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D&D 5E [IC] The New World (Volo Monsters)

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Nert Muchshredder

Nert looks back at Drutha, uncomfortable with being in front of the rest of the group. She made some hand signals at him and looked questioningly. Not sure exactly what she was asking, Nert held up 6 fingers, then held his four fingers flat together with his thumb pressed against them, opening and closing his thumb and fingers, before returning his attention back to the campfire.

Action: Hold - attack if the group is detected

[SBLOCK=Mini Stats]
HP: 12/12
Passive perception: 14

Abilities: Fury of the small 1/1 short rest
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First Post
Saashala nervously ran her tongue across the sharp points of her fangs. The others were ready to attack, but these humans were not the caravan. They probably knew OF the caravan, but the possibility of an all-out attack simply killing them all before they could talk about it was high. It was a risk, but she needed to see if they knew anything before the attack happened.

So she breathed a few times in and out, very quickly, to get herself flushed and panting...then threw herself around the rock and into the firelight.

"Thank the gods," Saashala breathed, opening her eyes wide to give them a desperate feel, "people...real people... P...put out that fire! Before it's seen!"

Her eyes flicked to the hill, where she could just pick out the gleam of eyes waiting in the darkness. Just give me a moment to work, she spoke into their minds. Then she was looking around, as if unsure where the danger was lurking.

Deception: 1D20+5 = [18]+5 = 23


Drutha Keldret, Hobgoblin Fighter
Night/7 PM
Round 3

Drutha was still drawing a bead on the humans when Saashala came stumbling into the firelight. The hobgoblin’s eyes widened in surprise, and then the yuan-ti’s thoughts came into her mind.

What in Magubliyet’s left nut was she trying to do?

Stay out of my head, snake, Drutha warned. But she held her attack for now, seeing how the snake-woman’s ploy turned out.

Action: Readied action in case things go pear-shaped.
Heavy crossbow attack: 1D20+2 = [17]+2 = 19
Heavy crossbow damage: 1D10 = [3] = 3

AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 13/13 HD: 1/1d10
Saving Face (1/R)
Second Wind (1/R)


The horses sniff the air and whinny at Moon Moon as he approaches, but no worse than before, and they seem to be ignored. Moon Moon and Karok can now see each other, though.

Meanwhile, Saashala sprints up to the fire and calls for help, taking all the men completely by surprise. B5 stumbles over his own feet making room for her to approach. B4, B3, and B6 simply stare slack-jawed.

"P...put out that fire! Before it's seen!"

B2 manages to respond, right on cue: "Yeah, honey, I don't like doin' it next to a fire, either!" He leers at her, and nudges B1 with his elbow.

B1 gives Saashala a hard look and replies to B2, "By the grace of [something], I think it's Christmas!" You don't quite catch the name of the deity he invoked. He pulls a dagger from his belt deliberately as he watches Saashala.

B2 is still talking, and could probably go on forever, except how much more can you fit in a round? "Because, you know, your one side gets hot and your other side gets cold, and it's not exactly like you can just roll over..."

Then Saashala notices that maybe B5 wasn't as careless as he seemed, because as soon as the other two stand up, she'll be sort of surrounded.

Just then, there's a CRASH! from the top of the mound.

On the second step Drutha takes toward the front of the mound, she steps right through snow and dirt and rotten wood, collapsing the entire covering over an old stone stairway that descends into the mound. She reaches for anything to grab onto and keep from falling through, but between the snow and disintegrating surface, can't find a handhold and takes 3 damage when she crashes onto the stone edges below.

Sliding a bit on the fragment of the board that used to be under her, Drutha ends up at the foot of the stairway. The air is cool and musty, perhaps actually a bit warmer than the air above, and the darkness beyond is impenetrable. She'll need a light source to see anything except the way back up the stairs behind her. (FYI the stairs count as difficult terrain so it would take 20' of movement to get back out.)

B1 whips his head around to stare at the mound above, then shifts back to squint at Saashala, perhaps giving some credit to the rest of her words. She notices B5 also looking up toward the sound. None of the rest acknowledge it.

They don't give any additional indication of whether they've seen Nert.

OOC: You can send Round 3 actions any time.
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Moon Moon creeps over five feet giggling at the pack of doggies.

OOC: Move to M11 to peer at the fire and the people.

Upon seeing the big candle-pit Moon Moon thinks about taking their candles.

OOC: Cast Control Flames, first to make the flames look like a big spooky dragon head.

In Draconic, Moon Moon yells out while mimicking with the dragon head, "Darkness Take You!"

OOC: Then finish Control Flames to extinguish the fire entirely.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Ripnek is startled for a moment when Sashaala stumbles towards the campfire, but he quickly grasps her plan after her telepathic message. The bugbear holds his ground for a moment, preparing to rush into the camp if the yuan-ti did not manage to take out the humans.

OOC: No action for now. Next round Ripnek charges in, as if he is the first of a horde chasing Sashaala.


Karok hears the exchange, and decides further confusion is warranted. He rushes the horses, using his dagger to slice the ropes holding the horses.

Voidrunner's Codex

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