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Fantastic Four 2: Rise of the Silver Surfer (spoilers)


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It wasn't just galactus as a cloud, it was galactus as this big bad threat and he was essentially blew away by the Silver Surfer.

The entire film did a good job of setting upthis big bad confrontation. Something omnipotent is coming. Then it shows up, doesn't do anything,we have no idea what the holes were for, we have no idea how this thing destroys planets. We see no real power from this creature, he passes over every planet in our solar system. Gets there and is killed by a creature that supposedly onlyhas a minor fraction of the creatures power. Earlier in the movie, the silver surfer says that his people are enslaved but he "didn't have a choice". The enslavement and torture of his fiance is not enough to change him but a 30 second heart to heart is?

Then there's the power switching, which doesnt make sense if the way they have set it up is, the powers are switched, meaning someone always at least gets a power.

It's not as much about it being the cloud, its the lack of the payoff to the big setup. I think some people are just happy sometimes with looking up at a screen and seeing graphic processors at work.
"wow this doesnt make a bit of sense but those colors sure are pretty.... 7"

When did we as a society get to the point of not caring about the stories we see and read so long as they have pretty movie pictures. It's like we've reverted back to the 1920s and are excited about this new moving picture craze.

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DonTadow said:
When did we as a society get to the point of not caring about the stories we see and read so long as they have pretty movie pictures. It's like we've reverted back to the 1920s and are excited about this new moving picture craze.

This is twice now that you've said this.

I have a response: SOME OF US JUST LIKED IT.


That doesn't mean western civilization is going to hell in a handbasket. People who liked a movie you didn't are not a sign that America is becoming soft and stupid.

Please stop insinuating that everyone who liked the movie just convinced themselves they liked it or were drooling into their popcorn going "ohhh pretty pictures".

Your tastes are not universal. Some of us liked it, you didn't and that's... ok.

Actually, DonTadow is Lord Oscar of the Academy, returned from the dead to bring enlightenment about what quality movies really are. His word is law.

. . .

In truth, I haven't seen this movie, so I can't judge this discussion, but I'll agree with Don that a HELL of a lot of terrible movies lately have gotten great reviews for reasons I can only chalk up to the 'pretty colors' factor, Spidey 3 being the most memorable culprit.


First Post
Vigilance said:
This is twice now that you've said this.

I have a response: SOME OF US JUST LIKED IT.


That doesn't mean western civilization is going to hell in a handbasket. People who liked a movie you didn't are not a sign that America is becoming soft and stupid.

Please stop insinuating that everyone who liked the movie just convinced themselves they liked it or were drooling into their popcorn going "ohhh pretty pictures".

Your tastes are not universal. Some of us liked it, you didn't and that's... ok.
I"m not saying my tastes are. I"M saying if you like the movie it would be nice to see people say why they liked the movie and why it deserves a 7. Why is this this movie good. Heck, with your review, why is this movie the second best comic book movie ofa ll time. From what i gather they didn't screw up TOO much and though everyone admitsthat they seemed to have a ton of plot holes that didn't make sense.

Well, if the story had glaring plot holes and didn't make too much sense, what more is there to like but the special effects? Which makes me think that most people seem to come on here and review the movie based on special effects.

Just seems that a couple years ago, people actually had more to say on here about the movies that came out.

The ratings of the movie don't reflect the reviews i'm reading.

Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Dr. Doom going after the Silver Surfer's power is a classic 1970s story arc. Cloud or no cloud, it's nice that they have this shout-out to the classics, despite what a weirdo they made Dr. Doom.


First Post
DonTadow said:
We see no real power from this creature, he passes over every planet in our solar system.

There's actually a reason for that, and for Earth, that involves a whole load of stuff that just wouldn't make sense in the movie. At least in Marvel-Prime, Earth is basically an egg, with a growing being called a Celestial inside. Galactus destroys the Celestial, and in the process destroys the planet.


I'm a total geek. :\

RangerWickett said:
In truth, I haven't seen this movie, so I can't judge this discussion, but I'll agree with Don that a HELL of a lot of terrible movies lately have gotten great reviews for reasons I can only chalk up to the 'pretty colors' factor, Spidey 3 being the most memorable culprit.

I haven't seen it either, in the interest of full disclosure.

I think added on to this, there's an attitude that genre (sci-fi, fantasy, supers) stuff gets a more than a bit of a pass. I suppose it's because that it's because there's not a whole lot of it out there, and a whole lot of dramas and comedies in various permutations. It's unfortunate for two major reasons. The lesser one is that giving sub-par movies a pass because they're genre means we keep getting more crappy movies. The bigger one though, IMO, is that when these movies are good, you don't just see the fans go out and see it, you see everyone going out to see it. Exposure to these genre films isn't just good for movies, it's good for books and games as well.

