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[IC Thread] Delving the Mists


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This is the IC thread for the Ravenloft campaign entitled "Delving the Mists".

This first post will contain links to the other important threads and rules for this campaign.

Please try to post at least once a day if there is some material there for you to respond to. If at any time a player has not posted for at least 3 days and is beginning to hold up the game I will NPC the character and make brief posts in their place if necessary. If you are gone for 2 weeks or longer with no posts or emails then I will have to declare you MIA and begin recruiting an replacement. Sadly if I have to make room for a new character I will kill or retire your PC if necessary at this point.
PLEASE email me or post in the OOC thread if you have any planned absences coming up in the future. I understand that RL should always come before this so if you run into a busy stretch and cannot post just let me know and I'll take care of the details until you return.

Here is a Dice Rolling Program if we have to do any online dice rolling.

Posting Format
Whenever your PC talks please surround the speech in quotes "". You may use color to speak with if you wish, just try not to steal each other's colors. Thoughts are in italics.

Important Threads:

Rogue's Gallery


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If one does not work try the other, but I prefer the Yahoo account at this time. (AT = @)
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First Post

What follows is some background and history for blending all the PCs together into a group and up into the present day. I'll do a general section first with each PCs specific background afterwords.

General Background:

Very recently the group of characters has been officially recognized by the police department as being a valuable team of investigators. To show their appreciation they leased a building to house their operations in along with a small staff of scribes and guards at the investigators disposal. The building is not very large but it is clean and free of vermin, along with being housed in a relatively clean business section of the city. The beginnings of a residential block of housing is south of the building where many of the investigators are housed. To the east and southeast are some slightly more rundown sections of the city but with the help of the city guard housed in a barracks nearby and their new Captain, a Mr. Ernest Deningrate, conditions have begun to improve. The PCs are expected to investigate more complicated crimes in this "slums" area when the city guard cannot do the job themselves in addition to crime associated with the rest of the city. (The PCs new building was chosen, in part, to be located here because of a rash of strange murders that have been occuring in the rundown section).

The IC thread will begin with the characters being introduced to the guard Captain of this section Ernest, along with their police liaison to the Mayor (Mr. Arthur Pettigrew). After introductions a tour of the surrounding area will begin.

Specific Background for Telsar's PC - Inspector Natalie Bayne:

Natalie had already been working with the police department for a few years before meeting any of the rest of the crew. Thanks to the connections her semi-retired foster father, James Neabaum, has with various organizations Natalie was able to request and receive help in various areas of law enforcement when required. At first she largely did her job on her own but after a few brushes of violence with some local thugs her foster father insisted she work begin working with other people more. After a few failed partners Natalie obtained the assistance of Orum, an accomplished soldier, and Anton the warrior-tracker. A few months of solved and unsolved crimes passed and the intrepid band encountered a difficulty of having to break into a well guarded house of an underworld criminal. Some time was spent negotiating with contacts within the police department and a suitable candidate to help with the job, Quilan, was presented. The job went off without a hitch and another compatriot was found.
Months again flowed by until the resolution of a large case involving an extortion ring was brought to a close. In recognition of all the hard work and long hours put in by the tired band the police department gave them the lease to a new building to begin an official investigative group. Natalie was hired on for her brilliant undercover work and knowledge of arcane magic. Given a cozy upstairs apartment with a nice skylight that Perspie would enjoy, Natalie prepared herself for her new job.

