TSR Now it’s WotC’s Turn: WotC Moves Against TSR3

I guess after you provoke somebody enough, they’ll eventually bite back. The company has begun trademark cancellation procedures against the newest TSR.

TSR3 briefly filed for a court declaration on Dec 7th as to their ownership of the TSR trademarks — with an IndieGoGo campaign to fund it — and then voluntarily dismissed it a couple of days later on Dec 9th.

This filing is dated Dec 6th, the day before TSR3 launched its campaign.

In WotC’s response, they cite fraud as one of the causes of action, alleging that TSR3 misled the trademark office in its original application.

Mike Dunford, on Twitter, breaks down the action.



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Yeah, that particular part is so unbelievably ludicrous I'm surprised Mel Brooks hasn't made a movie of it.

Even IF they somehow retain ownership of a trademark, that has absolutely NO relevance to products with the logo. They have NO control over products produced by the old TSR. WotC owns the copyright, period. You'd think a full-grown adult like Ernie would actually understand this.

Yeah, that particular part is so unbelievably ludicrous I'm surprised Mel Brooks hasn't made a movie of it.

Even IF they somehow retain ownership of a trademark, that has absolutely NO relevance to products with the logo. They have NO control over products produced by the old TSR. WotC owns the copyright, period. You'd think a full-grown adult like Ernie would actually understand this.
To be fair, since Ernie seemed to think that Kickstarter taking their pre-agreed fees and taxes on the $ from the Marmoreal Tomb KS was tantamount to stealing, I wouldn't count on him to have any understanding of how trademarks and copyrights work and how they're not the same thing.

It's "Children of Famous Parents" syndrome. You have a famous parent, you either do your own thing or you try desperately to take that fame for yourself. He's clearly doing the latter.
Yeah, the Bledsaw's (both son and grandson) are the same with Judge's Guild. They are literally incapable of producing anything but reprints of their father/grandfather's work. And now of course nobody wants anything to do with them after they revealed their true selves.

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