got the double whammy of subconscious biases of both race and sex in that scene.
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Mod Squad
Staff member
Not everything is tied into racism....

Yeah, but consider it this way - if they specifically didn't want us to see it as racism, they could have had the banker be another person of color, and address the sister accordingly.

It's really hard to treat famous people as actual people.

That does not excuse the behavior, though. These folks are on the verge of losing their business and home. THAT is hard. The inability to remember that a fellow human is, in fact, a human? Does not compare. Banker dude can step up.
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Yeah, but consider it this way - if they specifically didn't want us to se it as racism, they could have had the banker be another person of color, and address the sister accordingly.
so,every interaction in the show that has Sam dealing with someone not PoC will be seen through the lense of racism,including his interactions with bucky?


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Of course, the difficulty is telling apart those who died from people who simply went missing that day, or in the aftermath. The Snap left behind no remains with which to verify death, and establishing witnesses would be a rough task on even a fraction of the full scale of the deaths involved.

And I'm sure a lot of people actually did just go missing in the immediate wake of the Snap.
In Spider-man: Far from Home, one of the teachers tells Peter that his wife pretended to have died during the Snap to leave him. That they had a funeral and everything.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
If ever episode's after talk is gonna go into "is every action racism related or not" I'm not sure i wanna keep talking about the show here. I mean at that point we're going to have to consider every interaction that Bucky has with Sam. Since Bucky was born in 1917.
There's discussion of a single scene so far, it may be a little early to generalize out to the entire series.


Mod Squad
Staff member
so,every interaction in the show that has Sam dealing with someone not PoC will be seen through the lense of racism,including his interactions with bucky?

If that's what it takes to get the portion of the audience that wants to twist, turn, squirm, deny, and apply spurious logic and hyperbole to deny some realities to stop avoiding them... I'd be okay with that.


Mod Squad
Staff member
Someone acting as blatantly racist as the banker would be quickly branded as a monster. People in here don't behave that way.

That's great for you. However, it is actually pretty real, and calling it cartoonish is kind of dismissive of the people who live under the burden of it, you know?

I wonder if the show will deal with, or continue to deal with, depending on your view of the 1st episode, how there is racism in places where people refuse to see it, but also not racism in places, that people refuse to accept could be true. I wonder this because of the two latest shooting sprees that happened in the US. In one, the shooter denied it was for racial reasons, and the authorities have no proof yet that it was, but people in that community refuse to accept that is possible. And the other, people are probably pulling the terrorism card just because of the person's name/appearance. I am only applying these to the MCU and not discussing the real world issues around them. I think Marvel generally does a better job with the racism angle, than the terrorism angle. Though so far, at least, the terrorists in this show are not Middle Eastern.

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