Specific Background for Gramcrackered's PC - Orum Holt:

Conscripted into Viaki soldiery at a young age Orum was quickly singled out from the other recruits for a more arduous training program. Many months of tired slogging through exercises clouded his mind and he began to forget bits and pieces of his day. An onslaught of migraine headaches made him forget about this however as he attributed it all to the stress of his training. Orum's discharge from the training program came a few weeks later after an incident with another trainee. One evening after drinking a bit too much Orum and his disagreeable peer got into a wrestling match at a local tavern and where both promptly thrown out into the rain. Orum staggered back to his bunk to sleep off the drink, but awoke later to find himself towering over the broken and wheezing body of his opponent from the tavern. Confused and still slightly drunk Orum fled from the scene, which was strangly covered up by his superiors. To spare themselves an embarassment Orum's commanding officers rushed him into service of the town guard before any questions could be asked.
Orum worked some of the typical patrols and guard stations for a few months after leaving training. Becoming a bit bored with all the tedium he applied to the special bodyguard position for an up and coming investigator that people were speaking of. Pleasantly surprised when he got the job Orum soon became intrigued with the intellectual work of solving crimes that was so much different than what he had learned in his soldiery training. The job was not without violence however and Orum found himself busy more often than not.
After a break in a long and tiring case Orum was invited to lead the small guard detail for the new investigative unit that was being established. Honored to take the position Orum moved his personal belongings into the barracks he was assigned to and prepared to tour the area.

Specific Background for Salzorin's PC - Quilan Dryburough

Quilan's, or "Quill" as his friends call him, humble roots began with a travelling circus. Other performers encouraged him to become a buffoon because of his rediculously short stature made for a comical appearance when wearing the proper costume, but Quill had a particular talent for throwing things and soon apprenticed to the knife throwing act. Mastering the complicated routine in a short amount of time Quill soon became bored with the act and looked for new thrills to entertain himself. After viewing some of the rich atire of audiences in certain locales Quill decided to try his hand at burglary. Using the circus as a distraction for his marks Quill took to breaking into houses to amass wealth to spend on grandiose dreams and frivalous things. His small size and nimble hands made breaking and entering child's play, until he was caught breaking into a police officer's home in Viaki however. Resigned to his fate of being executed Quill was surprised when the police offered to hire him on to infiltrate secure criminal establishments. Unable to refuse the offer Quill was soon put to work breaking into the homes of criminals instead of the innocent.
Years passed and Quill became annoyed with being unable to gain the respect of many of the police he worked with. Constant "short jokes" annoyed him to no end, but he soon found people to work for who respected him when he was hired by a group of investigators looking to break into a well guarded criminal home. Pulling off the job flawlessly Quill was given steady work, and respect, from the group of investigators.
Months of work culminated in a string of investigations into an band of criminals that was extorting money from many local businesses. Many weeks of hard work ended with Quill and the rest of the group rounding up the last of the villains and throwing them into jail. As a reward for his dedication Quill was given a new apartment to live in, bigger than the broom closet he used to hang his hat in, and a job as "Specialized Infiltrator" of a new anti-crime organization. Quill couldn't pass up the offer, not with a name like that, so he moved his belongings into his new home and got ready to explore his new surroundings.

Specific Background for Fangor the Fierce's PC - Alyson (and her assistant Kalri)

With the pain of her father's death still fresh in her mind Alyson took to the work of being a disciple of Ezra with a particular "zeal". When not busy with prayer or study of the faith she would pour over books and manuscripts about every aspect of the mortal body, dead or alive. Time spent reading old memoirs of a detective from long ago detailing how to determine the origins of a crime from what is left at the scene or on a dead body gave her a lot of clever insight. The local police soon came to call on her for help dealing with crimes of violence, whether it was to help heal the sick in the aftermath or to examine the bodies of dead victims. Finding time spent with other acolytes of Ezra to be tedious and time consuming she soon began to withdraw to her own room more and more to pursue private studies of old literature.
Eventually she became to come out of her shell slightly when she was able to apprentice under a local Anatomist, Phineas Kuint, who was getting on in his years and wanted to pass his knowledge on before he retired. It was here that she met Natalie and the rest of the group because her Anatomist mentor was often helping the police by studying bodies and violent crime scenes. As the months progressed Alyson often did more and more of the work required of the investigative group or the police as her mentor Phineas was getting old and spent more time reading than working. Phineas soon granted her the title of being a full Anatomist and declared his retirement from the profession. He is still called upon occasionally for a particularly puzzling case but can be most often found in his garden tending flowers.
Alyson was forced to take on an assistant to help with the load of violent crimes and corpses that were stemming from a large and violent extortion ring in the area. Alyson did not regret the help of her new friend, Kalri, however as she found her to be well versed in many different areas of study. Soon Alyson and the group of investigators were able to break the case and bring the perpatrators to justice...and she was granted a full promotion for her part in the work.
Alyson was hired into the new investigative unit as their primary medical investigator, along with being a liasion to the city's morgue and hospital where she had often worked before. Given a small house to live in with enough bedrooms for Kalri and herself Alyson spent time moving her personal belongings into it...and her tools of the trade into the special section of the new office given to scientific study.

