D&D General Maybe I was ALWAYs playing 4e... even in 2e

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meaning you can still have large numbers of hit points and still die
yes, if you have 70hp at full and you are down to single digit hp and fail an AOE for 40 damage you can still die...

heck I gave examples of many deaths up thread. It being harder to random die doesn't mean no one ever does.

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I went to Taco Bell once and just before I came up to the register the staff called for the “back up meat!” I didn’t want to think about what that was
Having worked at Taco Bell, I can tell you that what they were saying was "we're low on beef, we need more in the thermalizer so we can serve it when this runs out". That having been said, the contents of said taco beef are somewhat dubious...

Having worked at Taco Bell, I can tell you that what they were saying was "we're low on beef, we need more in the thermalizer so we can serve it when this runs out". That having been said, the contents of said taco beef are somewhat dubious...
I refuse to ask the amount or even if the fast food is beef... or safe... As long as I don't get sick I find not asking better

James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
basic and 1 e die at 0, 2e otional -10, 3e is dead at -10... 4e and 5e are the only really ones with buffer zones.
Not true for 1e, actually, I just tripped over this in the DMG the other day on page 82.

EDIT: also, I see I let myself get Ninja'd (or as we'd say in 3.5, Swordsage'd).


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James Gasik

We don't talk about Pun-Pun
I refuse to ask the amount or even if the fast food is beef... or safe... As long as I don't get sick I find not asking better
Definitely the best way to look at it. The good news is, if properly prepared and all food handling procedures are followed, it's safe to heat (though long-term effects on your health may vary).


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
you need to look up death by massive damage... still can one shot (just really hard as you level)
Right, sure. Can come up pretty easily at first level if a monster gets a crit. Gets increasingly difficult after that, but is a real threat for the first two or three levels, anyway.

2E had a massive damage rule as well. Any 50pt hit triggered a Save vs. Death as I recall.

And that's before we get into clones and new D&D-likes. In 5 Torches Deep, for example, 0 HP is unconscious. If not tended to within a minute or immediately at the end of a fight, you're dead. If bandaged or healed, you roll on a d20 table, and only 1 is actually dead. 2-7 are ability score reductions, 8-12 or 13 (can't remember) is loss of some extremity, 13 or 14 - 19 is you have Disadvantage on all rolls until you get a night's rest, and 20 is you're fine. I thought a 1 in 20 chance of actual death was too low, so I changed the table so any roll of 10 or less gets a -1 to it. Doubles the chance of death and slightly reduces the chance of a lost limb or extremity. I also imposed that regular hirelings have to roll a d4 first and are dead on a 1, and leveled henchman do the same but with a d6.

Voidrunner's Codex

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