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Mortal Kombat!!


[sblock=grugg ooc]The stream is 20' across, and about 3 feet deep where you are. He is 20' on the other side of the stream. The water would be considered difficult terrain. He is wearing several bits of (probably epicly magicked) jewelry, a fine silver mithril chain shirt, leather pants, and wielding a pair of Scimitars. [/sblock]
The Half-Red shrugs at Grugg's question "No more than you, I would presume. I'm here to win the tournament, what do our pasts matter in that effect?"
He shrugs his lightly-armoured shoulders, the finely-crafted mithril chains clinking softly together. "When I spotted you my first thought was to fight.. But I have seen several groups forming, and wouldn't mind having someone to watch my back.." He flexes his wings "My name is James, you are?"

[sblock=LordRaven ooc]
The man nods at your words and salutes you as he and fellows continue heading north, where you see a mountainous region.
Azrim circles the clearing, but realizes that most must still be closer to the center of the island, but after a few moments, he spies a black dragon flying his way. (about 3000' away)
As it has no metal, he chooses to continue searching.. But the dragon swerves and keeps coming, closing a third of the distance in a matter of seconds, as though it sees Azrim. (it's running all out, is now 2000' away.)

[sblock=Tehrazhon ooc] I don't think I'm going to allow large and in charge against prone creatures. It doesn't make sense to me to use your damage from AFTER they're prone to send them flying backwards..[/sblock]
Tehrazhon's chain manages to down the first orc, but the other is flipping out of the way in an attempt to avoid the chain, and manages to make it into the cloud, though his swing misses wildly in the gloom.

A quartet of arrows fly from nowhere and stick into the back of one of the drow. WIth a shout of pain, he whirls, as do the other drow, all looking around though they cannot see anybody. They quickly drop globes of darkness over themselves in an attempt to even the disadvantage of sight.
[sblock=Tenneth]It's not that they'd be able to see you through the breathweapon, it's that they see where it originates.[/sblock]

Caltrop, Macrisse, and Bob head West. about a half-mile out, they see a Troll(Breastplate, Axe, Shield) and an Ogre(GreatHammer, no armour) walking back towards the camp, dragging 3 bodies.. or what's left of them.
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First Post
"Hmm.... Opportunity."

Caltrop flies out as fast as he can manage at the pair dragging the corpses.

OOC: Hes going to run at them, though hes going to move to the side of the Ogre as he gets closer, applies his dodge bonus to it, and then charge when he gets in range, and using climb aboard once he lands.

His initiative is 31


First Post
"Impulsive fellow, isn't he?" Macrisse says paternally to 'Bob.' "Still, they look like bloodthirsty brutes. Removing them from the tournament will only save lives."

There's a whooshing noise and a blast of air as invisible wings beat and tilt, sending the dragon down to engage!

When he gets within 50' of the troll, he murmurs, and his mouth gapes widely. A great billow of thin foggy gas issues forth, engulfing the ogre and troll (and Caltrop) in its quickly dissipating miasma. He then swoops past, not lingering but instead banking around to see the results of his attack and line up for another pass.

(paralysis gas! Fort DC 42 or be paralyzed for 1d6+9 rounds. Dragons (including pseudodragons) are immune to paralysis though :) If Bob enters the field of fire before he can act, he'll adjust cone area to only include target Bob isn't in melee with.)

Init 21 (http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1171861 )

Brother Allard

First Post
Jemal said:
"My name is James, you are?"
"Grugg," the scarred warrior says simply, wading through the remainder of the river and pausing as he reaches dry land, water sheeting off of his massive frame and sloshing in his ragged boots. He cocks his head to one side and studies the half-dragon, obviously sizing him up.

"You have anything to eat?"
[sblock=OOC]Is this guy medium or large size?

Size Large
Reach 10'
AC 44
DR 15/-
greatclub +59 (3d6+46, 19-20/x3)[/sblock]


First Post
OOC: If everything goes off the way I've described earlier, Caltrop's charge will end with a sting attack. It hits AC 73 , for 38 damage, + 13 Skirmish + 27 + 2 Str damage from Sneak Attack if the Ogre hasn't acted yet and is flat footed. If the Ogre is immune to crits, the str damage still applies. Also, he must make a DC 52 Fort Save or be put to sleep. Then, as I previously stated, Caltrop will climb aboard.

Caltrop's Stats:
AC: 106 (111 against the Ogre)
Touch AC 88 (93 Against the Ogre)
AC without Dex (I retain Dex when flatfooted :p ): 81 (85 Against Ogre)
Flatfooted Touch AC: 63
Fort: 41 (11 Base + 1 Epic + 15 Con + 5 Resistance + 10 Paragon)
Ref: 48 (13 Base + 1 Epic +18 Dex + 5 Resistance + 2 Feat + 10 Paragon)
Will: 37 (8 Base + 1 Epic + 16 Wis + 5 Resistance + 10 Paragon)
HP: 804/804

If the Ogre attacks me before I reach him (I.E. Beating me in initiative or getting AoO), my AC is 105, or 103 when I'm charging.

A twisted smile creeps across Bob's face. "Troll, troll, i don't have to be careful, they don't die to easy. HA HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Bob banks upward briefly, then closes its eyes and folds its wings around it, plumiting towards the troll. Just be it hits thr troll bob flares its wings and flips crushing the trolls skull with it's tail. Bob the digs in to the troll with elbows, wings, talons, fists, a few head buts. Bob is just a swirling mass of limbs, that tears acrossthe troll. when the attack is done and it leaves off the arms and tail that are grafted take a few shots at it as if they have a mind of their own.

