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Paths of Legend: The Journey


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Anareesa gets a wary look in her eyes, "There was an elf lady that came around just after the show, asking about you...at least I think it was you. The description fit, mostly. I'm...I'm kind of confused now. She said you were dangerous, but she looked kind of dangerous, too. And, and familiar, somehow, like I'd seen her in a dream or something."

She reaches out and holds the residence key, though she doesn't pull it from Estelle's grasp, "This probably goes to Rossler's place in the Merchant Quarter. I could show you where it is, if you want. If you promise not to hurt me or kill me or anything."

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Estelle nods her head understandingly at the warning Anareesa provides, "I promise I won't hurt you. And to be honest, I think there's someone in town claiming to be me, because I've had people who I've never met speak to me like we'd known each other for years. I don't get it." She looks down, confused and frustrated. "But each time I see you, I'll just call you beautiful. That way you'll know it's the real me.

"Do you have time to show me the apartment now? I'm not sure how much time I have before people start realizing Rossler's not around and start snooping around his place."


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Anareesa smiles shyly, seemingly the first smile she's had in days, "Ok. Come on."

She leads Estelle back into the city and into the residential area of the Merchant's Quarter. As night begins to fall, she leads Estelle to a second floor door in an apartment style building.

"This is the place. I only came here twice and it was...well, weird. Some kind of animal nest was in the corner where the bed should be."


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Estelle looks at her oddly, "You didn't know? I'll tell you when we're inside."

She takes the key and nearly inserts it into the door before she stops, "Did he like protect his door or something?" Estelle stands back and decides she'd better be cautious and check to see if the door is booby-trapped.

Confident that it's clear, she inserts the key into the lock and turns it.

Search check of 8, which I'm assuming will show Estelle that it's not trapped even if it is, so she'll open it.


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Anareesa shakes her head, "The building owner evicts anybody who traps their door. Rossler may have done something to his personal stuff, though."

The door opens with no surprises...other than the smell. The apartment is a small, one room affair, about twice as large as a room at an inn, with the smell of an animal lair wafting from it.

A nest resides in the corner of the room instead of a bed, with a small, locked dresser next to it. A locked wardrobe stands on the other end of the room, next to a wash basin and chamber pot. In the middle of the room is a small table with two chairs.


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Estelle puts her hand over her mouth and nose as she walks in, shutting the door after Anareesa enters. "Ugh! I think I breathed some of it in!" She walks around the room, giving everything a cursory glance.

"Okay, when he attacked me, he turned into some sort of rat-man. Then when he died he turned back into a regular man. Kind of weird, I know." She walks slowly toward his nest and the dresser and wardrobe.


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Anareesa wrinkles her nose, "Yuck. It didn't smell this bad the last time I was here."

OOC: Make a Search check (or, if she's being thorough, let me know what her Take 20 result is).


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Estelle examines both the dresser and the wardrobe in turn, being extra thorough and cautious. "When was the last time you were in here?"

She'll take a 20 on both. Giving her a 26 search check.


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"Oh, it was over a year ago. I joined Grobnobble's Circus the summer of last year to get away from all of this. I've been touring with them ever since."

Estelle doesn't find anything of interest concerning the dresser, other than its locked.

The wardrobe, on the other hand, has a spring loaded needle trap of some sort, set to go off when the wardrobe door is opened.

OOC: If Estelle intends to try to disable it, go ahead and make the Disable Device check.


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"Do they pay you well or do they just give you food and- Wait! I found something here," Estelle puts a hand up to stop Anareesa in case she was planning on coming closer. "It looks like a dart that'll shoot out when you open this. I'm going to try to take it apart but if it hits me, well, do what you can to help me."

Estelle pulls out her tools and sets to work, attempting to jam the device.

She'll attempt to Disable the wardrobe with an 18.

Voidrunner's Codex

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