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Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


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OOC: Not that you need it with those rolls, but you get a +1 bonus to Perception checks, while Kyalia is in the vincinity, because of her Group Awareness ability. :)

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“Good boy! You might actually live through this...” Kyalia says to Spizz before meeting up with the others and taking a moment to rest from the strain of combat.

[SBLOCK=OOC]Taking a Short Rest.[/SBLOCK]


The Goblin nods at Kyalia and Ah-shahran, rolls his shoulders in a 'I'm one of the gang me' kind of way, clearly proud of his endeavours.

"Can I have a badge?" He asks of anyone who will listen, mostly Ah-shahran, Kyalia and Viator.

"And a rank?" He asks some more.

And in the quieter moments- while you continue to ignore him...

"Pleeeeeeeease!" He squeals like a petulent four year old.


First Post
You did well, Spizz. Now you see fully what happens to those I mark who disobey. Do you understand?

For your bravery and your actions I hereby promote you to All Species Humanoid-relations Officer - Lower. Continue down this path and I see great things ahead for you.

I am very proud of you Spizz. You really showed the kind of person you are. I left you on your own to fend for yourself and you passed the test.

As he speaks to te newly decorated officer, a sparkle of static and air circle the goblin.


You did well, Spizz. Now you see fully what happens to those I mark who disobey. Do you understand?

For your bravery and your actions I hereby promote you to All Species Humanoid-relations Officer - Lower. Continue down this path and I see great things ahead for you.

I am very proud of you Spizz. You really showed the kind of person you are. I left you on your own to fend for yourself and you passed the test.

As he speaks to te newly decorated officer, a sparkle of static and air circle the goblin.




There's a lady in a circle, and no signs of trouble. Everyone ready? Let's go pop that bubble! So saying, Ah-shahran unlatches and opens the doors, then pauses as Gorm moves just inside.

[sblock=Mechanics]4 temp HP to Velani, then Gorm moves to G17[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 30/30 Surges: 7/8 Surge Value: 7
AC: 16 Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 14 Will: 16
Resist: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+2)
Passive Insight: 19 Passive Perception: 19
Action Points: 3 [][][] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Spirit of the Healing Flood



There's a lady in a circle, and no signs of trouble. Everyone ready? Let's go pop that bubble! So saying, Ah-shahran unlatches and opens the doors, then pauses as Gorm moves just inside.

[sblock=Mechanics]4 temp HP to Velani, then Gorm moves to G17[/sblock]

[sblock=Combat Status]HP: 30/30 Surges: 7/8 Surge Value: 7
AC: 16 Fortitude: 11 Reflex: 14 Will: 16
Resist: 5 necrotic, 5 radiant Saving Throw mods: none
Speed: 6 Initiative: (+2)
Passive Insight: 19 Passive Perception: 19
Action Points: 3 [][][] Usage this encounter
[] Second Wind

[][][] Failed Death Saves

Current Status:


Spirit Infusion, Direct the Strike, Call Spirit Companion Twin Panthers, Memory of a Thousand Lifetimes, Healing Spirit, Inspiring Word, Speak with Spirits, Spirit of the Healing Flood


The doors swing open in to a small chamber, an empty chamber- save for a glowing circular wall of force- inside of which is a crone like woman, from Eoffram's description- Zerriksa.

The old woman clambers to her feet, cursing under her breath all the while...

"I told you... Mess with me and I'll turn you all in to frogs... or snails, I have powers... Oh!"

The old woman finally notices you, clearly she was expecting someone else.

"He-he. Pelor's undergarments! You're not Goblins... you must be the heroes of the hour- well gawd bless ya, I say- I could kiss tha lot of ya. Now don't stand about gawping like frogs catching flies- get this thingammywhatsit down- the Goblin Witch-Bitch put it up... come on, come on..."

Zerriksa continues to witter and moan about everything and nothing- from the state of the floor she has been resting upon- cold and damp, to the fact that heroes were bigger and stronger and better looking in her day...

"I ain't got all day grandad- get a wiggle on", she states looking hard at Ah-shahran, she pops her teeth out and wipes them on her robe- which is filthy.

