(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1


Tamanar nodded, "These are very dangerous creatures. We should save our strength to use against the giants, should we run into any. I am beginning to think that there are no exits here."

He bent over the body of Tenibor and said an old prayer in elvish, "May you find your way Home to the Silver Halls, my brother."

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"Aye," added Jack, face once again weary. "Past time we found an exit, moreso with the loss of our companion here. While I didn't know him long, he was a good bloke that knew his way 'round a fight. Let's take his body and move on."


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Seeing through the flames the creature holding Tenibor's body drop it and collapse, dying, into the water, Bible averts her eyes as the other creatures escape, knowing that her goal of securing the elf's body has been achieved.


Is our only unexplored path where we are now following the Umberhulks? Basically, are our choices follow them or double back?
OOC: They will flee down the large holes (I hope you can see those - they've been on many of the maps), so unless you want to climb down one, you don't have to follow them, no.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
OOC: @FitzTheRuke One more question - which way is the river flowing? If it's flowing to the north, then the caves are likely going to get deeper if we follow it since water goes downhill. If that's the case, maybe wading upstream could bring us to the surface at the source of the water.


One more question - which way is the river flowing? If it's flowing to the north, then the caves are likely going to get deeper if we follow it since water goes downhill. If that's the case, maybe wading upstream could bring us to the surface at the source of the water.
OOC: The water flows northward, and yes, downward. Here's an earlier post:

One of the meeker dwarves (who had not said anything before now) mumbled something and the dwarves began to chatter amongst themselves in their tongue. Finally, one remarked, "Alga 'ere wants us tae warn tha' there's long been a rumor that the Chief keeps some kindae 'pet' nearby their cistern. The caves we be coomin' oop tae seem t'be natural - formed by water. An' the water runs this way; which will be how the cistern is filled. Makin' the cistern - if ye ken me - also this way."

Eoghan remembered the dwarves words now as he watched the underground creek - with a smoldering corpse of the hulking creature being washed with water that flowed in the direction they were travelling. Unfortunately, the water seemed to have come from out of various holes in the rock wall in the previous chamber - nothing that the group could follow upward and out.



Jack considered the flowing steam. "I can scout ahead a bit to see where this cistern is and if there might be another way out. Otherwise, we double back to the cellar where we entered."

OOC: As far as I can piece together from the various maps, we either follow the stream to the cistern or we head back to the main room that we first came down in, which should be to the left somewhere.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Eoghan nods at Jack, it's a strong plan.

"Anyone who is not silent on your feet, stay here."


As Quinn's fire died down after the creatures disappeared into their holes, Cordit took up a position standing over the holes to make sure that they didn't return.

Jack began to sneak forward, to scout the way ahead. He soon spotted a hole in the western wall and found that it led to a large, stone-worked hallway.

OOC: Tenibor, Tamanar, and Eoghan were in this hallway way back in post #779. Eoghan and Tamanar would recognise it, when they have a chance to see it. They looked into the space that everyone is in now, too, but there's a good possibility that they haven't figured that out yet. I don't know if any of you have been spelunking, but IME it's pretty easy to not recognize that you've seen a place in a natural cave before, when the lighting is from a different place and you entered from a different direction, etc. It's not in anyway impossible, of course. A dc12 WIS check ought to do it for our purposes here.

Voidrunner's Codex

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