Also, because I know someone will say something - you don't just see this with the genres that are popular here. It can be seen in pretty much any genre, and even among any group of fans. Heck, look at how many people will excuse poor sports teams because they have an interest. Anyway, I'm of course focusing on the applicable genres to FF4.


First Post
So what I'm seeing here is that if we have the temerity to actually like this movie we are somehow helping to usher in the Apocalypse...

Wow...get over it people. Some of us liked it; including me. It was certainly better than Spiderman 3.

So if by that admission I have just become a Horseman of the Apocalypse then I want to be War...

Seriously though...liking this movie is not causing the world's collective IQ to drop. I'd blame internet messageboards for that before I blamed movies.


DonTadow said:
Heck, with your review, why is this movie the second best comic book movie ofa ll time.

First, I think people are just saying they liked it. And you want to cross-examine them like we're in court and make them JUSTIFY liking it. It's not that people don't have reasons for liking it, it's that they're responding to your initial post which was "hey what did ya'all think", not the extremely aggressive "you must prove my dislike of this movie is WRONG or you didn't really like it" posture you adopted like one post later.

But since you missed the reasons for my like of this movie (that I mentioned earlier btw):

1. I really felt this movie got a lot of things right. I think Mr. Fantastic, Johnny Storm and the Thing were all *perfectly* cast and the banter within the family was spot on.

2. I am a huge Andre Braugher fan and really liked his dripping disdain for Reed Richards.

3. The surfer was *awesome*. The look, the voice, the characterization, spot on.

4. Doom was doom in this movie. I also liked the way the four never trusted him. Their reactions to doom made him seem menacing. I also *like* the guy from Nip/Tuck they cast to play Doom and think he did a good job in both movies. But I liked him better in this one than the last, because he was Doom, not an evil Enron exec with powers.

5. I like Galactus. I don't think a giant white anglo-saxon dude in purple armor with purple lipstick walking through the universe would really work in a movie. So making Galactus mysterious was just fine with me.

6. I liked the relationship between the characters. The FF isn't just four individuals, it's a family of four that really love each other, but are borderline disfunctional and fight a lot. All that was on display here.

7. I liked the power switching played for comedy, occasionally for tension and then finally as something the group used to their advantage. I also loved seeing all their powers merge. It was almost a shout-out to the SuperSkrull.

From what i gather they didn't screw up TOO much and though everyone admitsthat they seemed to have a ton of plot holes that didn't make sense.

No, I outright said the movie got a ton of things right in my earlier posts on it. That you characterize it as me saying it "didn't screw up too much" says more about your opinion than mine.

Which is fine, just don't try and say I said something other than what I said.

Well, if the story had glaring plot holes and didn't make too much sense, what more is there to like but the special effects? Which makes me think that most people seem to come on here and review the movie based on special effects.

I did love the FX, and I loved seeing geeky things like the Fantasticar. But, as I listed earlier, those aren't the reasons I think this movie is great. I really thought the casting was just about perfect. I also thought the group dynamic was perfect.

And yeah, I recognize that there was a plot hole in the movie. It just didn't bother me. If it doesn't bother me, it's not a big deal. Some of the plot holes in the first movie DID bother me.

But overall, I thought this movie was really great, for what I go to see a comic movie for: it captured the essence of the comic it's based on.

Given that the comic in question is a freaking CLASSIC, that makes the movie really good.

Just seems that a couple years ago, people actually had more to say on here about the movies that came out.

People are saying why they liked it in most of the posts Im reading, but a few are of course just saying "it was good".

Both are fine.

The ratings of the movie don't reflect the reviews i'm reading.

People don't have to justify their ratings. Saying "I liked the movie, it was a 7", does NOT mean you have to "prove" that somehow.

You really hated it. I really loved it.

Those opinions are completely compatible.


First Post
Vigilance said:
People don't have to justify their ratings. Saying "I liked the movie, it was a 7", does NOT mean you have to "prove" that somehow.

You really hated it. I really loved it.

Those opinions are completely compatible.

You wouldn't know that from the reactions in this thread. It's kind of like people are DARING anyone who liked it to post a 500 page dissertation on the precise reasons WHY...it's nuts. Now I can't like a movie because some people I never met might think I'm dumb...I'm losing sleep on this...honest.

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