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Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


At the nod from Ah-shahran, Viator steps up to the barrier.

Lower Officer Spizz, I need you. Sit at this side of the barrier. Focus.

Slowly, he circumnavigates the sphere. His eyes glaze as he reaches out with his power and probes to discover what the essence of the barrier is.

His mind reaches into the cracks of the shell, the eddies of the energy and manipulates them until they speak back to him, resonating in the centres of his body.

"Arrghh... A Goblin!" Zerriksa screams from inside the forcefield, and then relaxes as Viator gets to work.

Thirty seconds later- Spizz sits cross-legged on the floor 'concentrating'- which seems mostly to involve making a low humming sound and picking his nose every now and then.

Meanwhile Viator, eyes shut, paws the forcefield- here and there thin striations appear, cracks- the Psion moves around- more cracks appear, and then more, until the entire field resembles some delicate vase often dropped and often repaired.

Viator opens his eyes... smiles, delicately reaches out to push with one finger at the crumbling structure, when...

Spizz who is so intently concentrating that his humming has turned in to a low steady snoring sound, suddenly slumps forward- his head thumping in to the barrier which shatters into a thousand million golden pieces of light which as suddenly wink out of existence.

Spizz awakes and rubs his head.

The barrier is gone.

Zerriksa is free.

"Did I do dat? Wid me 'ead." Spizz asks, amazed at his own power.

Silence for a moment...

"Well, what's the plan? Come on- I ain't got all day." Zerriksa asks.

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...shakes her head. "Yep, you sure did Spizz. Maybe next time you should try using your head first...it's obviously stronger than you think."

"We should get her back to the Von Jallick's with the others. Don't like being two doors down with no where to retreat to."

OOC: either when back in the relative safety of the VJ crypt w/ the Sewer Rats and the others or here if she must, Vellani will entreat Zerksie to tell us what she knows.

"And now, oh-impatient-one, tell us your story. We've managed to rescue Mirtala the cook and Andronsius the alchemist, who's told us where we can hopefully find Jalissa. We also know of Sertanian, Thurann, and Kartenix having been kidnapped. What can you tell us of them or the stolen war trophies from Fallcrest? And what about your captors...anything you can tell us of them that might help in our hunt?"



...shakes her head. "Yep, you sure did Spizz. Maybe next time you should try using your head first...it's obviously stronger than you think."

"We should get her back to the Von Jallick's with the others. Don't like being two doors down with no where to retreat to."

OOC: either when back in the relative safety of the VJ crypt w/ the Sewer Rats and the others or here if she must, Vellani will entreat Zerksie to tell us what she knows.

"And now, oh-impatient-one, tell us your story. We've managed to rescue Mirtala the cook and Andronsius the alchemist, who's told us where we can hopefully find Jalissa. We also know of Sertanian, Thurann, and Kartenix having been kidnapped. What can you tell us of them or the stolen war trophies from Fallcrest? And what about your captors...anything you can tell us of them that might help in our hunt?"

A little while later you're back at the Von Jallach crypt, and soon after safe and inside...

Zerriksa has calmed down a little, she's been talking all the while on the journey...

"Kartenix, the Guard Captain, you can stop looking for him- he's dead- he tried to esacpe, we were being taken down to the lower level- from a chamber full of spiders webs, we were half-way down the stairs. Kartenix, with his hands tied, he pushed the Goblins away from him- several of them fell down the stairs, I think one of them broke its neck- then he ran, back up the stairs... He didn't get far, I heard his screams, there's some sort of creatures in the webbed chamber, I don't know where they hide but- I saw one of them, there were two i think though, armed with axes- they walked upright like us but their faces..." Zerriksa shivers, "... all eyes and- horrible. Kartenix's dead, I saw his body- one of them things was wrapping him in webs."

