I evil??

Am I evil? (5e on the shelf 4e in the

  • Absolutely...Chaotic Evil

    Votes: 22 25.9%
  • More Neutral Evil

    Votes: 20 23.5%
  • Possibly Lawful Evil

    Votes: 11 12.9%
  • Nah...More Chaotic Neutral

    Votes: 9 10.6%
  • Neutral

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Wierd, but I think it's Lawful Neutral

    Votes: 3 3.5%
  • Chaotic good only possible in 5e (not 4e)

    Votes: 11 12.9%
  • Definately...Neutral Good

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Actually, the opposite...Lawful Good

    Votes: 6 7.1%


Tonight was traumatic for my son. He has been a hardcore 4e player and DM. I've gotten tired of 4e.

I've gotten a little tired of 4e and so today, while he was out, I took the entirety of his 4e collection. I put them in a file case (so he didn't lose them, they are now just out of site) and put them in storage. I then got every 5e book out thus far except for Volo's and Xanathar's and put them on his shelf where the 4e books used to be.

He came home and couldn't speak for a minute or two. I told him everyone else is playing this version, it's time for him to join our crowd. He asked if he didn't like 5e if I would put the books back...I said...we'll see. I then said, I'll play a 5e or AD&D game with him anytime he's interested as long as I'm available...but I'm not going to do that with 4e anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I like 4e, but recently I've gotten tired out of trying to keep track of all the powers and his last campaign I could not find the cards for the class I was playing (Ranger) anymore online, so I had to write down all the powers on pieces of paper (and that made my hand hurt at times when I was copying these things down). So's 5e (or AD&D) or least for the present.

I told him he should at least give it a now...he has all these new 5e books on the shelf. He asked how much I spent on this...I said...a LOT, but if he plays's going to be worth it.

His reaction...not so happy with me. He's at least said he'll give it a shot. I'm hoping he'll like the simplicity of it.

Sooooo....throwing out his 4e books (well, not throwing them out, putting them in his storage area) and replacing them wholesale with 5e....

Does that make me evil?

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Staff member

Sounds like a good way to make him not want to play least with you. Is that your goal?


Tonight was traumatic for my son. He has been a hardcore 4e player and DM. I've gotten tired of 4e.

I've gotten a little tired of 4e and so today, while he was out, I took the entirety of his 4e collection. I put them in a file case (so he didn't lose them, they are now just out of site) and put them in storage. I then got every 5e book out thus far except for Volo's and Xanathar's and put them on his shelf where the 4e books used to be.

He came home and couldn't speak for a minute or two. I told him everyone else is playing this version, it's time for him to join our crowd. He asked if he didn't like 5e if I would put the books back...I said...we'll see. I then said, I'll play a 5e or AD&D game with him anytime he's interested as long as I'm available...but I'm not going to do that with 4e anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I like 4e, but recently I've gotten tired out of trying to keep track of all the powers and his last campaign I could not find the cards for the class I was playing (Ranger) anymore online, so I had to write down all the powers on pieces of paper (and that made my hand hurt at times when I was copying these things down). So's 5e (or AD&D) or least for the present.

I told him he should at least give it a now...he has all these new 5e books on the shelf. He asked how much I spent on this...I said...a LOT, but if he plays's going to be worth it.

His reaction...not so happy with me. He's at least said he'll give it a shot. I'm hoping he'll like the simplicity of it.

Sooooo....throwing out his 4e books (well, not throwing them out, putting them in his storage area) and replacing them wholesale with 5e....

Does that make me evil?
No, a little selfish maybe, but not evil.


Dusty Dragon
This is a jerk move.

Is he the GM in a game you are playing in? Then he gets to decide what system he's running. As a player, you get to decide if you want to play in his game or not. Now, could all the players get together and say "listen, we are tired of 4e, please switch to 5e, or else"? Sure! But it is *his* decision as a GM.

If he's the player, then the GM decides what the system is, and he decides if he plays or not.

Look at it this way: Would you do this to a *friend*? To an adult you respect? No. Then why treat your son this way?

This could have been a great moment - a big gift of gaming books to your son - but instead you made it weird and jerk-ish.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Let's see. Deprived him of use of his collection, hiding it while he was out. Did it for because you're tired of that edition, even though he enjoys it. Well, definitely not lawful nor good. If there was a trigger I'd go NE, but since it just seems to be "f- it, I don't wanna", I'll have to go CE.


Dusty Dragon
Btw, how old is your son, and how old are you?

... and this better not be some kind of asinine metaphor about companies releasing new editions....


41st lv DM
Tonight was traumatic for my son. He has been a hardcore 4e player and DM. I've gotten tired of 4e.

I've gotten a little tired of 4e and so today, while he was out, I took the entirety of his 4e collection. I put them in a file case (so he didn't lose them, they are now just out of site) and put them in storage. I then got every 5e book out thus far except for Volo's and Xanathar's and put them on his shelf where the 4e books used to be.

He came home and couldn't speak for a minute or two. I told him everyone else is playing this version, it's time for him to join our crowd. He asked if he didn't like 5e if I would put the books back...I said...we'll see. I then said, I'll play a 5e or AD&D game with him anytime he's interested as long as I'm available...but I'm not going to do that with 4e anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I like 4e, but recently I've gotten tired out of trying to keep track of all the powers and his last campaign I could not find the cards for the class I was playing (Ranger) anymore online, so I had to write down all the powers on pieces of paper (and that made my hand hurt at times when I was copying these things down). So's 5e (or AD&D) or least for the present.

I told him he should at least give it a now...he has all these new 5e books on the shelf. He asked how much I spent on this...I said...a LOT, but if he plays's going to be worth it.

His reaction...not so happy with me. He's at least said he'll give it a shot. I'm hoping he'll like the simplicity of it.

Sooooo....throwing out his 4e books (well, not throwing them out, putting them in his storage area) and replacing them wholesale with 5e....

Does that make me evil?

No just a dick.

And apparently one who can't handle a google search for the missing cards....

You're son should drop you from his game.

I will not play along with the jokey way you tried to portray this by answering the poll, and the rules of ENWorld prevent me from really going into detail of what I think of you for doing this. So I will simply say that I find the behavior revolting, and you equally so for engaging in it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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