What next?

New Map-

126 Zerriksa

[sblock= Scales of War To Do List]

IMMEDIATE CONCERN- SEE 6. & 1. (Zerriksa & below)

The Big Picture

1. Rescue the Prisoners-

Prisoners Rescued 2 (nearly 3) out of 7

Jelissa- down stairs, lower level- Adronsius knows the way (see 5.).

Sertanian- he can identify the treasures (see 2.)



Mirtala- the cook. Infected with Filth Fever. FOUND- Von Jallach Crypt with Gnomes.

Adronsius- the Dwarven Alchemist, FOUND- Von Jallach Crypt with Gnomes.

Zerriksa- mad witch woman, in with Drakes... Get her to the Gnomes (Deadeye said so, see 6.)


"old man prisoner in crypt- through spider chamber, in cells there..." (Deadeye said so, see 6.)

2. Rescue the Treasures taken from the Hall of Great Valour.

Number and type not known.
Sertanian (see 1.) knows what is missing- find him.
Derek, the Gnome, thinks Sinruth not happy with his 'treshure'.

3. The Red Hand & Sinruth?

What is it all about?
Why are the Goblinoids wearing the insignia?
Who is Sinruth?

At The Moment

4. Tasks for Derek.

Rescue Doofus and Stubby the Gnomes.
Kill Lord Frazzle.

5. Adronsius' story.

They brought us here blindfolded, this I have told- the large beasts that we were shackled too were herded roughly across the entrance chamber and in to a chamber straight ahead.

Understand a blindfold is no hindrance to the Dwarfs, we see and hear in the dark, and are used to making our way thusly in life.

From there we were, that is the prisoners were sent in to the complex, we headed west out of the entrance chamber- Sinruth lead us on I believe, we followed a corridor that turned north, waited there a while.

Sinruth gave orders, I do not understand their bastard tongue, but I believe Goblins were left there as guards.

From there we headed west again in to another corridor, which again turned north- in to a larger chamber which... was strange, I remember a crackling sound and an odd smell- the smell of the river.

From there west again in to another corridor, which again turned north and then double back upon itself east- again more discussions and some part of our group departed. We headed on, east again- although the corridor turned north again- we climbed stairs in to a... a... a chamber with a sticky floor- again more of our number departed, one of whom was Mirtala, the cook- I heard her scream as she was hauled off.

Then, and I sense there were few of us left, maybe no more than a dozen of us, we headed down some great stair- it went deep, in to I would suggest a second lower level of the complex.

In to another larger chamber, there Jelissa departed, I remember her scent- the priestess smelt of the church and innocence, she must be saved.

Then finally in the large chamber still, with only the Goblins with me they beat me, again... and again... and again. Sinruth was there, he took part, he was the worst- he seemed angry, determined to take out his anger on my body.

I lost consciousness... but not for long.

I came too, still blindfolded retracing my journey back to the entrance chamber, I could smell the breeze, the fresh air, the grass and the forest- I thought, stupidly, they were going to take me outside- to let me go, or else I would be have the opportunity to run, but no...

They dragged me across the entrance chamber, through metal doors and down, in to a chamber that smelt of the storm...


Adronsius points at the chamber with the once lit mystical symbols in it.

"And then they beat me again, and manacled me here..."

Adronsius breaths hard.

"I hope this will be of help to you- unless they have moved them then I think that four of the prisoners, including myself, are on this level of the complex- one of whom is Mirtala; and two are on the lower level- one of whom is Jelissa, the priestess."

6. Deadeye's story.

"Deadeye know few places- up roundy stairs (spiral staircase) more tombs; from there creepy place with many spiderlings- there big stairs down to Sinruth or passage to 'nother crypt- Prisoner in crypt, further on room with big pictures on wall- roundyways, make gurggly noise, make Deadeye want pee-pee!"

And that's Deadeye's summation of the chambers that are left to explore on this level- save...

"Oh an' Sinruth Drake room, with mushrooms- 'nother prisoner through there- evil skank witch lady..."


Deadeye, reiterates- "mad witch woman prisoner in chamber beyond Sinruth's Drakes, centre-ways through entrance chamber, she threaten turn Sinruth in to frog, he not happy."

