[GenCon] EN World photos and stories - add your own!

Silver Moon

This thread alone has convinced Kriskrafts and I have we have to go again. We already have two other family trips scheduled for next summer, but the summer after we're there! (My oldest will also be 12 then, and is already starting to game, so she will join us - then again she also joined us for our last GenCon, back when she was 1).

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Wow, what a blast!

Before I start rambling I wanna once more say THANK YOU to all of you who contributed dollars towards Russ' and Kevin's trips. Having them here has been so fun.

Let's see, some highlights ...

The first product I bought on Thursday afternoon when I arrived was Magical Medieval Society -- I bought it sight unseen in print version after reading so many great things about it. Clearly I was right to do so given how well it and the web enhancement did at the ENnies! It's a nifty book.

Had to wait until Friday morning to pick up my Arcana Unearthed, got Monte's sig and stuff. Very cool! Also picked up the AU counters from Claudio and the gang at Fiery Dragon.

The ENnies went off almost without a hitch. Michael Morris did a fantastic job with the video presentation as well as just generally helping coordinate things. I think it really added to the experience. I also thought that having the "silver ENnie" added to the show in a good way, it was nice to see more deserving nominees up on stage.

The guy who kept picking up the awards for Privateer ... that was definitely the highlight of the show. The guy was practically getting standing ovations by the end.

The Ambient girls were flip-flappin' cute and did a great job announcing their category.

I "helped" Mike Mearls with his presentation by incorrectly cueing him on something. That was fun! :D

After the ENnies I have memories of wandering the streets with a horde of people, some of them got lost, I was told that Monte Cook was maybe kind of looking for us so Russ and I went out looking for him. We eventually spotted a couple of "famous" folks in a bar so I paid the cover charge, went in, found out it wasn't a group that was "with us" or "looking for us" or really even "interested in us" so we went back to the original bar ... and someone says, "Oh, yeah, Monte and the gang are right over there" -- and they were, just sitting in a booth not 20 feet from us. And then Jeff Quick (I think?) and I worked to gether to tip over his beer and break his glass. Neat!

Had a great time playing Spycraft with Russ and Jane and the moderators. Jane's character had a predeliction for bashing people in the crotch with her crowbar. Yeah -- she's a roleplayer waiting to happen!

I attended the first 30 minutes or so of the Ebberon setting seminar (this was the "setting search" winner by Keith Baker). The artwork was nifty but I don't think I caught what the "nugget" of the setting was. I remember one piece of art showed some sort of humanoid on short stilts in some sort of a marsh, he was stabbing at the water with a spear or something. They're shooting for Summer 2004 for that one.

I did attend the Malhavoc seminar. Bruce Cordell confirmed an "expanded psionics" book from WotC in March/april 2004.

I had a wonderful time, it was great seeing everyone, and if I gain consciousness in the next few hours I might come back here and try to remember more...
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photo -- Kevin attempts to explain to Russ that a coffee maker can also be used to make tea.


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oh, I have one more cool memory...

As we were scoping out the bar after the ENnies, we wandered into a back room where gaming was permitted/encouraged. And who was there, after a day of grueling GenCon work, but a bunch of WotC guys including James Wyatt and David Noonan ("The Dream Team"(TM)). David comes up to me with a beer and says, "This is like a dream come true! There's beer, there's gaming ... I'm living the dream!" He was very excited.


First Post
Thank you all for the toast. I read that and i got teary eyed. You are all the best people I have ever known. They say you are born with the family that brought you into this world.

That may be true but you know what?

Im glad you are the family I chose.


I haven't laughed so hard at a thread in quite a long time. Thanks for all the great stories and photos everyone.

Wish I could have been at GenCon this year but my traveling companions bailed on me and going alone didn't seem like much fun. I hope GenCon SoCal turns out to be as much fun as Indy.

More stories please!


Princess of Florin
Well, here's my preliminary GenCon Report. Originally, I was planning to stay until Sunday, and come home after Clay's party, but I wasn't feeling so hot today, so I decided to come home a day early. I'm glad I did, because I've now got a raging sore throat and a fever. I hope I didn't infect everybody yesterday and this morning. If I did, I'm sorry! One final note. Because I feel like crap on a stick right now, I'm probably going to forget lots of stuff. I'll post more as I recall it.