"Anyway, I started making things up then- saying I would turn them in to frogs and the like- they got suspicious quickly, some of them a little frightened- bloody stupid Goblins. A little later they brought Thurann to see me- the young lad, I was in a room down in the lower level-Jalissa was there too. They said they'd kill Thurann if I didn't behave, they held a knife at his throat- bastards- poor lad I didn't have the heart to tell him about his father... I ignored them, got angry again- threatened them. They didn't kill the boy- they took him away. Later they came back with a Goblin Witch- nasty piece of work, and she could do magic. They dragged me back up to the entrance chamber, and then down past the Drakes- stuck me down in that little room you just rescued me from- inside that forcefield- the Goblin Witch did that. You wanna watch out for her, she's powerful- she headed back down below I think."

"I don't know about any of the others, or the treasures- you wanna find that Sertanian, or whatever he's called- he's somewhere on this level I think- he'll tell you what you need to know..."

Back in the Crypt Zerriksa makes herself comfy but not before doing what she can to help Mirtala, it seems Zerriksa is not so bad afterall, alas she doesn't have her herbs and poultices with her- otherwise she would do more to help Mirtala, certainly she will help with her Healing when the time comes to try and break the infection.

In a quiet moment Zerriksa heads over to Viator- thrusts her hand in her pocket, rummages and comes out with something hidden in her fist, she smuggles the hidden item in to Viator's pocket...

"Here, make use of it, I stole it off that Goblin Witch- I may not know magic but I'm not a bad pickpocket..." Zerriksa grins and rubs Viator's shoulder a little, "you're a good lad- take care of yourself, and that Velani- her hearts in the right place but she's a hot head..."

[Sblock= Viator's Gift]
Zerriksa's gift is a small opaque orb of some sort of milky quartz material, even as you hold it in your hand lights and shapes form and swirl within, it's a +1 Magical Orb Implement.

So where next...

[sblock= Scales of War To Do List]


The Big Picture

1. Rescue the Prisoners-

Prisoners Rescued 3 (or 4 Kartenix?) out of 7

Jelissa- down stairs, lower level- Adronsius knows the way (see 5.).

Sertanian- he can identify the treasures (see 2.)

Thurann- on the lower level somewhere, so says Zerriksa. (see 7.)

Kartenix- Dead, so says Zerriksa. (see 7.)

Mirtala- the cook. Infected with Filth Fever. FOUND- Von Jallach Crypt with Gnomes.

Adronsius- the Dwarven Alchemist, FOUND- Von Jallach Crypt with Gnomes.

Zerriksa- the herbalist, FOUND- Von Jallach Crypt with Gnomes.


"old man prisoner in crypt- through spider chamber, in cells there..." (Deadeye said so, see 6.)

2. Rescue the Treasures taken from the Hall of Great Valour.

Number and type not known.
Sertanian (see 1.) knows what is missing- find him.
Derek, the Gnome, thinks Sinruth not happy with his 'treshure'.

3. The Red Hand & Sinruth?

What is it all about?
Why are the Goblinoids wearing the insignia?
Who is Sinruth?

At The Moment

4. Tasks for Derek.

Rescue Doofus and Stubby the Gnomes.
Kill Lord Frazzle.

5. Adronsius' story.

They brought us here blindfolded, this I have told- the large beasts that we were shackled too were herded roughly across the entrance chamber and in to a chamber straight ahead.

Understand a blindfold is no hindrance to the Dwarfs, we see and hear in the dark, and are used to making our way thusly in life.

From there we were, that is the prisoners were sent in to the complex, we headed west out of the entrance chamber- Sinruth lead us on I believe, we followed a corridor that turned north, waited there a while.

Sinruth gave orders, I do not understand their bastard tongue, but I believe Goblins were left there as guards.

From there we headed west again in to another corridor, which again turned north- in to a larger chamber which... was strange, I remember a crackling sound and an odd smell- the smell of the river.

From there west again in to another corridor, which again turned north and then double back upon itself east- again more discussions and some part of our group departed. We headed on, east again- although the corridor turned north again- we climbed stairs in to a... a... a chamber with a sticky floor- again more of our number departed, one of whom was Mirtala, the cook- I heard her scream as she was hauled off.

