Planescape Manual of the Planes for 5e on DMSGuild

New on the DMSGuild is the Manual of the Planes for 5th edition. The cover is stunning. It's over 300 pages and the credits page includes folks from The Draconomicon, The Dragonlance Companion, Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Planescape: Metropolis, The Honkonomicon and I love the special thanks. This project was made possible by Roll20. Thank you for unlocking new...

New on the DMSGuild is the Manual of the Planes for 5th edition. The cover is stunning.

Manual of the Planes. An invaluable, definitive work on the most fascinating aspect of the World's Greatest Roleplaying Game

It's over 300 pages and the credits page includes folks from The Draconomicon, The Dragonlance Companion, Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Planescape: Metropolis, The Honkonomicon and

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 9.37.13 PM.png

I love the special thanks.

This project was made possible by Roll20. Thank you for unlocking new horizons for the latest generation of planewalkers, bashers, berks, and touts. We’d also like to thank the giants on whose shoulders we stand when writing this book: Justice Ramin Arman, Richard Baker, Wolfgang Baur, David “Zeb” Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, Jeff Grubb, David Noonan, F. Wesley Schneider, Rick Swan, and all others who helped create and cultivate Planescape and the planes.

I've just bought it and am reading it now.

Here is the table of contents.

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 10.18.51 PM.png

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Fum fact: Savage Tides is nearly as old now as Isle of Dread was when Savage Todes.came out (almost: soon, though).

It's been nearly 5 years since Saltmarsh, which was the last classic module reprint product. Seems they have something in the cards for next year, but it is interesting, they have not done any Basic D&D stuff at all, only AD&D (aside from one small Basic adventure from the magazines in Saltmarsh). Seems to me that the B and X lines have all sorts of stuff to mine.
Goodman Games has been reprinting a lot of classic D&D modules under a license, so I'm guessing WotC has just outsourced the work to them.

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Book-Friend, he/him
Goodman Games has been reprinting a lot of classic D&D modules under a license, so I'm guessing WotC has just outsourced the work to them.
Not anymore: Goodman Games has removed all mention of the TSR products from their site, seems their license is done. And now Perkins is teasing one of the books they reprinted for next year.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
Savage Tide is a campaign which hasn't always aged well, to say the least. While the Planescape aspects of the story are great and many of the encounters and exploration bits are very memorable, the overall colonial themes of the Adventure Path will likely demand some tweaks and will absolutely demand some close discussion with your players to make sure that they are comfortable and having fun.
They're considering playing the adventure, not re-releasing it to sell to the public. Your concerns may not be their concerns.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
I'm aware that different tables have different concerns, hence why I suggested an upfront discussion with players ahead of time.
Just seems a little presumptious to suggest such a thing when you know nothing about their table or how important your concerns are to them. That's all. People can make their own choices.


Book-Friend, he/him
Considering how much mining they're doing for classic material, it's something I would definitely expect to see. Although, with Ghosts of Saltmarsh out, I imagine that took a lot of the wind out of the sails, so to speak. GoS with Isle of Dread would be far, far too close to treading on Savage Tides toes.
So, the seafaring sandbox stuff in Saltmarsh is pretty great, but it is pretty seperate from the actual Adventure material. So a swperate product focused on seafaring would make sense.

Because I am insane, mixing matwrial fromX2, X6, X7, X8, and X9 onto one big oceanic sandbox with a new low Level intro Adventure thar sets players up as privateer/merchants with, say, the Minothrad Guilds as a patron would take a lot of work to make work, but could rock, better than taking 32 pahe X2 and trying to turn it into a big elongated story. Lean into the free-form sandbox, and pile on genre examples and encounters. It would mix well with saltmarsh, rather than being redundant.


Curious what other monsters people would like to see in future Planescape installments. Beyond specific figures, I'm wondering if there are other fiends, celestials, or other cosmic wanderers that 5e hasn't covered yet which would be worthy of exploration.

Devetes, perhaps?


Curious what other monsters people would like to see in future Planescape installments. Beyond specific figures, I'm wondering if there are other fiends, celestials, or other cosmic wanderers that 5e hasn't covered yet which would be worthy of exploration.

Devetes, perhaps?
The inner planes and ethereal historically get the least development, and we're in an era where people have learned about elemental stuff through media other than D&D.

Curious what other monsters people would like to see in future Planescape installments. Beyond specific figures, I'm wondering if there are other fiends, celestials, or other cosmic wanderers that 5e hasn't covered yet which would be worthy of exploration.

Devetes, perhaps?
Verlassam - humans hiding in the Abyss that were later rescued.

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