Even without Valda's boots, it seemed to Jack that every surface, though damp from the hill's regular fog and drizzle, would be easy enough to climb. The outer palisade was made of large logs, and the giants who had stripped the logs of their bark had done so crudely - there were footholds and handholds aplenty, and wedge-shapes between logs that would be useful to brace against.
The chimney was similarly easy to climb. Heavy rocks from nearby stream beds, stacked and mortared with a crumbling mud-mixture. It was all very sturdy, to be sure, and large - very large. But none of it was built to stop a brave "small" from finding a way over.
The gate was barred, and so large and heavy - large double-doors banded with iron - that it would be a great weight to move, even if the bar was lifted. There was a crack, however, that was large enough that he could see an armored hill giant, who was standing in the courtyard, holding an enormous great-axe. Most of the hill giants that they had seen on their previous incursion had only held clubs (other than the Chef with his great cleavers) and none had be so well armored - a full chest-plate and chain that covered his round belly.
Of course, his knees, thighs, and calves were bare, and Jack knew right where to place the point of his blade...