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Mortal Kombat!!


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Macrisse chuckles, like thunder booming in the distance.

"Ironic...my take is nearly the opposite. I'm not here for the prize at all. Nor even necessarily to win the battles...though I will certainly not hold back from trying my best! There is honor to uphold, after all."

"As for our tactics, I am the most visually...impressive of us. If I open up the attack, it should provide ample distraction for you two to strike. All I ask is that we accept surrenders and that we not kill save where there is no alternative." He nods at Caltrop. "Since the point system is weighted with those choices in mind, I'm sure it will not prove too onerous a request."

"In the meantime, to help make sure we choose our fights, rather than are targeted ourselves..." Macrisse activates his ring and vanishes from all senses. "I am still here," his voice notes. "Simply sequestered; an advanced form of invisibility. Otherwise I am visible for miles, and might draw attention to us while we look for our targets."

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The man looks at you thoughtfully for a moment "I offer only advice. It is your choice whether or not you take it. I do not expect your obedience, but I do wish you would listen, having you present at the final show-down would make things far simpler for us."

When Tehrazon flies over and lands, the two orcs look at each other and charge into the roiling cloud (AoO's from their charge, which was a readied action)

Tenneth hides amongst the treetops and then lets fly a quartet of arrows, which sink deeply into the lead drow. *SEE OOC*
I'm going to assume that your Surprise round was hiding, and this is your first full round action, as A) You don't get swift actions during a surprise round so no Quickened breath, B) You have to allready be successfully hidden to snipe, and C) Sniping requires a move action after the attack to stay hidden.
*EDIT: Also, if you use your breath weapon, that will ALSO reveal your location, so the sniping thing is kinda pointless... Do you still want to breath?
Also, your arrows should only deal 4 con damage by my calculations.. 4 arrows, 1 each, the con damage is not multiplied by crits.. if I'm missing something please tell me.[/sblock]

As Grugg wades across the river, he gets about halfway and realizes there is a Half-Red dragon standing there watching him. "Friend or foe?"


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Tehrazhon's titanic chain is aimed low in an attempt to trip the orcs. But the chain collides with the ground bouncing clean over one of the charging opponents. But as that one continues his charge, the weapon comes around again for a second attack.

(assuming the attacks hit and the trip checks are successful ...)

The moment after the Orcs are swept from their feet, the great chain comes around again in punishing follow-up attacks for massive damage that threaten to push the orcs back.

OOC note: Trip attacks are touch attacks that can be repeated for each threatened 5' square the orcs attempt to leave. The follow-up attacks are regular attacks that can't be repeated on a miss unless there is a new trip attack hit.

Brother Allard

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Some time ago, while serving a term in the City of Brass, Grugg's Efreeti masters elected to improve upon him by means of their particular magics. Working their wishes upon him, they strengthened him in both mind and body. In the end, after days and weeks of concentrated effort, though they succeeded by nearly every possible measure, they did not quite achieve the success for which they had hoped. For while Grugg was no longer quite stupid, he was still quite simple. Sadly, they knew no magic to cure that ill.

Standing in the river, the heavily scarred and tattooed warrior twists his face into a frown of bewilderment. His nostrils flare as he takes in the stranger's scent, and he pauses to consider him while puzzling out what this query could possibly mean in the context of the tournament.

"That depends," he ultimately says, his gravelly voice easily carrying across the sound of the burbling waters. He straightens his posture and brings his club down off of his shoulder. "Are you a bad man?"

[sblock=OOC]What does this half-dragon look like? Size Medium? Armed? Armored? Etc.

I'm considering a charge, but need to know if the water will count as difficult terrain.

Size Large
Reach 10'
AC 44
DR 15/-
greatclub +59 (3d6+46, 19-20/x3)[/sblock]


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Jemal said:
Tenneth hides amongst the treetops and then lets fly a quartet of arrows, which sink deeply into the lead drow.
[sblock=OOC]I'm just makin all kinds of newb mistakes aren't I? Aside from the 1 round of combat in Void's lvl 21 game I haven't done this in about 5years ;p so please be patient.

No I won't breath. My new hide check will be snipe hide 124

I am still Imp. Invis. and see invis up as well.

Would they still be able to spot my position through oily black shadows of the breath weapon?[/sblock]


First Post
Jemal said:
The man looks at you thoughtfully for a moment "I offer only advice. It is your choice whether or not you take it. I do not expect your obedience, but I do wish you would listen, having you present at the final show-down would make things far simpler for us."
[sblock=Jemal] "Very well I will heed your council for now!" With a flex of his mighty draconic thews Azrim leaps into the air and begins to fly a circling pattern around the clearing sixty feet above the ground.

OOC: Azrim turns invisible and then begins hunting for foes, looking for heavily armoured foes who favour the use of metal weapons
[Sblock=Combat Notes]
Gargantuan Rust Dragon S63 D16 C41 AC 93 (45 Rust Dragon Base +3 dex, +18 Arm +9 Shield +5 Def, +10 Nat) HP's 813/813 60ft, fly 200ft (clumsy), burrow 45 ft. SR34

Skills: Listen+32 Search +10 Spot+70

Blindsense 60 feet
Frightful Presence 33
Breath Weapon Line of Acid 24d4 (DC45), or Cone of Corrosion (DC45) - affects all metal.
Metal Resistance Resistant to attacks from metal weapons. DR 20/magic and 10/Chaotic
Rusting Bite Bite attack causes corrosion (DC45)
Rusting Scales Metal weapons with less than a +5 enhancement bonus corrode with no saving throw. +5 weapons deals damage normally, but must make a reflex save (DC45) or rust away.
Spell-Like Abilities 3/day - Wall of Iron; 1/day - Acid Fog, Repel Metal or Stone.

Combat Effects
Arrow Deflection (DC20), Concealment (20%), DR 3/- & 15/Adamantine, Evasion, Fast Healing 2, Freedom, Greater Energy Resistance (30 pts), Immune to; Crits, Mind-Affecting abilities, Stunning and Transmutations, Necklance of Adaption, Weapon Breaking (DC20 Fort save)


"Er...About that exepting surenders... I have no problem with exepting but there is the problem of if i don't try, very hard, not to kill there's the fact that I'm a little to good at it. IF my opponents do not except before combat they tend to fall be for they, or I for that matter, know it. It pains me when I fight, but there are reasons to fight that i can't avoid. But such noble company will surely strengthen that side of my war torn soul and allow me to control such base desires as blood lust."

The creature refered to as Bob, flys along at an easy pace, the look of his face sorrowful and full of remorse. Through his talk he looks around for anything that could be a target


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"I would be surprised if the beings you fight here fall so quickly as you are used to," Macrisse replies. "In any event, unless hard pressed, let us try for restraint. If nothing else, returning live contestants is worth more points."

He falls silent for a moment, then muses, "A curious rule, that. Caltrop, did you happen to see what they did with your opponent after you brought him back to the castle?"


First Post
"I did not. I imagine they will let him go, or that this competition is far more lethal than one would think. Either way, I wouldn't be too surprised if we have not seen the last of any downed foes."

Voidrunner's Codex

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