Planescape Manual of the Planes for 5e on DMSGuild

New on the DMSGuild is the Manual of the Planes for 5th edition. The cover is stunning. It's over 300 pages and the credits page includes folks from The Draconomicon, The Dragonlance Companion, Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Planescape: Metropolis, The Honkonomicon and I love the special thanks. This project was made possible by Roll20. Thank you for unlocking new...

New on the DMSGuild is the Manual of the Planes for 5th edition. The cover is stunning.

Manual of the Planes. An invaluable, definitive work on the most fascinating aspect of the World's Greatest Roleplaying Game

It's over 300 pages and the credits page includes folks from The Draconomicon, The Dragonlance Companion, Tasha's Crucible of Everything Else, Planescape: Metropolis, The Honkonomicon and

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 9.37.13 PM.png

I love the special thanks.

This project was made possible by Roll20. Thank you for unlocking new horizons for the latest generation of planewalkers, bashers, berks, and touts. We’d also like to thank the giants on whose shoulders we stand when writing this book: Justice Ramin Arman, Richard Baker, Wolfgang Baur, David “Zeb” Cook, Bruce R. Cordell, Jeff Grubb, David Noonan, F. Wesley Schneider, Rick Swan, and all others who helped create and cultivate Planescape and the planes.

I've just bought it and am reading it now.

Here is the table of contents.

Screenshot 2023-10-22 at 10.18.51 PM.png

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I crit!
Well darn! Thank you for the heads-up! I will let the project lead know and see if there's a way for us to pursue similar sneakiness. I suspect our PoD timeline will be a bit longer regardless for some... ahem... positive reasons I cannot get into...

Anyone able to give feedback to @TravDoc42 on the monsters? I would, but I have a conflict of interest...
Ahaha.... ahaha.... what are you doing to me?

OK I'll wait to hear. Cool though.

I have the PDF to keep me company.


If I had more time I'd itemize things, but I noticed a lot of typos in the Inner Planes section, like a misspelling of Cryonax etc. Content is good, just could use another edit pass.

I will say this is the first time I've cared about the Queen of Chaos etc.
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If I had more time I'd itemize things, but I noticed a lot of typos in the Inner Planes section, like a misspelling of Cryonax etc. Content is good, just could use another edit pass.
Appreciate the heads-up, and yes, it's going through multiple additional passes for things that sneaked by us.
I will say this is the first time I've cared about the Queen of Chaos etc.
I'm glad to hear that, bringing back the obyriths in style was a goal of mine here. I just hope I did them justice - especially with two new ones joining the fray.
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What are the monsters like? The ethergaunts have me intrigued
What would you like to know? I am not really familiar with ethergaunts from prior editions so I can't compare them. There are white, red, and black ones in the book. They are CR 14, 8, & 21 respectively. I can say they are more complex / in-depth than anything you are likely to get from WotC. Whether or not that is a good or bad thing I think is a mater of opinion (I see both sides myself)


Getting a hang of this!
What would you like to know? I am not really familiar with ethergaunts from prior editions so I can't compare them. There are white, red, and black ones in the book. They are CR 14, 8, & 21 respectively. I can say they are more complex / in-depth than anything you are likely to get from WotC. Whether or not that is a good or bad thing I think is a mater of opinion (I see both sides myself)
Thank you for this insight! I was wondering about the complexity aspect of the stat blocks, and that sounds great! Thank you!


I gotta admit. I’m not a Planescape guy but I did really like the Obyriths.

Damn now I’m interested.
My view of Planescape is that D&D has largely contiguous lore stretching back to the dawn of time - the 2E setting heavily influenced how people would react to the surreal landscapes and surreal situations with a balance of Clueless wonder and Planar cynicism, but for this book we wanted to evoke many things. Whether it be Fibber McGee's closet as in earlier editions, the factional philosophical exploration of 2E, or the more weighty theming of 3.5's best heavy hitters. I think it all blends together well - the trick is always to balance the competing needs. I liked being able to take certain topics, such as the obyriths, and give them their striking, haunting, and terrifying reputations rather than selling them short.

If you'd like to get a sense of how they were handled, the alternate preview includes a new creation of mine, Thulucuera the Laughing Void. I hope she passes muster.
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