D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly

Rodrigo stood a bit back as Miss Imogen hired her urchins, scanning the crowd for watchers - or pick pockets. Once done, he drew near again and said "Next time we get paid I shall spare a few coins extra for you Miss Imogen - this could very well pan out..."

"... and it seems you are about to get your wish."
He snorted and added "My father always said that sell swords had the strangest of luck. One of those prisoners may be one of those we seek..."

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Harb barely looked at the pit once it's purpose had been discerned. The death found here was often artificial in nature and of little interest to his order. Not that he would have been likely to observe any of the dying up close without himself being of the condemned.

He was tempted to head to the suspected inn, but felt that he might be needed here in the short term. "Perhaps there is something to be learned here. I will... observe."

OOC: Harb will do his best to keep an eye out for anything suspicious. He'll pretend to watch, but have more focus on the crowd.

Squirrels are evil!

The Executioner's run seemed to go as the crowd expected. Three prisoners did the run: The first, a sickly-looking sailor condemned for stealing from a merchant prince, made it no more than fifteen or twenty feet before a pair of vicious-looking velociraptors leaped on his back and tore him apart. The crowd cheered and pointed. The second man made it to the end, but the large spotted cat that was chasing him was a much better climber. It pulled the desperate man off of the wall and shook him. It dragged him into a corner to devour him. Some of the crowd covered their eyes.

The last man appeared to be something of a local celebrity. Many of the crowd chanted his name "Hula'go!" as he ran, dodging left and right as a young allosaurus, left hungry for days, snapped it's powerful jaws at him. At one point, the creature managed to catch him by the arm, and he desperately punched it in the eye with some hidden shiv. The beast flung him into the wall and he rolled with the impact. For a moment, he was on the side of the beast with the now-injured eye, and the creature looked around for him, rolling it's head from side-to-side and snorting. He timed it perfectly and dashed for the wall while the beast was confused.

He was desperately climbing with an injured arm when the beast figured out where he was, it thundered toward him and snapped up at his feet as he just managed to climb above the top of it's reach. It made one last attempt, leaping into the air as he climbed over the low stone wall at the end of the run. It missed the man, but it nearly came out of the pit! Scrabbling at the wall with it's powerful legs, it made an attempt to climb out, the crowd backed away from the side. Finally, a few handlers with long dull two-pronged spears poked and prodded it until it fell back down into the pit.

The crowd erupted into cheers, and a great deal of money exchanged hands. Handlers threw the allosaures large hunks of meat and eventually drove it back into a big cage.

The magistrate pronounced Hula'go a free man and the crowd began to disperse.

Miss Imogen nods at Rodrigo's offer. "I'm testing a theory as well," she admits.

The crowd roars, and she doesn't elaborate for now. She turns to the events. At the conclusion, she hasty writes a note, and hands it to one of the urchins still milling about. She picks a tall girl, who might be eight, but who looks like she might have some orc blood in her, a generation or two back. "Give this to that man, and I'll have a silver for you when you return." The name Hula'go is written in impeccable penmanship on the outside. The note is of course unsealed, but it is folded closed.

[sblock=note]Miss Imogen requests the pleasure of your company for dinner, this evening at the Thundering Lizard, and hour after sundown.[/sblock]

Dellrak had been grumbling to himself, impatiently waiting for the others when he found himself marvelling at stonework of the ancient ziggurat. It had once been covered with delicate carvings but they were all so worn now, that it was hard to make any of them out. This looked like no human construction he had ever seen, though humans had added things here and there.

The larger two (of three ziggurats, Dellrak stood before the smallest) were nearly completely covered in human-built additions - boxy houses and wooden facades. But nearly everything was built on the ziggurats, and Dellrak found himself wondering what was inside them.

Then, through the parting crowd, one of the children came running, waving his little arms. "Mistress! Mistress! Come quickly! It is Mayni! We had found something at a hut by the edge of the jungle and something bit her! She is very sickly. I could not carry her!"

Mayni was one of the older, smarter girls and Miss Imogen would hate to lose her.

Harb discovered nothing of particular interest, and was too far away from the dying to even so much as properly observe the passing. He'd had little interest in the meantime and was happy to move on. Turning to the child, he spoke with compassion in his voice. "Take us to her and I'll do my best to help her."

Squirrels are evil!

The small boy (who's name was Louzo), ran past the smallest ziggurat saying "Come! Come! This way, masters."

He led the group between some shacks, and they quickly came to the edge of town. A terrible smell came from beyond a slight ridge*, and the boy ran along it until the area began to grow thick with large-leaved trees. In a clearing, a large thatch-roofed hut could be seen, and lying in front of it, a girl of around 12 years.

It had not been far, and they had arrived quickly. She was foaming at the mouth and choking, her eyes rolled back and her dark skin had gone a blueish-grey.

OOC: *Places of Port Nyanzaru Refuse Pit: An enormous sinkhole serves as the city’s garbage dump. Every type of refuse gets tossed here, up to and including dead bodies. It’s a festering scar of garbage, rancid water, and vermin. Rats, insects, and ravens abound.

Harb knelt next to the girl, looking for the source of her affliction and attempting to stabilize her in the short term. As he worked, he spoke to the others. "I will attempt to keep her alive, but we will need to get her to a local healer as quickly as possible. Also, if you can find the creature that bit her, it may be of some use."

[Sblock]Medicine: 1D20+4 = [8]+4 = 12

Squirrels are evil!

Harb found a single, swollen hole on her hand, more like a large pin than a bite-mark. But poison, to be certain. He was able to turn her on her side and keep her breathing. (ooc: stabilised)

The boy pointed the others to the door of the hut, "She was there, when it happened."

Harb relays the information to the others, suspecting an artificial means of poisoning. He stays with the child to monitor her until she can be moved.

OOC: He also produces his new set of thieves tools if they are needed, which I suspect they will be.

Squirrels are evil!

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