Specific background for Pyrex's PC - Anton Laurent Bronislaw

Joining the town guard at such a young age has given Anton a lot of time to see the various plagues that have come to Viaki and gone again. Undead hordes, outlander bandits, and even rioting among starving peasants have all been seen by him and beaten back with the collective strength of the Guard. His squad captain complemented him on his inborne tracking abilities used against a group of fleeing criminals in the city, and soon singled him out for more specialized training. Anton spent several years working as a Guardsman while training to be an urban tracker, or thief-catcher as they are sometimes known, under a few different mentors.
He soon felt confident enough to begin taking on tasks above that of a common soldier and so began inquiring around for jobs suited to a thief-catcher such as himself. A few months of less than satisfying assignments and tragedy occured for several of his friends within the Guard as they were quietly assassinated and disposed of to cover up some dealings of the Kargat. The Darklord Azalin's secret police both frightened and angered Anton and he vowed revenge on them one day. In order to avoid their notice for sometime he landed a job working along with the investigator Natalie and another guardsman named Orum. His specialized ability in reading the trails of people within the city was very valuable to his new comrades and he found himself enjoying this new job much more than his routine guard duties.
Time passed and the Kargat faded into the back of his memory as he concentrated on using his talents to sniff out criminals wherever they lay. A long and bloody campaign to end an extortion ring in the local area led Anton to uproot many a thieves' den in search of the proper thugs. All the time and hard work put in finally paid off one fateful day when they rounded up the ringleaders of the band and arrested them all.
Recognized by the police department as heroes Anton and his friends were gifted with a new office and official title as an investigative organization. A new apartment in a new part of the city made Anton excited for his prospects for the future. He moved his things into his new home and prepared to go meet the rest of the group for the grand tour.


First Post
It is a few hours before midday when the group meets in front of the new building they are going to be working in...

You are greeted by a man of moderate height who is impeccably dressed. His dark brown hair is neatly combed back from his brow and not a single strand seems out of place. A smooth shaven face is accented by a thin mustache that bends upwards as he smiles at all of you. With his hat held lightly in his hand he bows to everyone present.

“Welcome honored individuals! Please allow me to introduce myself...I am Mr. Arthur Pettigrew, a liaison to the Mayor. I’ll be showing you around your new office today, along with some of the local neighborhood sights. We have much to see today so please come inside.”

Arthur opens the door to the building and holds it open for everyone to go inside. Not far from the entrance you meet a middle aged man with graying hair who offers to take your coats and cloaks and hang them up for you.

“Hello ladies and gents, my name is Gerald Odine. I’m the handyman around here who fixes anything that gets broke and,” He says with a wink, “I keep the place clean if I’m not too busy.”

Arthur clears his throat, “Ahem, yes this is Gerald. If you have anything that needs to be fixed, cleaned, or need something rare procured he’s your man.” Arthur gestures towards the interior of the building, “Come this way and we can meet Madeline, your new secretary.” He leads you all into a large room filled desks, lamps and other odds and ends furniture. Seated at a desk close to the front is a petite brunette woman with long straight hair going down her back. She is wearing a modest dress and has pretty green eyes when she looks up and smiles at all of you. She puts down some papers as she stands to curtsy to everyone.

