(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)

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I figure that the crew's share, even if it's only a few gold, is more money than they usually see. Most of 'em are used to being dirt-poor and feel they owe Dandin for saving them from slavery. They kept enough money to make the trip 'profitable' in their eyes and pooled the rest (a sizeable chunk from Janos, who probably made a positive fortune in his mind, being a somewhat equal partner to Dandin) to get Dandin his gift.

So, I wanted the Emerald(ruby) of the battlemage as it turns whatever weapon I attach it to into a focus for all of my spells (including the druid ones). I suppose I could still do that with the Shawn-sword, it sounds like a really fluffy magic item and I love the idea. Could we up it to a rapier though?

So, I wanted the Emerald(ruby) of the battlemage as it turns whatever weapon I attach it to into a focus for all of my spells (including the druid ones). I suppose I could still do that with the Shawn-sword, it sounds like a really fluffy magic item and I love the idea. Could we up it to a rapier though?

Sure. I just prefer fluffy unique items to utilitarian rules patches. Let's say your druid abilities respond well to the haunting low tones of the shawm! Thre sword is a lightweight flute-shaped thing, so a rapier stats would do it.

Are we doing the three rolls for the entire downtime? Or one set for each week?
Okay, in that case do I just not need the ruby? Maybe I could give it to Titus.

Let's just assume that you didn't buy the ruby. I'm not sure where you would have got it from. Delfin, maybe?

It's true that story-wise, I only wrote up to Waterdeep, but I really meant for the three-rolls to cover the entire downtime. I just wanted to give you some time to respond. Perhaps do something in Waterdeep. I dunno, maybe I'm not doing this quite right. I probably should break things up with a little more back-and-forth. Okay, it's official: We're gonna do this twice. Once to bring things to the middle, then you can respond to my post, then we'll do it again, we'll bring it to a close, and you can respond to that. Then we'll start the new campaign. Sound good?

Okay. So Dandin is going to scour Waterdeep in his free time and try to find Janos a Stone of Direction. (From Xhanathar's Guide.) Not quite what roll you'd want for that. Perception? Persuasion? If he can't find/afford one, he'll go for the next best thing. Navigator's tools?

After that, I figure another Persuasion and Insight for selling the goods on the return trip. Or I can just do some performance to keep the crew morale up and perception to help keep a lookout on the return trip.
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