D&D 5E (IC) Rise of the Dracolich

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Prickly Pear

Sesto liked Kalorn's idea. "Yes, I do have Silence spell prepared and I being invisible will certainly help. Just give me a few minutes and I will cast it as a ritual."
Sesto set to work with the ritual and carefully placed the spell outside the town hall so that all sound would be blocked when they made their way towards shaman's hut.
Sesto said: "Right, thats it. We should be good for about ten minutes. As long as we can't hear them talking in the town hall, they will not hear us either." Sesto got to his feet. "Let's go."

OOC: I hope that by placing the 20' radius spell near the town hall and between the shaman' hut, it will block sound entering the building and give the group a long run towards the hut.
If needed...Stealth (disadvantage): [roll0] or [roll1]


Mord smiled at Kalorn and Sesto's plan. He changed his image to that of one of the many villagers which he had seen and who's voice he felt that he could reproduce at need. Then before anyone else stepped out, he did so himself, finding a good vantage point that he could see what was going on around them and also let others know when it was safe to move from cover to cover.

OOC: Mask of Many Faces and multiple help actions to give everyone advantage on their stealth checks.


Between the darkness, the night fogs, and some deception on the part of Morg (at one point, in the guise of a villager, he waved an 'all clear' to one of Orcaheart's men who ventured to check if the 'guests' were still in their hut) Imani's agents slipped across the snow into the shaman's hut as she waved them in.

Inside the hut, old furs heaped atop poles were laid across an opening leading down to the ice caves. Steps were cut into the wall of the chute, creating steep, icy stairs that dropped down in a tight spiral. This entrance into the ice caves was seldom used and the steps became increasingly obscured by frost as the scouts descended. After forty feet, the leader came to a spot where the stairs were quite rounded and treacherous.

OOC: Marching order would be good. Any precautions you're taking would interest me as well.


Dusty Dragon
Between the darkness, the night fogs, and some deception on the part of Morg (at one point, in the guise of a villager, he waved an 'all clear' to one of Orcaheart's men who ventured to check if the 'guests' were still in their hut) Imani's agents slipped across the snow into the shaman's hut as she waved them in.

Inside the hut, old furs heaped atop poles were laid across an opening leading down to the ice caves. Steps were cut into the wall of the chute, creating steep, icy stairs that dropped down in a tight spiral. This entrance into the ice caves was seldom used and the steps became increasingly obscured by frost as the scouts descended. After forty feet, the leader came to a spot where the stairs were quite rounded and treacherous.

OOC: Marching order would be good. Any precautions you're taking would interest me as well.
Kalorn suggested that he and Lorenn take the lead. He then sent Sooty to scout ahead: the bat familiar would navigate the tunnel with ease. He turned back to the others

"My familiar won't be back for a few minutes. I have rope, does anyone have pitons? The footing is treacherous ".

He didn't like putting his familiar at risk. But he remembered what his uncle had taught him - tools were meant to be used, better them than you. He glanced at the others and had a private smile - the best kind.
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Prickly Pear

Sesto agreed that Kalorn and Lorenn would lead the way.

I have a rope too but, alas, I have no pitons. I am not particular concerned, though, for Lathander will give me spiritual guidance that will safely place my feet on the steps.

At least, I hope it will, Sesto thought as he eyed the steps downwards.

OOC: Sesto will cast guidance on himself. He has no other means to take precautions other than by moving slowly and carefully.

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