No Prebuff - Round 1 - Damage Rankings

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Overall I'm very impressed with Martial Adept. Much more impressive than I thought it would be.
But Martial adept is only 1d6 per short rest. Good for this math for 1st round, but for whole day using is better Magic initiate with Hex, it is possible to use it much more per battle.


As long as i get to be the frog
But Martial adept is only 1d6 per short rest. Good for this math for 1st round, but for whole day using is better Magic initiate with Hex, it is possible to use it much more per battle.

If you are talking which is better there are alotnof factors. But even at level 2 you seem to be ignoring that martial adept can be used every short rest. Which is probably much more over the day than hex is going to gain you over a few more turns in 1 encounter.


If you are talking which is better there are alotnof factors. But even at level 2 you seem to be ignoring that martial adept can be used every short rest. Which is probably much more over the day than hex is going to gain you over a few more turns in 1 encounter.
It's tricky as almost everything. Sometimes it's better using this, sometimes those. Martial adept will be really nice for BattleMaster if it changes dice to his dice (d8/10/12)


As long as i get to be the frog
It's tricky as almost everything. Sometimes it's better using this, sometimes those. Martial adept will be really nice for BattleMaster if it changes dice to his dice (d8/10/12)

Strangely I'd have predicted the opposite. It's much better to have effects that stack. 1 extra superiority dice is nice but stacking hex + superiority dice is amazing!


Strangely I'd have predicted the opposite. It's much better to have effects that stack. 1 extra superiority dice is nice but stacking hex + superiority dice is amazing!

What's nice about that combination, IMO, is the ability to add to damage with different levels of granularity: Hex gives you extra damage for one key encounter per day, whereas superiority dice boosts your damage on individual key attacks. Together they give you some nice tactical flexibility that you don't get with either by itself.

Voidrunner's Codex

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