Anyway, this was my first con, and I really didn't know what to expect. I got into Indy about 10:00 on Friday, and checked into my hotel, which was just across the street from the convention center. Surprisingly, my room was ready (usually if you show up that early, they'll hold your luggage until afternoon, but make you check in later) so I went on up, tossed my suitcase in a corner and went straight to the convention center.

Oh. My. God. The place was packed. I felt very sorry for the folks who didn't pre-register, because the line was horribly long. So I wandered around until I found the will-call desk, and picked up my event tickets. Next stop, the exhibit hall. The picture P-Kitty posted upthread doesn't even show a fraction of the place. It was huge, and filled with all sorts of stuff. Card games, board games, computer games, war games, role playing games, art, clothing trinkets, total crap, it was all there!

And the people! Lordy lordy. I saw this woman who was dressed as a fairy. She had a Pepto-bismol pink wig, with matching filmy wings, a wispy, bikini type thing made to look like leaves & flowers, and a pink flashing light in her navel. Then there was the two guys dressed like Samurai. An Ewok. Dozens of Robin-Hood and Marian look alikes. And some folks that Emergent called, um, Plastic Headed Pod People, I think. Eh, you had better ask him what he called them. All I remember is, he was darn funny.

Ok, so I wandered around gawking for a bit, until I found the ENWorld/Twin Rose booth. Dextra & Crothian were there, so we all introduced ourselves, and then I set out to shop in earnest. I had only a few hours until the Freeport game I signed up for, and I was determined to make the most of it. (Don't tell my husband how much I spent! He'll have a coronary.) I walked up and down each aisle, stopping at all the D20 booths to check out the wares. I saw lots of products that I had been wondering about, and many of them were really cool. So I bought them. I also met all sorts of folks that I had only known virtually.

Paladin and Paladinwife of The Gamer's Bag are just as nice in person as they are online. They seemed to be doing a booming business, so we just chatted for a few minutes, then I got out of the way of the paying customers. I had the pleasure of chatting with MEG Hal, who is a really charming guy, and the very pleasant Ed Cha, who wrote Hamlet of Thumble. I bought a copy of it, and Ed autographed it with a really nice note. Thanks, Ed! I also chatted with the wonderful Fiery Dragon folks. I picked up the new counter collection, which is really well done, just like all of Claudio's work. I stopped at the Green Ronin booth, and picked up a copy of Cartographia. Didn't have much time to chat with them, because they were pretty busy. Then I said hi to the fine folks at Bastion Press, including Steve Creech, of D20 Magazine Rack fame. It was truly a pleasure to meet so many of the folks who make the cool products I love to buy.

Long story short, I bought so much stuff that I was glad my hotel was close. I had just time to run back over there and put my booty in my room, then return for my Freeport demo game.

So this Freeport game, it was way cool. It was the first part of a new Freeport adventure that's coming out in October. I'm probably going to get the title wrong, but I think it's called Black Sands of Freeport. Or maybe not. Anyway, just remember October. They guy who DMed it was the author, and I had a blast. I played an evil dwarf cleric named Ham Foulbrew, who was in a party of good folks. I've never played an evil PC before, but it was fun to quietly backtrack and slit the throats of NPCs the party had just tied up or knocked out. :D We met the BBEG, but were not able to kill her. I sooo want to play in a Freeport game on a regular basis.

Well, that's all for now, I think I'm about typed out for the moment. I'll report on the Ennies ceremony tomorrow.


Buttercup said:
the first part of a new Freeport adventure that's coming out in October. I'm probably going to get the title wrong, but I think it's called Black Sands of Freeport.
I sooo want to play in a Freeport game on a regular basis.

Black Sails over Freeport.

*sigh* We were going to to to Gencon this year, but between my wife's grandfatherpassing and my continued lack of employment, it wasn't in the stars.

Next time, Gadget...next time.

If you're jonesing for a Freeport kick, why not try our Story Hour forums? :D

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