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OOC - Mad God's Key


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Lobo Lurker said:
I'll post a character later today. My internet connection at home is not stable at all for some reason. I lose it when it rains and I tend to not have access at night. Odd (ADSL connection).

I'm thinking either a Dwarf or a Half-Orc 'cause humans & elves can't see in the dark.

That's fine.
But don't be too concerned about seeing in the dark.
Mad God's Key has plenty of daytime city stuff, and the dungeon isn't completely dark.
Humans, et. al. should do just fine, so play whatever you like.

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Lobo Lurker

First Post
Tinner said:
That's fine.
But don't be too concerned about seeing in the dark.
Mad God's Key has plenty of daytime city stuff, and the dungeon isn't completely dark.
Humans, et. al. should do just fine, so play whatever you like.
Eh, she's already been made so I won't change it. :) I added her above in post #3.
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First Post
Lobo Lurker said:
Abilities: STR 16, DEX 14, CON 16, INT 14, WIS 10, CHA 6.

You're two points over here. Simple solution is to either drop the Int, Wis, or Dex by two.

[Quote}Skills: Climb +7 (4, +3 mod), Craft: weaponsmith +4 (2, +0 mod, +2* race), Handle Animal +0 (2, -2 mod), Intimidate +4 (4), Jump +3 (0, +3 mod), Ride +4 (2, +2 mod), Swim +5 (2, +3 mod)[/QUOTE]

These are off too. Obviously if you change your stats, the mods will change, but even as is, these are off. There's no way a 1st level PC with a CHA of 6 can have a +4 to intimidate.

Everything else looks fine.
Although, why did you add the spoiler {sblock} in the middle there? Is stonecunning supposed to be a secret?

Lobo Lurker

First Post
Huh, those are off. I'll fix it in a sec. And for some reason (just looked it up, I'm nuts) I thought that Intimidate wasn't penalized by a bad charisma... maybe a 3.0 throwback? <shrug>

EDIT: Fixed. Oh, I thought that the stonecunning text took up a lot of space. the sblock was intended to save visual space.
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Still a few problems.
Thankfully I have e-tools to help me with the evil math! :D

AC:18 (Flatfooted:17 Touch:11)

(You lost a +1 when the DEX went down, and you do get a shield bonus when FF)

Skills: Jump -3 (0, +3 mod, -6 for Speed 20) See 3.5 PHB page 77

Languages: Common, Dwarven & Giant (You have another language coming.)

Money Bag: 33 Gold 4 Silvers[/INDENT] I'm coming up 3 gp different than your numbers. No big deal eiher way.

That should be the last of it. :D


First Post
Okay I'm all done!

Male Half-Elf Rogue 1st lvl
Chaotic Good, worships Osprem

Str 10 +0 -- (2 pts)
Dex 16 +3 -- (10 pts)
Con 12 +1-- (4 pts)
Int 14 +2 -- (6 pts)
Wis 10 -0-- (2 pts)
Cha 12 +2 -- (4 pts)

Hit Points 7
AC 15 (leather armor), Touch 13, Flat 12
Init +7
BAB +0, Grap +0
Speed 30 (base 30, load 32/33, light)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +0

+0 Melee, Raiper, 1d6, 18-20/x2 [2lbs] 20
+3 Ranged, Shortbow, 1d6, 20/x2, 60'r [2lbs] 30
+0 Melee, Dagger, 1d4, 19-20/x2 [1lbs] 2
+3 Ranged, Dagger, 1d4, 20/x2, 10'r

Medium, 5'4" tall, 160 wt, 26 yrs old
Light Brown hair, Green eyes, Fair skin

Speaks Common, Elven, Orc, Rhopan
36 skill points
+4 Appraise (2) INT
+2 Profession Sailor (2) WIS
+2 Swim (2acp) STR
+5 Use Rope (2) DEX
+7 Open Lock (4) DEX
+6 Disable Divice (4) INT
+7 Tumble (4acp) DEX
+7 Move Silently (4acp) DEX
+7 Hide (4acp) DEX
+4 Climb (4acp) STR
+3 Listen (2) WIS
+3 Spot (2) WIS
+7 Search (4) INT
+4 Diplomacy (0) CHR
+4 Gather Information (0) CHR

-Improved Inititive

Racename Traits
-Immune to Sleep effects and +2 Save Bonus vs. Enchantments
-Low Light Vision
-+1 racial bonus on Listen,Spot,Search
-+2 racial bonus on Diplomacy and Gather Information
- Elven Blood

Rogue Abilities
-Sneak Attack 1d6

Kel’s earliest memories are of growing up in the Free City of Greyhawk orphanage. While not the most glamorous life, it was better than ending up in the streets. The work was hard, but at least Kel did not go hungry. The custodians of the orphanage did not know who the human women was that dropped Kel of when he was a babe. After reaching of age, Kel left the orphanage and began working on the docks, then later as a bargehand plying the Selintan River and the Nyr Dyv.