And, "old man prisoner in crypt- through spider chamber, in cells there..."

Also, "other prisoners down stairs- lower parts, with undeadies somewhere..."

7. Areas yet to investigate.

Derek says most prisoners on this level of the complex & Sinruth and more Goblins below.

Doors west from Goblin rest room.
Doors west from corridor to the north of Goblin rest room.
Spiral staircase up from Deadeye's domain.

In The Future

Lord Frazzle- Gnome bad guy.
Demon- summoned by Lord Frazzle.
Sinruth- Goblin chief.

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First Post


OOC: BRAVO! Raven and DM... well played!

Before we headed forward beyond mushroom land, Velani takes a moment to recover her thrown widow's blade.

"Here, Spizz. I.... oh, for the love...." Velani reaches down and shakes Viator's pet awake. "Here." She grudgingly shoves the knife into its hands. "At least next time you might actually hurt something...make sure it's not yourself."

OOC: Then, following Ah-shahran's post...

"Right then, be on your guard friends. What purpose does it serve to have such a large prison for one person? Also, from what I remember about her...." <Streetwise check on "the witch" - and if should be History, add 3.>
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OOC: BRAVO! Raven and DM... well played!

Before we headed forward beyond mushroom land, Velani takes a moment to recover her thrown widow's blade.

"Here, Spizz. I.... oh, for the love...." Velani reaches down and shakes Viator's pet awake. "Here." She grudgingly shoves the knife into its hands. "At least next time you might actually hurt something...make sure it's not yourself."

OOC: Then, following Ah-shahran's post...

"Right then, be on your guard friends. What purpose does it serve to have such a large prison for one person? Also, from what I remember about her...." <Streetwise check on "the witch" - and if should be History, add 3.>

You remember Zerriksa from the market place in Fallcrest, and this is her... a herbalist by trade- home remedies for 'gentleman's excuse-me', or 'ladies-dropsie', and other minor ailments. Zerriksa is no witch however, she's just a little frightening to look at, and the local kids sometimes call her 'witch' behind her back. At times she may even play along a little with the charade- mostly to scare the same kids away from her stall...

Zerriksa stares at you, hard- 'Sgt. Velani, didn't they throw you out of the guard for consorting with known criminals... or was it recieving stolen goods. Hahahaha..." Zerriksa's laugh turns in to a coughing fit- she hawks and spits.

"Be a love and bust us out Sarge, I'm desperate for a pee..." Zerriksa laughs behind her hand.
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First Post

"First, Zerskie, I was not thrown out, I was accused and acquitted, albeit four separate times. All in the line of duty an' all.

Now if you'll just follow us, I'm sure we can find you some privvy privacy...."

OOC: take her back to the Sewer Rats?



"First, Zerskie, I was not thrown out, I was accused and acquitted, albeit four separate times. All in the line of duty an' all.

Now if you'll just follow us, I'm sure we can find you some privvy privacy...."

OOC: take her back to the Sewer Rats?

"You never did make it to Detective Sgt. did you dearie?" Zerriksa looks hard at Velani.

"Shall I tell you why..." the old crone is not waiting for an answer... "two reasons-

One, here I am a useful source of information, I've seen a couple of the other prisoners on my travels- I take it you're here to rescue them too, or is it just me you've come for? I've also seen a good few of them Goblins, and other things I could tell you about...

But no questions from you Sgt. Tut-tut."

Zerriksa folds her arms and shakes her head.

"The second reason why you're not a detective is, well... I'd love to follow you you bloody moron but I'm STUCK- BEHIND- THIS- BLOODY- GREAT- GLOWING- YELLOW- MAGICAL- BARRIER!"

Each anguished shout is accompanied by Zerriksa drumming her hands in to the aforesaid forcefield- in which she is, as previously stated (and depicted) held.

Zerriksa looks at the rest of you...

"Please, Erathis- tell me Velani isn't the brains trust of your organisation... Please, I beg of you- get me out, and get her away from me..."

The last part directed at Velani.

Voidrunner's Codex

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