“Hello! My name is Madeline Rose. I’ve been assigned here as your secretary and accountant, so I will take care of any correspondence and send out payments for bill collection.” She curtsies one more time to you before Arthur leads you to another part of the building weaving through some of the furniture.

“I’m quite sorry about the mess,” says Arthur. “But we’ve been so busy lately that Gerald and the guardsmen haven’t had much time to rearrange things yet.” He walks you into another room that is spotlessly clean and polished. Inside are three larger men wearing the insignia of the local town guardsmen. They are all heaving against a large table with a flat metal slab on top of it trying to get it straight in the middle of the room.

“Excuse me gentlemen, but these are the investigators who will be your new patrons.” Arthur speaks to the guardsmen and they all set down the table so that they can turn and bow to you. Arthur begins introducing them, “This tall fellow here with the beard is Brutus. The hawkish looking gent with blonde hair is Jaxal, and lastly our shaven headed friend is Stephen.” “These men will assist in guarding these premises or yourselves if the need should arise.” Arthur nods to the guardsmen and they go back to work moving the table. “This room will serve as a laboratory for the science minded individuals in your group. That large table they are moving can be used as an autopsy surface, and there is plenty of shelf space for books or any sort of glassware you might have.” Arthur whisks out of the room with you in tow as he walks to another doorway off the main office area. Inside of this new room are two long tables with benches set up next to them. There are many cupboards with some cooking implements spread out on some of the table tops. “This is a small dining area for when you want to eat in private,” Arthur says, “but there are a few nice restaurants in the area as I will show you when I take you to lunch momentarily.” “If you will come upstairs with me I’ll show you a sleeping and lounging area up there along with the last person employed under you.”

Arthur takes you up the stairs to a large open room with tables, chairs, several small beds, and a fireplace. Jumping on one of the beds is a boy who looks be 8 or 9 years of age. He immediately jumps down and looks sheepish as Arthur raises an eyebrow at him. “Rickert here will run messages and errands around the city for you. He is quite a fast runner and knows he way around well so if you need something done quickly you can rely on him.” Arthur ruffles Rickert’s hair quickly before going back downstairs.

“And that concludes your tour of the new office that you will be working in. I’m sorry I haven’t given you much time for questions but we need to rush over to Sulin’s if we want to miss the midday meal rush. Once we are seated there with food in front of us you can ask me anything you like and introduce yourselves better if you wish.”

Arthur leads you to a coat rack to pick up your coats and cloaks and then out the door to a building across the street.


First Post
Orum salutes stiffly and silently or nods politely and thrusts out a large hand to be shook as the various people are introduced. Which method he chooses to greet them with is rather obviously dependent on whether they are a simple staff member or a guardsman.
Other than that he keeps quiet as the group is shown about, looking more than a little bored with the entire thing. After all, most of the rooms hold little interest for him; what reason would he have to be cooking or fiddling about with some books in the lab? Let the others tend to that.
Not that this disinterest prevents Orum from standing rail straight the whole time, tossing out the occasional vigorous nod of his head whenever Mr. Pettigrew looks his direction.
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First Post
Quilan gives a rather jovial introduction to any new faces he sees.

As they start walking around, Quilan leans over to a couple of his companions, whispering, "Hey, doesn't this seem a bit overly formal for us? Honored individuals? If he keeps talking like that I'm going to get a big head. Of course, you know what they say about halflings with big heads, right?... yeah, they say 'freak!' as they laugh and point."

