D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


"Then perhaps we should go to the area where people seem to be disappearing from and investigate. With luck we may discover where they are going."

Squirrels are evil!

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"I am to find Artus Cimber, one of the contacts mentioned by Miss Silvane. He was once a member of the Harpers." Harb smiles briefly at Rodrigo as he speaks, his voice just low enough so that the others can hear with little chance of being overheard.

Squirrels are evil!


"Killin' two gobbos with one quarrel sounds a'right fine to me." Dellrak says as he finishes his drink. "We need ta find two people in the city I say we go a lookin' for 'em. If we find nothin and go off to the jungle at least people will be known we are looking and may have us some information when we's get back." "


The last place Derio was seen was in the Old City, according to Alistair Bol, so the group finished their drinks and headed to that gate. By this time the rain was only a light drizzle. A crowd had formed near the gate, with people trying to get through in time to watch "someone take the Executioner's Run".

Miss Imogen spotted some of her urchins, who made their way over to the group, hoping for a lucrative mission.

OOC: Places of Port Nyanzaru: Executioner's Run
The road through the Old City splits around a rectangular, stone-lined pit 15 feet deep, 50 feet wide, and 200 feet long. The original Amnian residents built it as an arena for a highly competitive ball game, and it still provides cheap entertainment for the locals. Velociraptors, panthers, or other hungry beasts (a juvenile allosaurus is a guaranteed crowd pleaser) are set loose in the pit, then convicted criminals are dropped in at one end. Any criminals who make it alive through the gauntlet of carnivores to the far end of the pit can scramble up knotted ropes and win their freedom, along with the adulation of the crowd. Spectators line the walls for these spectacles — including representatives from every level of Port Nyanzaru society, not just residents of the Old City. Bets are placed on which criminals will survive, which will die, how far runners will get before a beast brings them down, and how many kills each animal will rack up.

A handful of Chultans have become celebrities by surviving multiple dashes through Executioner’s Run. It’s been suggested that some people continue committing crimes solely because a conviction is the only way to get tossed into the pit, and betting is always heaviest on a repeat offender.

Occasionally an animal manages to leap or scramble out of the pit and runs amok through the terrified crowd. Moments of such high peril provide a perfect opportunity for bystanders to become heroes in the city and earn favors from the merchant princes.


"I'm not sure how I feel bout all dis," the dwarf says perplexed. "Might fine to have to battle for your life in the wilds, but for another man's sport? BAH! I say we look elsewhere for them missin lads, and pray that aren't in one o' those beasts gullets."

With that the dwarf hefts his axe on his shoulder and turns his back on the long pit, marching off.


Dusty Dragon
"It's an odd notion of justice - surely one's fleet footedness isn't indicative of worth... although, to be honest, I've heard of far worse. Thay is no picnic I'm told..."

And you are right Master Dellrack. If one is to battle for sport, then surely it shouldn't be to the death... although... only convicted criminals do the run I'm told. If there is a conviction, it means there is a process, and therefore, *some* kind of records. It might be worth checking out if all else fails...

Noting the urchins, Rodrigo added "...although I expect Miss Imogen is about to impress us once again with her resourcefulness"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"If the trials have been fair, then the Executioner's Run offers a chance where otherwise there is none, wherein native ability or divine favour may choose to show itself. I would be interested in watching," she tells the others. She is no no way repulsed by the violence or the crowd's fascination with this, even if she does not share it as viscerally as they.

It is heating that the children remember her -- admittedly it may be as an easy mark. But nevertheless they were helpful, and so she gain doles out a silver piece to each of the first ten children, and promises a treat to anyone who can give her information about Derio or about Artus Cimber. She holds her fingers to her lips. "You mustn't let them know you are asking," she warns. She brings her hand down, and weighs a fistful of coins in her hand. "But if you find them there will be a substantial reward."

(5sp to any piece of actionable intelligence).


A few of the children ran off immediately to get a head-start on the others. The smarter ones asked a few more questions, and upon receiving the answers, nodded and pushed their way into the crowd.

Not long after, an official-looking convoy arrived, bringing three bound prisoners guarded by men and women bearing yklwa spears and thatch-shields in colourful uniforms. A magistrate rode high on a throne perched atop an enormous long-necked beast draped in banners.

Voidrunner's Codex

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