Pineapple Express: Someone Is Wrong on the Internet?


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Nobody in their right mind is walking 97 miles through desert to get to the nearest city.
My paternal grandfather occasionally walked from NOLA to Covington, LA when courting my paternal grandmother. If you look online, you will be told that’s a 10 hour walk using the bridge across Lake Ponchartrain.

…which was built at least a decade after they were married and started having kids.🤯

It's not just "the pine barrens". The Lenni Lenape called it “Popuessing” meaning “place of the dragon*”! It's its domain!

* Note: This gets bandied about a lot but there's no hard evidence that this is actually true. "Poetquessnink" means "place where the mice live" in modern Lenape. But I'm a GM and scenario designer, dammit, and it's too good not to treat it as true until refuted by firm evidence!

Got it.
Mouse-dragon monster entry ensues...

No, the fact that the Pine Barrens are in eastern Jersey, and Poquessing Creek is in Pennsylvania, will not stop us.
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One of my cousins is an Army Specialist who had to go to Fort Riley- home of The Big Red One- for some specific training. Fort Riley is where my Dad was stationed, and it’s about a 20-30 minute drive from Manhattan.

He said he couldn’t wait to get back to Afghanistan.
Fort Polk, Louisiana has that same impact on people stationed there.

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