[OOC] Quickleaf's Rime of the Frostmaiden [closed but waitlist is available]

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I'm a little confused on the party's strategy, and could use clarification.

It sounds like @Neurotic (Lumrolur) and @Necropolitan (Zeth) have rolled Stealth checks to ambush the zombies (i.e. ambush meaning to strike first)...

But then Lumrolur is describing a "lure them & hold the line and burn 'em" strategy which @Steve Gorak (Aric) and @VLAD the Destroyer (Logrim) appear to be preparing for.

AFAICT those are two distinct and exclusive strategies, unless I'm misunderstanding your intent?


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
They are not exclusive
Luring the zombies means getting them to move toward us. And that means I get to shoot one or two of them. There is a chance they don't see me at first (move, attack, bonus hide), but when they do...


They are not exclusive
Luring the zombies means getting them to move toward us. And that means I get to shoot one or two of them. There is a chance they don't see me at first (move, attack, bonus hide), but when they do...
Ah, so it sounds like you're saying someone else will go lure the zombies back to where Lumrolur and company are hiding?

Could I get clarification on who is volunteering to advance forward and act as the lure?


Ah, so it sounds like you're saying someone else will go lure the zombies back to where Lumrolur and company are hiding?

Could I get clarification on who is volunteering to advance forward and act as the lure?
I thought the zombies were coming our way so we were going to stand out of sight to ambush them.


If I'm interpreting things correctly....

It sounds like Lumrolur intends to sneak ahead, take a few shots to draw their attention, then hide and rejoin the group. Meanwhile, the rest of us hang back and wait for them to come to us so we can bottleneck them.

Am I on the right track?


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Ah, so it sounds like you're saying someone else will go lure the zombies back to where Lumrolur and company are hiding?

Could I get clarification on who is volunteering to advance forward and act as the lure?
No, I'm saying Lumrolur will go, stealthy, and in darkness, shoot one of them, hide. If they react, he moves back toward the group. If not, he shoots until they do notice him

I'll be on the computer later today and write in details with the map adjusted so it is clearer. Mobile typing is impractical


No, I'm saying Lumrolur will go, stealthy, and in darkness, shoot one of them, hide. If they react, he moves back toward the group. If not, he shoots until they do notice him

I'll be on the computer later today and write in details with the map adjusted so it is clearer. Mobile typing is impractical
Gotcha, no worries. I have that mobile typing issue all the time. Big fingers.

I'll post in the IC now – even though not everyone had a chance to chime in, I'll interpolate your intent as best I can – just to keep us moving and not get bogged down.

Voidrunner's Codex

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