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Night's Embrace: Part 1--A Touch of Darkness

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Rystil Arden

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(OOC: 2 includes the next night, since I already gave you 1 for the last night--it replaces the 8 hours with 24 ;). But yeah, it's hard to heal up from Diehard and nearly dying :heh: I may allow him to eventually level up in his sleep and wake up, but don't expect that in general in a non-resting situation ;))


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Blunt smiles as his friend Titus slowly comes around from Nhalia's efforts. He nods a silent thanks to the moon priestess before turning his attention back to his friend. "Welcome back, friend," he greets his prone companion. "It has been a day since your eyes were last open. We are resting in a ridiculously expensive inn and Nhalia here has healed your wounds."

Blunt goes on to describe the rest of the battle and their findings and fears. "Friend, when we were on the boat traveling down the river I remember you speaking in strange tongues and reading texts who's alphabet I did not even recognise. Perhaps you would have more luck than us in distilling the summoner's purpose and plans by reading the books we found."


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Kelloran watches as Nhalia's healing touch brings Titus around. Somewhat wistfully, he thinks back to his own healing - and almost finds himself wishing he'd been wounded again, so that he could be the focus of her attention.

Then he blushes bright red and finds an excuse to fuss at something else, desperately hoping no-one's seen him.

Yep, I'm happy with staying the extra night. BTW, Kel will pony up the extra gem in payment - may as well have some cash to spread around.


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Titus Farrab, human ranger

Titus groans, putting a hand to his head.

"Not again ..." he mutters. He's about to ask who the new girl is when Blunt explains what's happened. The scruffy man nods, then pushes himself up to a sitting position with a pained expression.

"Never thought my contribution to the cause would be reading, but at the moment that's probably about the only thing I'm good for, so bring on the candle and the parchment."

With a flush, he turns to Nhalia, then, saying sheepishly, "And thanks. I've got to stop running so headlong towards death's door like that, right?"


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"That goes for all of us," Sulannus agrees. "Our successes have come at such terrible prices. Surely there must be something we could do to improve. I've yet to hear a ballad or tale of adventure where the heroes are nearly slain at each turn of fate."

She smiles with some good humor though. "Still. At cost or no, we have been successful, and against the odds, I suppose. The wizard we've been opposing is a formidable foe."

Rystil Arden

First Post
"The goddess watches over those who skirt death's door, who ride the current of the unknown and delve into life's mysteries and magic's," Nhalia replies to Titus.

*Titus reads the letters, which are in Abyssal. One is unfinished and was thus probably being penned by the Wizard they encountered, but it has nothing of interest so far except 'Everything is ready'. The other, in a different hand, is far more foreboding:*

Elicio, you idiot! You seem to be making too much of a stir in the area--we don't want to be uncovered before we get what we came for, so stop with all the sacrifices already before they compromise the mission. Once everything is prepared and obtained from here, there is still more to do. You'll need to return and prepare for the next phase. Don't use the charm to return unless you absolutely have to, as usual. They aren't cheap, and eventually we'll decide that saving your worthless hide isn't worth the cost. Sweet revenge is near...all too soon. How fitting that it will be the coronation when we strike and spell their doom!'

*Also of note is the broken wax seal on that letter:*

[SBLOCK=Titus]This is the symbol of the cult known as 'Night's Embrace' that was completely destroyed almost twenty years ago. Back in the heyday, the cult was known for evil plots involving demons and undead, mostly related to crushing and destroying Sundaria and its people in a tide of darkness. They used to have a fairly wide base of followers under an extremely powerful and dangerous leader named Temera Invesperasci, but Temera was destroyed along with most of the cult, and the rest of the power base crumbled forever.[/SBLOCK]

*There are also books. They are mainly written in Abyssal and Draconic, with one in Common. The ones in Draconic and Common are mainly on the Abyss and Demon Summoning. The one in Common is entitled 'Demonology for Dummies', one in Draconic is actually about Conjuration and not just Demonology, and the only one of the bunch that isn't about Conjuration at all, also in Draconic, is 'How to guard your lair like an Archmage on an apprentice's budget--Traps, Spells, and Tricks of the Trade'*


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Titus Farrab, human ranger

Titus nods his understanding and thanks to the priestess. He translates as he goes, grimacing when he adjusts himself where he sits in his bed. When he finds the letter, though, his pain and discomfort seems to disappear.

"Finally!" he says, turning to Nhalia with a smile. "I don't know if this was your mistress looking out for me or not, but I've been looking for this my whole life!"

He holds the broken seal up to show the others, explaining, "This here? It's the seal of the Night's Embrace cult. The cult, my friends. Demons and undead and general evil unleashed on our land? Everyone thought they were gone and crumbled, but I've been training, and here it is: proof they're still around..." he scans the letter, muttering to himself before saying: "... and looking to have another run at taking us over." he translates the letter for his fellows to illustrate his point. And when he's done, he looks upward.

"Maybe I wasn't so insane running off after all, eh Tempus?" he says to the ceiling.


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Blunt listens patiently as Titus scans all the documents and books and uncovers the plot. Deep in thought, he says little for a time. "My friend, I cannot allow such evil to dominate the land and bring pain and suffering to the people. For people need a balance in things to know that they are alive and yet a small piece in the world's order. Whatever help I can give you in your undertaking, it is yours."

Voidrunner's Codex

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