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Off to War [IC]


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Rather than expend her energy trying to find the old man and his donkey in a sea of moving men, Darling found a large fallen tree at a bend in the road and took a few pulls from the liquor flask she had packed. Fallon would find her here within the hour, and she would report her findings to him at that time. Until then, she would make herself hard to miss; drinking, gambling and flirting with good-looking soldiers until her new commander saw fit to wander by.

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Thy wounds are healed!
Gathering a small crowd in no time Darling becomes the center of a bussle of irregulars. So it is no trouble for Fallon to find the young lass at all.

"Here now!" he exclaims over the din of men. "I said here, here now! All of you get back to marching. No time to stop." Standing there with the frayed rope in one hand and the other on his hip he gives Darling a look of - what were you thinking - but says nothing.

After all the men are gone and grumbling back into line, Fallon asks Darling to report what she has found out. Listening intently Fallon's face becomes more and more worried with everything she tells him.

"No, no fighting for the irregulars? That will, will just make them fight worse between themselves tonight."

"Bear to, to charge straight in? But I can believe, believe that. He has been to long, long from any form of conflict."

"Dellex scouting ahead, and will, will be at the battle first? That is not, not like him why would he go and not send others? He would, would only go if something was in it for him or... threatened him. Oh no! Martomum!" he finishes. The old man starts to pace back and forth, for as far as the lead rope to the donkey will let him.

"What do I do I can't leave, and it is to late to send anyone by horse. Dellex will be there first, someone would need to..." he stops pacing and starts looking around, his eyes stopping on Darling. "Someone would need, need to fly to reach Martomum first." He smiles and a hundred new wrinkles frame his face.


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"Fly?" Darling sputtered, capping her flask nervously, "I'll assume that's a figure of speech. I haven't found our relationship so rewarding that I'm about let you fling me off into the sky."

Fallon didn’t seem to be listening to her. Her eyes narrowed, and she crossed her arms over her chest.

“I was happy to help you before for the chance at some Regulars coin, but I don’t see any profit in sailing off into the woods by myself. I’m afraid I’ll have to put my foot down.”
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Thy wounds are healed!
Fallon takes the sputtering chatter in stride, but does stop smiling. "Now look, look here young lady. I have, have friends out there somewhere," he continues gesturing to the rolling black smoke some two or three miles ahead.

"And I believe, believe you have earned all the coin you need to. Now since I am, I am in charge, I need you to deliever a message for me, with no more talk of profit." he hrmphs and starts looking about the ground.

Satisfied he says, "Stand, stand back."

The old man starts to chant and bows his head as Darling watches. She realizes he is not chanting but praying, but to whom Darling can't tell or hear. As he continues the ground in front of Fallon starts to shimmer and wavier like on a hot summers day. Then a glowing form starts to materialize out of nothing in the middle of the shimmering heatwaves. The light glows bright and flashes and is gone. In the glowing forms place sits a magineficent creature out of stories.

The body's like a muscular felines, even spotted near the tail, and on it's back legs. It's torso and head resemble a giant eagles but only in form. It's beak looks made of gold and sparkles in the sunlight, it's white plume seems to radiant a soft light. It's front legs are like a birds but again the feathers seem to shimmer in a holy light that surrounds the creature.

It unfolds it great golden wings, as Fallon continues to chant and walk around the great bird. Letting out a screech that echoes throughout the forest around the moving army, Fallon shushs the huge beast as though it were a small child. The marching irregulars hurry their pace and watch the scene with frightened stares.

Looking at Fallon, Darling notices he has finished whatever else he was casting. And she starts to shake her head at the crazy old man, as he finishes securing a saddle to the Celestial Griffon.

"Now," he says rubbing the beasts great beak, "there is, is little time. Up, up you go."


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Darling suddenly felt like she was dreaming. The old man began to speak in tongues, gesturing with his hands, and the world seemed less real than it had a moment before. Anxiety rose in the pit of her stomach as something began to take shape in front of them.

