TSR Now it’s WotC’s Turn: WotC Moves Against TSR3

I guess after you provoke somebody enough, they’ll eventually bite back. The company has begun trademark cancellation procedures against the newest TSR. TSR3 briefly filed for a court declaration on Dec 7th as to their ownership of the TSR trademarks — with an IndieGoGo campaign to fund it — and then voluntarily dismissed it a couple of days later on Dec 9th. This filing is dated Dec 6th...

I guess after you provoke somebody enough, they’ll eventually bite back. The company has begun trademark cancellation procedures against the newest TSR.

TSR3 briefly filed for a court declaration on Dec 7th as to their ownership of the TSR trademarks — with an IndieGoGo campaign to fund it — and then voluntarily dismissed it a couple of days later on Dec 9th.

This filing is dated Dec 6th, the day before TSR3 launched its campaign.

In WotC’s response, they cite fraud as one of the causes of action, alleging that TSR3 misled the trademark office in its original application.

Mike Dunford, on Twitter, breaks down the action.



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I crit!
Edit to say That’s not entirely fair of me, there ARE a couple things. But no way do I trust em enough to buy anything from them. Nor do I want to put any money in their pockets.
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Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
Nice. 4AD's catalog is just amazing. People don't seem to talk as much about that record label and its influence anymore, but they should.

This is a song for Carol
You're into Japanese fast food
And I drop you off with your Japanese lover
And you're going to the beach all day
You're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me
You so pretty when you're unfaithful to me
You're looking like
You've got some sun
Your blistered lips
Have got a kiss
They taste a bit like everyone
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh
Your bones got a little machine
You're the bone machine


This is a song for Carol
You're into Japanese fast food
And I drop you off with your Japanese lover
And you're going to the beach all day
You're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me
You so pretty when you're unfaithful to me
You're looking like
You've got some sun
Your blistered lips
Have got a kiss
They taste a bit like everyone
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh
Your bones got a little machine
You're the bone machine
I see you are a man of taste.


This is a song for Carol
You're into Japanese fast food
And I drop you off with your Japanese lover
And you're going to the beach all day
You're so pretty when you're unfaithful to me
You so pretty when you're unfaithful to me
You're looking like
You've got some sun
Your blistered lips
Have got a kiss
They taste a bit like everyone
Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh
Your bones got a little machine
You're the bone machine

One of my all-time favorite albums.


At this point, I think the gaming community is divided into the following:

- People that actually agree with LaNasa's beliefs and think that this is the second coming of TSR that will bring back "true gaming" by sticking it to WotC. Somehow.

- People that either remember TSR fondly or have gotten curious enough to explore D&D history, but recognize LaNasa as a grifter, NuTSR as having nothing to do with the real TSR that once was, and find his view reprehensible. Or just like watching a good dumpster fire burn.

- People that have no idea about nuTSR, barely know what TSR was, and just like playing D&D.

By far, I think the gaming world mostly consists of the third group.
You forget:

People who remember clearly what a mismanaged sh**show TSR was originally and frankly prefer WOTC.

I say that from authentic lived experience.

Do you think Mr Dunwoody likes goth?

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
You forget:

People who remember clearly what a mismanaged sh**show TSR was originally and frankly prefer WOTC.

I say that from authentic lived experience.

Yeah, I'm going to say that this has a fair amount of revisionism in it.

At the time, the collapse of TSR was pretty shocking. It's like the saying about bankruptcy- it happened gradually, then suddenly. But TSR was pumping out products (literally pumping them out) into 1997, when it collapsed and was bought by WoTC. But for most observers, this was shocking ... as in, that card company is busing TSR? The biggest game company? The one with that also has all those books on the shelves that people read?

That said, for those of who remember TSR fondly, it's for a good reason. In fact, pretty much everything 5e does is simply mining the IP of TSR or M:TG. That's it.

So sure, Hasbro has done an amazing job of mining the amazing creative streak of TSR and repackaging it for modern audiences, and also in cross-promoting M:TG and D&D by combining the IP in many ways to leverage more money out of consumers, but given how much of 5e is explicitly premised on regurgitating the past, I'm not sure your comment makes a ton of sense- especially because it denigrates a lot of amazing creatives who produced products from 1974-1997. IMO.


Mod Squad
Staff member
I'm not sure your comment makes a ton of sense- especially because it denigrates a lot of amazing creatives who produced products from 1974-1997. IMO.

He was talking about business management, and you are talking about creativity.

These have little to do with each other, and your conflating them doesn't make a ton of sense. It most certainly does not denigrate the creative people to say that the folks over in the business office didn't manage things well.

Snarf Zagyg

Notorious Liquefactionist
He was talking about business management, and you are talking about creativity.

You know, I had a whole other part of that post that you didn't quote.

It's almost like I wrote opening responding directly to that, and then there was a transition, and then I moved to a different point.

But if it makes you feel better to takes things out of context to make your point, can't stop you, can I?


Mod Squad
Staff member
You know, I had a whole other part of that post that you didn't quote.

It's almost like I wrote opening responding directly to that, and then there was a transition, and then I moved to a different point.

It is almost like the very first line of your post was a thesis statement that one would naturally interpret the entire post to be relating to.

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