Then, and I sense there were few of us left, maybe no more than a dozen of us, we headed down some great stair- it went deep, in to I would suggest a second lower level of the complex.

In to another larger chamber, there Jelissa departed, I remember her scent- the priestess smelt of the church and innocence, she must be saved.

Then finally in the large chamber still, with only the Goblins with me they beat me, again... and again... and again. Sinruth was there, he took part, he was the worst- he seemed angry, determined to take out his anger on my body.

I lost consciousness... but not for long.

I came too, still blindfolded retracing my journey back to the entrance chamber, I could smell the breeze, the fresh air, the grass and the forest- I thought, stupidly, they were going to take me outside- to let me go, or else I would be have the opportunity to run, but no...

They dragged me across the entrance chamber, through metal doors and down, in to a chamber that smelt of the storm...


Adronsius points at the chamber with the once lit mystical symbols in it.

"And then they beat me again, and manacled me here..."

Adronsius breaths hard.

"I hope this will be of help to you- unless they have moved them then I think that four of the prisoners, including myself, are on this level of the complex- one of whom is Mirtala; and two are on the lower level- one of whom is Jelissa, the priestess."

6. Deadeye's story.

"Deadeye know few places- up roundy stairs (spiral staircase) more tombs; from there creepy place with many spiderlings- there big stairs down to Sinruth or passage to 'nother crypt- Prisoner in crypt, further on room with big pictures on wall- roundyways, make gurggly noise, make Deadeye want pee-pee!"

And that's Deadeye's summation of the chambers that are left to explore on this level- save...

"Oh an' Sinruth Drake room, with mushrooms- 'nother prisoner through there- evil skank witch lady..."


Deadeye, reiterates- "mad witch woman prisoner in chamber beyond Sinruth's Drakes, centre-ways through entrance chamber, she threaten turn Sinruth in to frog, he not happy."

And, "old man prisoner in crypt- through spider chamber, in cells there..."

Also, "other prisoners down stairs- lower parts, with undeadies somewhere..."

7. Zerriksa's story.

"Kartenix, the Guard Captain, you can stop looking for him- he's dead- he tried to esacpe, we were being taken down to the lower level- from a chamber full of spiders webs, we were half-way down the stairs. Kartenix, with his hands tied, he pushed the Goblins away from him- several of them fell down the stairs, I think one of them broke its neck- then he ran, back up the stairs... He didn't get far, I heard his screams, there's some sort of creatures in the webbed chamber, I don't know where they hide but- I saw one of them, there were two i think though, armed with axes- they walked upright like us but their faces..." Zerriksa shivers, "... all eyes and- horrible. Kartenix's dead, I saw his body- one of them things was wrapping him in webs."

"Anyway, I started making things up then- saying I would turn them in to frogs and the like- they got suspicious quickly, some of them a little frightened- bloody stupid Goblins. A little later they brought Thurann to see me- the young lad, I was in a room down in the lower level-Jalissa was there too. They said they'd kill Thurann if I didn't behave, they held a knife at his throat- bastards- poor lad I didn't have the heart to tell him about his father... I ignored them, got angry again- threatened them. They didn't kill the boy- they took him away. Later they came back with a Goblin Witch- nasty piece of work, and she could do magic. They dragged me back up to the entrance chamber, and then down past the Drakes- stuck me down in that little room you just rescued me from- inside that forcefield- the Goblin Witch did that. You wanna watch out for her, she's powerful- she headed back down below I think."

"I don't know about any of the others, or the treasures- you wanna find that Sertanian, or whatever he's called- he's somewhere on this level I think- he'll tell you what you need to know..."

8. Areas yet to investigate.

Derek says most prisoners on this level of the complex & Sinruth and more Goblins below.

Doors west from Goblin rest room.
Doors west from corridor to the north of Goblin rest room.
Spiral staircase up from Deadeye's domain.