"..." She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came.

Suddenly there was a magnificent winged creature where there had just been grass and stones. It let loose a piercing shriek that caused the passing soldiers to flinch and scurry, but Darling couldn't take her eyes from the beast. She moved toward it instinctively as if in a trance and found Fallon's hand without looking. Her head was still shaking with a mixture if disbelief and forgotten defiance as he helped her up into the curious saddle.

Smoothing down a few marvelous feathers with her free hand, she looked back down at Fallon.

"I'll find your friends, and tell them what we've learned..." she trailed off, lost again in the splendor of her mount.


Thy wounds are healed!
"Quickly, quickly now." Fallon says straping the young girl in the saddle. "The spell will not, not last long," he continues and then shows the girl how to use the reins.

When he thinks she is ready, he says seriously, "Find Martomum, and tell him that Dellex is on his way. He is probably there," Fallon says pointing to the smoke.

"May Orethaner guide you to him." and then he points to the sky and the griffon takes flight instantly.

Fallon watches as the form of rider and griffon circle to gain altitude. He watches as they turn towards the smoke and become a speck. Fallon watches as Darling heads to the http://www.enworld.org/forum/playing-game/272541-battle-harkon-manor.html and prays that she and all the others will be alright.

[sblock=OOC] Please don't post in this thread anymore as you have successfully "left".

Please post in the link provided, maybe something on your flight and the way that feels, but don't land yet I want the others to beable to post if they wish. You could post what she sees from above the battle and I added the prayer that you should be guided in reference to ML's spell what better guide than lights pointing down LOL have fun with it. [/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
That same day the army of Lord Bairan reached the site of the battle but the fighting was over. A handful of villiagers and men-at-arms hand successfully beaten a trained fighting unit of Treylor soilders and then returned to the homes.

Fallon was upset that he didn't get to meet up with Martomum or anyone else he knew for news on the dwarf. He couldn't leave the irregulars as it was said that parties of fleeing Treylor and gnolls were about. Fallon's duty was to stay and make sure the irregulars were ready if needed.

He was sitting by his fire long after the sun went down when a patrol came to him bearing news that a man was found in the woods looking for him or for Martomum. Fallon perked up at this news and right told the men to bring him forth.

Waiting and pacing Fallon watched as the patrol returned with a man Fallon remembered well.

"Jareth Kyras, why are you, are you out in these parts alone?" he asks stopping by the donkey sleeping near a wagon. Fallon takes to stroking the sleeping beasts head as he waits for an answer.

[sblock=OOC] Figured this will keep the other thread clean till you return. I would think Jareth is pretty tired from a long days battle and walking bsck to camp. So maybe a little of want went on, then bed, and then we can RP the next morning and get some questions answered. [/sblock]


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Jareth stumbles slightly as he approaches the old man. "Because it was the only damned way to get back here. Accursed hydra, blocking the bridge to the manor... I need new weapons," the young man says simply, then puts a hand to his head as the world seems to spin around him. With a groan, he mumbles, "And a place to sleep."


Thy wounds are healed!
"Yes you, you look exhausted, come sit." Fallon says pointing to log near the fire. Fallon watches as the young man nearly falls flopping onto the log.

The old man then goes over to his camp chair and sits himself. "Do you have, have any word on Martomum," he pasues. "Or the others who set out with you?" he asks stiriing at whatever is in the pot hanging over the fire.


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Jareth leans forward, elbows on his knees and propping his head up for the moment. He pulls his waterskin around and takes a drink before saying "Farmboy disappeared. Everyone else is alive. Martomum led the gnolls in a charge against Treylor before our forces fell. Dellex accused us of treason, because of a Reygurian found dead of poison in the Treylor command tent. When he finally got around to releasing us from his crap charges, I broke his calm with some choice words, so he confiscated my weapons. I think that sums up what's happened... Now, food? And replacement weapons? I need to leave in the morning."

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