(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)

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Good to know about adding Dex to the heavy crossbow. Thanks!

I honestly thought we were in initiative LOL How many rolls do you need?
Oh, we are in round-counting (though I have never used initiative in PBP... it just seems like unnecessary work - I just have everything happen simultaneously with priority going to PCs (in roughly post-order, then BGs, then NPCs, but with everything being adjustable for cinematic style. I've tried it IRL as well, and it works pretty well to speed things along. Requires trust, of course.

But yeah, we're in rounds. Some people just rolled ahead to keep things moving. That's fine, but I think things are going to go crazy any second now. I don't think that you can predict what you will be doing next round, for example, so maybe just wait for it.

I'm sure the ogre male dies in round 2. It had 19, Escella did 17 and more damage has hit it since. In round 3, Escella probably switches to the other ogre or one of the boars. Depends on what happens.


I have turns for Vairar and Angis, but no one else (unless you just want me to use some of those early rolls for Escella, Dandin, and the SEGs, which can be done, I guess, but I wouldn't mind a little more instruction regarding who you want to shoot etc. I don't think you can all realistically fire at the same targets as before).

Also, @Kobold Stew what's Tommi up to? The orcs are pretty much ignoring him now, though it won't take long before the Archers notice he's killed one of them.

I understand why everyone might be slow to post right now, but please keep going when you can! We can get through this! (I might be referring to real life here, as well as the manor siege.)


Sorry, I've still been having trouble focussing on anything ENWorld still. Yes, feel free to use any extra rolls from Dandin. Also, he's aware that he isn't going to do hige damage here so will target anything that's either already weak, or looks like an easy target.


Aside from the write-up, I've finished the round. I'll post tomorrow. (Spit is getting real!)

I have just one question: @KahlessNestor does a hit for AC 14 get Angis right now? I feel like he has AC15 when he's got his axes out, but I don't know if he does.

Voidrunner's Codex

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