In The Future

Lord Frazzle- Gnome bad guy.
Demon- summoned by Lord Frazzle.
Sinruth- Goblin chief.
Goblin Witch- Lower Level.


It seems that there a few places left for you to investigate on this level, specifically-

Doors west from Goblin rest room.
Doors west from corridor to the north of Goblin rest room.
Spiral staircase up from Deadeye's domain.

Several of the stories in your notes tell you about what to expect in various of the above directions- although you'll have to figure those out for yourself. Consensus is there's at least one more prisoner (alive) on this level of the complex- Sertanian (the guy you need to identify the treasures). There may be another prisoner (alive or dead) on this level, with the spiders perhaps- Kartenix, the Guard Captain.

New Map-


Some sort of consensus would be lovely...

Updated spreadsheets attached.


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First Post
In a quiet moment Zerriksa heads over to Viator- thrusts her hand in her pocket, rummages and comes out with something hidden in her fist, she smuggles the hidden item in to Viator's pocket...

"Here, make use of it, I stole it off that Goblin Witch- I may not know magic but I'm not a bad pickpocket..." Zerriksa grins and rubs Viator's shoulder a little, "you're a good lad- take care of yourself, and that Velani- her hearts in the right place but she's a hot head..."

Looking at the woman, Viator smiles warmly, his ice blue eyes melting for a second.

Thank you, Zerriksa. I promise to put it to good use. And we'll find the others too.

Turning back to his companions, he returns to the task in hand.

My suggestion would be to investigate this level fully before moving on, especially if Sertanian is here. What do you think?


First Post
My suggestion would be to investigate this level fully before moving on, especially if Sertanian is here. What do you think?

Velani concurs, likely utilizing the west door in the goblin barracks as a starting point, since we're all already on the south side of the pits.

Standard perception checks for traps, sounds, lock, vorpal weapons before entering.


First Post
Freggo concurs

Freggo is humbled by his blundered showing off with the shield. He stays quiet but will continue to offer help and support as needed. "Sounds good", he'll offer as the group decides where to go.


First Post

“I agree, let us finish our search in these parts, before we take our exploration further,” Kyalia says.


The west doors open easily, Kali spied through them earlier- a short corridor beyond that turns soon after to head north, you edge around the corner- another short corridor... Oh my, that's not at all what you expected.

"S'all right", Spizz giggles and runs a little ahead, in to the room proper, he sits before the... device, and giggles.

The chamber is as you've seen in previous chambers, same floor, same walls, same ceiling- only the ceiling is a little higher here, perhaps thirty feet- but that's with good reason.

The north wall of the chamber is home to some great glass, device- like a picture, an image... a vision. A massive circular frame, nearly the full thirty feet high contains the image- which seems to be constantly on the move, or at least...

It's difficult to tell what exactly is going on in the image, the device fogs and clears- as if a wind were blowing at incredible speeds, all the while darker patches fall through the image- top to bottom, obscuring whatever the picture is supposed to show...

A sound accompanies this of course, a crackling sound- like raw power, like lightening- not a dangerous noise, a busy noise...

New Map-

128 The Big Picture

GM: In non-D&D terms, imagine a vast (25 feet diameter) porthole, complete with brass style surround/frame mounted on the wall. Through the portal a picture- constantly clouding over, constantly obscured. Obscured by grainy particals washing down the image top to bottom, thousands per second. Very hypnotic. Accompanied by the sound of low volume white noise- like a radio between stations.

Spizz sits on the floor and goggles at the image, mesmerised- he claps his hands, once, twice, three times.

What do you wish to do?

Doors to the east and west, the ones to the east meet up the other side of the first pit, that'll save jumping over it every time...


First Post
Freggo decides not to attack with flaming sword

"Let's just avoid the magic painting if we can. The dwarf's account described going west past the crackling noise.". Freggo will lead the way through the room with sword extended, trying to detect any specific energies and ready to meet any dangers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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