D&D 5E Great Weapon Fighting Style *Fix*

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I just combined Great Weapon Style, TWF, and Dueling into one.

New Style: Offense - Gain +2 damage with melee weapons.

Works great, lets players switch weapon on occasional without feeling they are losing their bonus (which doesn't happen with any other style currently).


I just combined Great Weapon Style, TWF, and Dueling into one.

New Style: Offense - Gain +2 damage with melee weapons.

Works great, lets players switch weapon on occasional without feeling they are losing their bonus (which doesn't happen with any other style currently).
then TWF gets +4 damage per round vs. 2Handers +2 damage.

also, what is a point in style if everyone has the same?

Unless you roll a 1 on an attack, deal ability mod + weapon magic bonus on a miss.

As is, the damage boost is both fiddly and negligible, the two worst combinations for running a game efficiently.


then TWF gets +4 damage per round vs. 2Handers +2 damage.

also, what is a point in style if everyone has the same?
Sure....and they get +4-+5 damage right now with the current version, so this closes the gap a bit.

Everyone is not the same, because not everyone chooses offense. I have had players take defense and protection as well.


Maybe take a page from 1E and use “Larger than Man-sized damage” - i.e., up the die to the next level?

1d10 —> 1d12 (or 2d6?) —> 1d6 + 1d8 —> 2d8, or flat go 1d10 —> 1d12 —> 2d8 ?

As for me, I like Paladins and Protection style, just wish it worked more than once per round.

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