Kel has left bargework to find his fortune adventuring so that someday he can buy his own ship. He knows that he will never make enough by working on the barges, therefore he must take a chance and risk his life to find fortune. Recently back in the City of Greyhawk, Kel is looking for work to begin his fortune and willing to take any risk to make that fortune.

Kel being a half-elf has blended features of both his mother and father. His mother was of Suloise decent, giving Kel his fair features. His father was a high elf giving Kel is brilliant green eyes, lack of facial hair and his short height. Kel dresses in grubby leather armor, which he wore on the barge for protection. He has is long hair tied back into a ponytail and covered by a red headwrap. For weapons Kel carries a sturdy dagger and serviceable shortbow. His most prized possession is his raiper, which his former captain Jarn Forshin gave him for Kel’s exceptional service upon the barge.

Armor (Leather, 15wt) 10 gp optional
Traveler’s (worn, freewt)

Raiper (belt left, 2wt)
Dagger (belt right, 1wt)
Belt Pouch (belt, 1/2wt) 1

Shortbow (left shoulder, 2wt)
20 arrow Quiver (right shoulder, 3wt) 1
Backpack (center back, 2wt) 2
Waterskin- water (backpack, 4 wt) 1

Flint & Steel (backpack, ??wt) 1gp
Trail Rations- 1 days (backpack, 1wt) 5sp
Thieves Tools (backpack, 1wt) 30

Coins- 7pp 30gp, 0sp, ?0cp (pouch, .5wt)
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First Post
Dragoon you look pretty good so far with a couple exceptions.

You have another 4 skill points to spend. (Make sure you buy Thieves tools to avoid a penalty)
You've got another language choice coming to you.
Your BAB is +0, so you don't qualify for Weapon Finesse as a Feat. Pck another.


First Post
Today stretched on much longer than expected so I didn't get much time to work this out. I'm a pretty slow char gen kind of guy. Anyway here are the mechanics for you to look over. I'll finish equipment, description, and personality tomorrow. I also might play switcheroo with a feat or spell once I have a chance to flip through complete arcane, but working from the core book this is where I'm at.

The general idea is an heir to a nouveaux riche merchant family who has made their fortune in river boat shipping (thus facilitating a tie-in). The family bought their bright (but socially inept) younger son into a Royal Society type of arrangement of dilettante mages. He excelled and began extensively studying divinations. Never the most stable of individuals, Eldred's initial success with glimpses into the future has pushed him further in the direction of the unhinged.

I really like the idea of personalized magic and hope you do too. Nothing that changes mechanics of course, but filtering the way a spell looks visually through the theme of a character. For example- Eldred's Mage Armor would not be a force field type of deal. He would be seeing everything a split second ahead and manage to improbably step out of the way, duck, or dodge as he saw an attack coming.

If the game went on that far I might take him toward Alienist or Archmage PrC. ============================================================

Eldred Weiss, Male Human, Diviner 1 (Enchantment Barred)
Medium Humanoid; Alignment: CG

HP 6; Init +2; Spd 30; AC:12 (Flatfooted:10 Touch:12)
Atk -1 base melee, +2 base ranged
SQ: RF: Quick to Master, Any Favored Class

Saves: Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5
Abilities: STR 9, DEX 14, CON 14, INT 17, WIS 10, CHA 8.
Skills: Concentration +6, Decipher Script: +7, Knowledge: Arcana +7, Knowledge: Nobility: +7, Knowledge: The Planes +7, Spellcraft: +7.

Feats: Armor Proficiency: none, Weapon Proficiency: [Club, Dagger, Heavy/Light Crossbow, and Quarterstaff], Spells - DC 13 + Spell Level, Bonus Languages: [Draconic, Abyssal, Celestial], Familiar - undecided at present, Scribe Scroll, School of Divination [ Enchantment Barred, +2 Spellcraft on Divinations, Prepare one extra Div per level], Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot.

Spells Book:
0 Lvl: All but Enchantments
1st Lvl: True Strike*, Comprehend Lang*, Identify* Magic Missile, Mage Armor, Silent Image, Ray of Enfeeblement

[Prepared for preadventure day to day business]: Comprehend Lang*, Mage Armor, Silent Image.

[Prepared when trouble is expected]:True Strike*, Mage Armor, Magic Missile




Voidrunner's Codex

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