D&D 5E (OOC) Rise of the Dracolich (Full)

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Let me know if you spot any errors in my round-roller. I was super rushed to get it done and get to work. I might not have updated everything correctly.


How much are Mord and the Troll group able to tell about the other side of the battle?

Three Things: 1: The whole cavern shook. 2: The dragon definitely roared from somewhere "over there". 3: The Skraggs are gonna leave and head that way. Provoking opportunity attacks. I'll get to it, but go ahead and attack 'em if you're playing a troll who can...


Dusty Dragon
I have to say, even though he's just a minor character, playing as Blurcho is... illuminating. The regeneration thing completely changes culture. How troll think, how they fight etc, it's all centered around that.

Like only a complete madman would throw a brick at someone's head over a minor slight. But if everyone heals 10 hp a round, then... it's not that crazy anymore? Sticks and Stones will break my bones, but only for a moment.


They haven't started to move away yet btw.

It's fine, they will. Anyone who has a troll adjacent to them can roll opp attacks along with their regular ones and move with them if they want. I know it's not exactly how D&D Turns work, but D&D turns work a little weird. I mean, if you think about it, when a creature moves away from another creature on its turn, and then the second creature follows the first, did they ever move apart? I would posit that they probably, in the reality of the situation, moved together. A few times while running these things, in my head, I've done all the movement simultaneous and then resolved the actions, as opposed to imagining it turn-by-turn. Mostly it doesn't really make any difference, on a purely D&D-rules resolution basis. Sometimes it causes little things to be different than they would be if we ran it purely turn-by-turn, but most of the time, those things don't really matter in any significant way.


Everyone is aware that I rolled the round, right? It seems strange to me that Blurcho (of all characters) is the only one who's gone.

Edit: Aside from Mord and his skeletons

Voidrunner's Codex

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