(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

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Even without Valda's boots, it seemed to Jack that every surface, though damp from the hill's regular fog and drizzle, would be easy enough to climb. The outer palisade was made of large logs, and the giants who had stripped the logs of their bark had done so crudely - there were footholds and handholds aplenty, and wedge-shapes between logs that would be useful to brace against.

The chimney was similarly easy to climb. Heavy rocks from nearby stream beds, stacked and mortared with a crumbling mud-mixture. It was all very sturdy, to be sure, and large - very large. But none of it was built to stop a brave "small" from finding a way over.

The gate was barred, and so large and heavy - large double-doors banded with iron - that it would be a great weight to move, even if the bar was lifted. There was a crack, however, that was large enough that he could see an armored hill giant, who was standing in the courtyard, holding an enormous great-axe. Most of the hill giants that they had seen on their previous incursion had only held clubs (other than the Chef with his great cleavers) and none had be so well armored - a full chest-plate and chain that covered his round belly.

Of course, his knees, thighs, and calves were bare, and Jack knew right where to place the point of his blade...


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
"Wha'ja think?" Bible whispers to the rest of the group, gripping Waythe in both hands. "Sneak past 'em, or take 'em out now, quietly, so they can't come an' help their chief? We might could get over the fensk an' through the door on the right without them noticin', but maybe we should jus' fight 'em."
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"We oughter fight 'em!" said Cordit, who had tagged along. "Or we could sneaker down the chimney, like ya did before! Maybe not the same one, though. Then we fight'em!"


Jack grinned at the suggestion from Cordit and Bible.

"Read my thoughts. Either we go down that chimney over yonder," Jack said, pointing to his left, "or we get up on the roof and let 'em have it from there. I say the chimney, as we can 'haps take out anything in there 'fore engagin' the guards."

Jack then handed Valda his coil of fine silk rope with a nod.


It didn't take long for the group to make their way onto the roof of the outbuilding, and down the chimney. No one had stoked the fire any time recently, and while there were smouldering embers, there wasn't much danger as they made their way out of the hearth, a little sooty.

Jack and Bible had been in this room before - two days earlier. They'd raided a chest in the closet, while the others had been outside slaying ogres. The room had belonged to the Houndsmaster, an old hill giant who trained dire wolves. Jack had put a quarrel in the giant's lung while the Houndsmaster was fighting with Valda. They'd never had the chance to search the body, and the giant's whip (Valda remembered its sting) was now hanging on a peg near the fireplace.

The outbuilding was split into two rooms - this lavish one that had belonged to the Houndmaster, and a second one that served as an Ogre Barracks. There were barely any ogres left - just a few youths, who were currently outside patrolling the courtyard. The Houndsmaster (and all his wolves) were dead. The outbuilding would be at low-occupancy at night. This afternoon, no one at all was inside.

OOC: Jack killed the Houndsman (who'd snapped his whip at Valda a few times) way back in Post#423; Bible & Jack raided the closet in post #481, though I'm not sure if the contents of the chest have ever been explained. Long time ago now!



Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
“Ah, me swee’ Cordit,” Bible exclaims, hearing the halfling’s voice behind her, “decided to come along now, di’ja? Even though it's where you were imprisinked? Well, stay close and keep safe. We can’t have you gettin’ kill’t by gianks now, can we? What kind of mother would I be if I let you get kill’t like that? The Cap’n would never let me live it down.”


"I'll stay out of trouble, I promise ya! But I'm here if y'need me." said Cordit to Bible with a nod, before adding with a note of excitement, "An' I'd be happy to be a big ol' ape again, if only Eoghan hadn't stayed behind."

She thought for a moment and added, "But Quinn can turn inta things! Hey, Quinny! Can ya show me how to turn into a big ol' ape?"
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Quinn looks over at Corbit.

"It would take years for me to teach you to do it yourself. But I can assist you when needed. I have similar magic to Eoghan and can change you into an ape if we get into trouble."


"Trouble's not far off," Jack said with a nod towards the door that led to courtyard with the giants. "Here, let's take these brutes out quickly. We'll need to make sure they can't make a break for the main building. I can cover Valda and Bible from the doorway as they close, but we'll need to move fast."

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