OOC: i diving charge the Troll, using my dive attack racial feature, peircing unarmed strike, leap attack, power attack five, 4d6 sneak attack will add later if applicable and declare ninja dodge against both the troll and the ogre. the claw attacks and tail are taken as free actions by the grafts.
Attack rolls
Unarmed Attacks (Including Flurry and Multiweapon Fighting) +63 = 81, 74, 70, 81, 85
x2 Claws +61 = 79, 83
Tail +61 = 78
Secondary Unarmed Attacks +58: 71, 66, 65
Rake: +58 = +67, +65
Third Unarmed Attacks +53 = +60, +64, +73 (Nat 20. Confirm is 70 )
Fourth Unarmed Attacks: +48 = 52, 59, 66

Attack Damage rolled in same order. Unarmed Attacks ,
Unarmed Attacks (Including Flurry and Multiweapon Fighting) 2d8+86 = 94, 95, 97, 92, 99
Secondary Unarmed Attacks = 92, 97, 92
Third Unarmed Attacks = 92, 93, 90
Fourth Unarmed Attacks = 93, 94, 97

Claws Damage 1d6+38 = 42, 40

Tail Damage (Also Tail comes with DC 14 Fort save for str poison. On the unlikely chance the save is failed, will roll str damage) 2d4+38 = 44

Rake Damage 1d8+29 = 34,32

Rend Damage (If both rakes hit) 2d8+71 = 85

Current hp: 652
Ac 90 aginst both 89 against others
touch: 82 (i keep dex) 81 against others
Fort: +36 (10 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 20 Con)
Ref: +35 (10 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 18 Dex)
Will: +33 (14 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 12 Wis)
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"No, sorry, I don't eat all that much. I've noticed that there's lots of food in the forests, though.. If you're looking for Meat, however, I can't help there." James shrugs and steps forwards to Grugg.
[sblock=Grugg OOC]
He appears to be just an average, though 'well-built' man with red dragon wings. Medium sized.

[sblock=Caltrop/Macrisse/Bob OOC]
They're about 300' away at start of round.
Init order: Caltrop, Bob, Troll, Macrisse, Ogre
Caltrop instantly charges forward, his deadly stinger leading the way as it slams into the ogre, though he seems to barely feel the tiny scratch, and the poison has no apparent effect. (51 dmg)
Bob connects several times on the troll, though its armour and shield manage to turn aside the majority of the creature's mighty blows. (7 hits, total before DR = 501 dmg)
The Troll, taken slightly aback by the amount of damage his foe has dealt, retaliates with a roar of fury even before its wounds begin to heal. His attacks come with a speed and ferocity that Bob only manages to partially avoid them, Epicly Dodging the first blow but being caught by two others (1 crit, total damage 170, overcomes your DR)
Macrisse's gas floats over Caltrop and the Ogre, but phases neither.. This Ogre seems VERY sturdy.
And finally, the brute himself grabs at the annoying little pest that's clambered onto him, but fails to dislodge the pseudodragon.

[sblock=Tenneth OOC]
HOw far away from the Drow are you? If you're more than 30', the blindsight is meaningless.

Bob cackles, Its eyes blinking rapidly. The red eye with black pupil changing between the left and right eyes with every blink, the other never the same color. It floats just a little past the troll and dissapears.

OOC: Bob takes a 5' step then dimension doors 1000' in a up and behind the troll angle. i was supost to do that at the end of the last turn but i forgot. opps

Current hp: 487/652 (i Fast heal 5)
Ac 92 aginst both 91 against others
touch: 83 both 82 against others
flat footed 92 (i keep dex) both 91 others
Fort: +36 (10 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 20 Con)
Ref: +35 (10 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 18 Dex)
Will: +33 (14 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 12 Wis)
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First Post
Jemal said:
[sblock=Tehrazhon ooc] I don't think I'm going to allow large and in charge against prone creatures. It doesn't make sense to me to use your damage from AFTER they're prone to send them flying backwards..[/sblock]
Tehrazhon's chain manages to down the first orc, but the other is flipping out of the way in an attempt to avoid the chain, and manages to make it into the cloud, though his swing misses wildly in the gloom.
Tehrazhon attacks the missed orc again at 15' 10' and 5' away (84, 85, 94).

On his turn Tehrazhon shuffles back 5' and Hastily hammers at the orcs with Massive Swings (93, 86, 72, 75 one the first one, 80, 79, 72, 72 on the second. Note, I screwed up the attack bonus for the final iterative on Invis Castle. The lower, correct results are presented here. Orc one damage orc two damage.)

HP: 801 (871 w/ Righteous Might)
AC: 72 Current Touch 48 Current Flat-footed 51
Fort 65 Ref 57 Will 52
[sblock=Jemal]I'll, of course, defer to your judgement on Large and in Charge. But I would like to put forth the idea that perhaps it should work on the immediate follow-up to trip attacks. Technically the target could be considered to still be in the air, a) for the same reason that you can't trip someone with the AoO generated by getting up, they are still prone when the AoO is triggered, and b) Improved Trip reads "If you trip an opponent in melee combat, you immediately get a melee attack against that opponent as if you hadn’t used your attack for the trip attempt." (emphasis mine).[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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