(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)



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Candlekeep would be too far. That's pretty much an expedition. Waterdeep would take enough time, to get there and back (six days there from Julkoun, three days back to Daggerford, if you're traveling fast but not risking killing horses). That's nearly a full tenday out of a three tenday month.

There's always Delfin the Wizard in Daggerford, too. He runs a school, even. What's her face, your Uncle's court wizard, has old Gwaereth's library, too. So maybe you don't have to go so far.

Arcana, History, Arcana, will put Titus deep in study, that's for sure. I can work with that, if that's the way you wanna go. Gimme some quick thoughts on what you think each check means, and I'll run with it.


From Hoard of the Dragon Queen: "The stretch of road from Baldur’s Gate to Waterdeep is a journey of 750 miles. Horse-drawn or mule-drawn freight wagons cover 15 miles per day, depending on conditions. The animals need one day off after every six days of hauling to recover from their work. All things considered, the trip is expected to take two months."

Now, A lone rider could easily do the same in half the time, but you've gotta go there AND BACK. (Daggerford is south of Waterdeep, but Candlekeep is south of Baldur's Gate, so that's negligible). You could take a ship, but not from Daggerford. You'd have to go to Waterdeep for that ANYWAY. In ideal conditions, a sailing ship can get you to Baldur's Gate in 8 days, and then it's either hire a smaller coastal ship (2 days each way, if all goes perfectly) to take you to Candlekeep, or ride a hundred-forty miles (4 days, if you're lucky, each way). Minimum 20 days, more likely 28. You'd have only a few days to do research!
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Yeah, no, I didn’t know they were so far. I’ll go to the closest library.

Let’s do something else for the third one. He is still a fighter. Pit fighting works, so Arcana, History and Athletics. I’ll write up a post as soon as I can with those, and what he’s looking for with each will be in there.


Could Dandin make the trip to Waterdeep with the boats in the time allotted? Maybe Titus could ride along and while Dandin is doing his trading he can spend some time at their library?


Let's do some calculations...

Dandin's boats are great for scooting up and down the Shining River, but they'd have to hug the coast to be safe at sea. It would be a bit dangerous (check involved), and It's about sixty miles downriver to the sea, which you could easily do in about 10 hours, but I don't think you'd want to sail at night. (You could end up out to sea, or wrecked on shore, both bad things)

It's about 120 miles up the coast to Waterdeep, but you'd have to follow the coast closely, which goes in-and-out, so probably more like 200 miles. (In particular because there's a few big rivers that you could follow up before realizing it, or be pushed out to sea, so it's a feat of navigation, too, as well as seamanship) So, you'd camp about four nights, assuming all went well.

It could be done in five or six days, barring mishap. Then back. Not really faster than riding, and more dangerous, but Dandin could carry a lot of goods. Take Janus with you as your expert. He may be a riverman, but he knows his boats. (He was the defacto riverfolk leader who's family you saved at the beginning. He likes you guys.) He'll take a reasonable cut, and make sure you have a brave crew.


Here are my rolls, since I need to know how they turn out for a post.

Arcane would be trying to contact his Patron, or just trying to learn about it. It would be researching magic and/or attempting to make contact.

History would be for trying to make sense of his past, and figure out why he would have these powers.

Titus History Check: 1D20+4 = [20]+4 = 24

Titus Arcana Check: 1D20+2 = [17]+2 = 19

Athletics would be some time spent training with other soldiers, sparring and fighting to keep his skills up. Money can be involved, but mostly he’s wanting to train.

Titus Athletics Check: 1D20+5 = [7]+5 = 12

Looks like the research went well!


Dandin makes a trading trip to Waterdeep and invites anyone who wants to come along. Basically, he's looking to score some income, possibly a magic item, and set up a working trade route between Daggerford, Julkoun and Waterdeep.

Insight: 1d20+6 12
Perception: 1d20+4 16
Persuasion: 1d20+7 16

Voidrunner's Codex

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