Quilan follows the tour around, although he manges to become bored with it despites its short duration. The mention of food is the only thing that manages to rile him awake from his astounding apathy, and he follows much more attentively with the mention of a restaurant.
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Fangor the Fierce

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While being given the tour of the new place, Alyson becomes very interested in the lab. Looking around, she can imagine how everything would look. Surgical supplies in the drawers, vials of fluids, liquids, and herbs strewed out on the tops of the tables, and her books nicely lining the shelves. She then notices that the others are on tour and have left the room, where she suddenly comes back to reality and goes to follow the rest of the group. She takes careful note of each of the individuals in the group, trying to get an idea of their habits. She doesn't say much, and keeps quiet for the most part, save for the usual "Hi."


First Post
Natalie greets the staff as she meets them, immediately beginning to assess their work ethic and personalities, judging who she can depend on, and who she might not. She likes the formal greetings until the group gets to Madeline. Natalie says to her, “I hope you aren’t planning to curtsy every time we arrive each day.” She gives her a serious smile, adding “I’d even prefer guests to think you’re a little too busy for that. Unless the mayor drops by. Him you can curtsy for.” Natalie smiles a little broader at the girl, indicating she isn’t upset, but is serious about the work being more important than appearances.

To Quilan's comment, Natalie says "I like the formality. Very professional. As far as being 'honored' goes, well, we're only going to be seen as good as our last case. I imagine our status with the mayor will fluctuate now and then."

As they are leaving, Natalie says to Mr. Pettigrew, “I’m very impressed. The resources and staff seem excellent. But I do have a question or comment or two, so let’s get to this lunch.”
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First Post
Arthur enters the dining establishment first to an almost empty room. A few tables have people seated and eating but apparently he was correct in guessing that you might still miss the midday meal rush. He goes to the back where a dainty short woman with her hair done up in a tight bun is taking orders for food.

"Good afternoon Sulin, these are the new investiagors that have just recently moved into the neighborhood. The Mayor is picking up the cost of today's meal for everyone so please bill everything to him."

Arthur gets a bowl of beef stew with some large chunks of steaming bread and brings it over to a deserted table. He waits for everyone to be seated with their meals before beginning to explain the rest of their tour. "I'm afraid my time is very short today so you will have to ask Gerald or Rickert to show you around some of the other local businesses. I know there is a large stables here for care of your horses and a few other places you may find interesting. I believe there may even be a glassblower nearby who could make some of the jars and bowls you may need for your scientific studies. Since it is a long way to walk to the last few places I want to show you I've hired a coach to meet us here after we have finished this meal. We still need to see the police station, mayor's office, jail...", he adds with a whisper, "and the morgue as well."

"But for now please eat and ask me any questions you might have so far."


First Post
Natalie orders some chicken, seasoned with whatever the cook recommends and has on hand. Don’t want to fill up too much with the amount of running around I imagine we’ll be doing today.. When she sits, she gets right to business.

“First, let me again say the place looks very impressive. One thing I think we’ll need though, is a well-equipped changing room. I occasionally like to go undercover, and any of us might like to freshen up if we spend any time rooting through people’s garbage. If we have to sacrifice the kitchen-slash-dining room to make room for it, that’s fine with me. I think this place can adequately feed us.”

“And I’d like to know a little more about Rickert. What’s his story? Does he have family? He seems a little too young. The building might very well attract the criminal element, or something worse, and we all know there are lots of ‘something worse’ out there. We do need a runner, but the likelihood of him getting in trouble seems very high.”


First Post
"Couldn't you just change somewhere else? Like your own home?" Orum mumbles, swallowing hard on his drink to clear out the chunk of bread he just swallowed. "More importantly, wouldn't you want to just change somewhere else? I mean, a disguise isn't going to do you a lot of good if you're spotted wearing it when you walk on out of a building where an investigation team is known to work. See, it seems to me that there are likely a good many rats hiding in holes watching from outside for anything peculiar. Like, say, a woman going out of the building without being seen going in it."

"'Less you disagree with me for some reason, that just leaves the bathing," he continues, quietly stirring his stew. "Seem a bit wasteful to completely tear apart a room just so you can clean up there. 'Course, seems a bit wasteful to be concerned with that much bathing anyway."
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