OOC Problems, kept OOC.

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Foppish Technocrat
Mayu Amakura said:
Agreed, but keep in mind. Not all go by table top rules on this chat. So blurting stats to an uninformed player would seem to be a bunch of jibberish to them. As long as someone knows when to take a hit, and when the could block or dodge in a legit manner than all should be well. And deciding in PM is growing more unpleasent especially when after I asked someone if their character is vunerable to telepathy or mental images they respond: "I don't want "anything" to do with a group Defcarr is in." I will say this and stick to it firmly, "Weak." That really sinks a player low in my mind to do that, especially when my character is not Defcarr. So taking it out on me, well... can't explain it without breaking CoC. :p
Also keep in mind that in this chat not everyone wants to play with everyone and if people want to avoid a specific group/plot/type of character then that is their right. You may wish to share your idea and have everyone play along with it but that does not mean that everyone else wants to.

If you invite someone to join in or attempt to bring them in and are rebuffed then it's best just to take it graciously and move on, if you find that you are getting rebuffed far more than you would like then perhaps it's time to think about why you are getting rebuffed.

If someone doesn't want to play with you then that's not "weak", that's their prerogative. The only way a freeform roleplay enviroment is going to work is if people respect each others rights both ways.

That means people have to respect the right to have character types they wouldn't take and that some people arean't going to want to interact with their character type. Yes it can be tough getting butted out of the way of a plot you wanted to join or being unable to fit in with a group of characters but it's the necessary sacrifice for being allow a wide variety of character types within a room.

Particularly with some sub types such as evil, vampires, drow, dragons, outer-planar beings and homebrew creations is you're going to come across people who have very strong feelings about how these things should be played and if they're appropriate, just as everyone who plays them has strong feelings on the matter. If you're going to play these types of characters then I'm afraid you're going to have to accept that various people are not going to want to roleplay with them regardless of how good a job you do.

That is life and that is forever going to be a part of roleplaying in freeform areas. If someone is specifically harassing you about a choice that doesn't breach the rules then certainly feel free to use the ignore function on them or to report such behaviour to a Magi. If however they just don't want to roleplay with you then please just let them be.

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Mayu Amakura

It seems my words might have been taking a small tilt in the wrong way. I won't argue and will not bring up problems or "cans of worms." Yes, good for people that ignore other players, makes them seem that much better in the eyes of others. Never the less everyone has the option to do what they like which means they have the option to PM a player using a vamp before the vamp attacks and ask that they not do so. FoD. Though it is fickle, it can be used to those advantage who wish to not be bothered by such characters. I will not get started on CoC as of now but will agree that vamps do enter the tavern yes, but have we seen any actions against it? There are a number of different chars that enter the tavern that do not "belong". And unprofessional RPers do not give a chance for others to prove themselves. As I myself have seen this already. Agreed, the problem is others making chars whom hate vamps and such and what happens when others make vamp? Enormous ammounts of complaining and such in the lounge. But I will be truthful, that is exactly why I made Mayu, to make others feel that way IC. After all a vamp is evil and that is what they are created to do. And there will always be those whom disagree, so me asking for different actions is obviously out of the question. Though I will place my piece, it would be nice for other players to warn others before rejecting, doing so in PM before the char engages the other. No real reason needed, just a simple PM "Please don't attack my character." or something polite on the same level. More than likely the player will oblige and not attack. If the player does not agree then ofcourse feel welcome to ignore. ^_^
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First Post
Okie dokie. I think I have 2¢ around here so-- yep.. here it is...

I rarely interact with vampires. It is not because I feel there are too many, though... yeah.. we won't go there. It is because 95% of the vamps in chat are god-modding, "oh look at me I am invincible because I am a vampire" type players. I don't play with them. I may be a little strict on who I will and will not play with, so be it. But, since that's primarily what this thread is about:

I rarely play with the following:

1)God-modders. (You know who you are)

2)People who use red font (reason? I am sick of 'just change your font to your own colour'. I don't want to. I like user colours... it adds to each character. Why should I change mine when the player knows damned well that the colour they chose is hard to read on the default background?)

3)People who purposely try to match their colour to the background colour (see above)

4)People (and this kinda falls back to god-modding) who ignore other characters' abilities. For instance, maciver is good at VERY few things (like 2). The things he is good at, he is very good at. And that is most often ignored.

I like to RP a character. What is the fun in RPing a god? The fun lies in RPing a character's flaws. Another pet peeve of mine is when you are RPing and you say something, and someone negates what you said. First rule of improv in theatre is "Don't deny." The reason for that is as soon as something is denied, the flow drops flat on its butt.

There's my 2¢. I will probably have to scrounge up another 2¢ after this, but that's ok.

Mayu Amakura

Just saw Gabriel's post. Very well, and I always respect others wishes. I told the person that told me that aswell and was polite about it. Maybe it was just the way things suddenly turned that got my attention to make this thread. but, never the less I will continue to play Mayu and respect the others wishes keeping my OOC thoughts of others OOC.

Mayu Amakura

Hmm, Mac, I am definatly not a god-modder. As I poster before one hit could frag Mayu with ease. ^_^ So I think I fall in the other 5% you left.


First Post
Looks at the two cents in her hand.
Looks at the above three or four posts.
Figures that the good points have been covered and wanders off to buy tootsie rolls with her two cents.


Foppish Technocrat
Mayu Amakura said:
Just saw Gabriel's post. Very well, and I always respect others wishes. I told the person that told me that aswell and was polite about it. Maybe it was just the way things suddenly turned that got my attention to make this thread. but, never the less I will continue to play Mayu and respect the others wishes keeping my OOC thoughts of others OOC.
Then please don't refer to them as "weak" for making the OOC decision not to RP with someone/thing else based off OOC information, it tends to get people off side and create arguements. They're perfectly entitled to disagree with your view of how anything should be played/what constituites god moding/what background is best/what font color is coolest/which soda is tastest/which incarantion of Gabriel is cutest just as you're perfectly entitled to disagree with theirs.

We're all here to have fun. :)


First Post
Mayu said:
Yes, good for people that ignore other players, makes them seem that much better in the eyes of others.

It amazes me how things are being taken so personal. Please, remember this is a game. This isn't high school, this isn't reality, this is not a popularity contest. Don't worry so much about how good you're viewed in the eyes of others.

Mayu said:
Never the less everyone has the option to do what they like which means they have the option to PM a player using a vamp before the vamp attacks and ask that they not do so. FoD.

Normally it is RP courtesy to ask someone if you can attack their character not the opposite. If you want to attack someone, ask them. Don't expect people to interupt their stream of RP to cater to your characters, especially since you're the one initiating that process of RP.

Mayu said:
I will not get started on CoC as of now but will agree that vamps do enter the tavern yes, but have we seen any actions against it?

1. You don't have a say or an option about the COC. That is life, that is reality. Get over it. If you don't like the COC, RP elsewhere.

2. The MODS shouldn't have to run about babysitting the chat 24/7 because folks can't be adult enough and follow simple rules. Players should be mature enough not to take actions that result in punishment or have to be punished to get the point of the rules.

Mayu Amakura

*quirks a brow* Way to shoot the mood. :p But it was needed. I play other chars too and yes it is all fun and games, completely agreed. And referring to them as weak I wasn't. I was referring to the situation of that happening. ^_^ Having an idea shot down so bluntly of course raises irritation.

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