So, who wants to talk about new Doctor Who (spoilers likely)

Remus Lupin

Out of sequence I can buy. Reverse order may not work. But I'm sure that whatever timey-wimey-ness Moffat has in store for next week, I'll wind up being surprised by it, even if everyone else saw it coming a mile away.

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Well, that was fun
Staff member
How does that square with the fact that the Doctor didn't recognise Rory's dad two episodes ago, but they're well known to each other this episode?

It doesn't. But it does square with the fact that Rory left his phone charger in Henry VIII's bathroom last week, and was under Henry's bed this week; and that Amy said she was a queen in Dinosaurs and accidentally said "yes" to Henry VIII's wedding vows this week.

And I'm told that the ads you're getting in the US say "every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end - but not necessarily in that order."

Not a perfect theory, to be sure. But it has some compelling "bits".

My wife is obsessed that the Doctor has looked through a clear glass computer display n every episode so far. Not sure how or if that's relevant. I don't think it is. She's also convinced that Amy and Rory saying they'll wait "for the rest of their lives" is very important in Asylum while they stand on the teleporter pad, and that when the Doctor returns they do not see or acknowledge him; and that they aren't present in the TARDIS on board the dalek ship at the end. Finally, there's been a recurring meme of "remember me" or "make them remember you" etc. this year. Remembering is clearly important somehow.

Yeah, lots of random stuff. Somewhere in there are important clues, I reckon, and somewhere is a bunch of misdirection.


It's a shame we had the Zygons back only as a passing off-screen reference. They were one of the more unique alien races of the original series, both visually and conceptually - the whole "living technology" thing was ahead of its time back then. I'd love to see what the new series would do with them.


It doesn't. But it does square with the fact that Rory left his phone charger in Henry VIII's bathroom last week, and was under Henry's bed this week; and that Amy said she was a queen in Dinosaurs and accidentally said "yes" to Henry VIII's wedding vows this week.

And I'm told that the ads you're getting in the US say "every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end - but not necessarily in that order."

Another plausible explanation I've seen for the phone charger bit is that A Town Called Mercy actually takes place while they're off travelling during the course of this episode, shortly after the Zygon-invaded Savoy and Henry VIII's bedroom.

Viking Bastard

Another plausible explanation I've seen for the phone charger bit is that A Town Called Mercy actually takes place while they're off travelling during the course of this episode, shortly after the Zygon-invaded Savoy and Henry VIII's bedroom.

That's how I understood it: The last few episodes have been taking place during this episode.

Remus Lupin

That may well be, but if so, then I hope that the next episode gives some kind of payoff for that structure. It should serve some story purpose if that's in fact the way we ought to be viewing them, rather than just being timey-wimey for the sake of timey-wimeiness.

Of course, that will assume that Moffatt will make it clear to us that this is in fact what's happening, rather than just allowing us to (quite legitimately) interpret it that way.


Bard 7/Mod (ret) 10/Mgr 3
Sorry; busy week, and I'm just catching up now.

Here's what I posted on my FB page, for reference:

"Here in the States, BBCA is running promo ads for this season that say "every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end - but not necessarily in that order." I think that's the key. This season has been running backwards. Episode 1 is last chronologically, but first in broadcast order. Last night in ep 4, we saw the three of them under Henry VIII's bed. In ep 3 last week, the Doctor mentions Rory leaving his phone charger in Henry VIII's ensuite. In ep 2, Neffi asks Amy if she's a queen, and Amy says yes - because she said "yes" to Henry VIII by accident in ep 4. We know the Angels send people back in time; I think that has something to do with the episodes going back in time."

Followed by: "Plus, at the end of ep1 when the Doctor isn't recognized by the Parliament of the Daleks, WHERE ARE THE PONDS? They are not there when he's twirling around the console. In ep 4, the Doctor says "I'm running to you before you fade. I've known it for a long time." And we know we'll see River next episode; the Doctor knows when River is going to die (even though 10 does not), and it's something similar with River's parents. Moffat was right; Amy and Rory both die next episode. Or something mind-warping will happen."

It's not perfectly linear; indeed, Brian definitely meets the Docotr in ep2, and is comfortable around him in ep4. Another interesting thing I noticed when I rewatched ep4 is when they come back into the TARDIS and Brian is still watching the cube. The Docotr says something along the lines of "you've been here three days," and Brian says something like "time flies when you're concentrating." I'm wondering if there's a time gap in there; what if Brian's really only been there for a short while (maybe a few hours)? Or does he know the TARDIS well enough to find the nearest loo? Something about his reaction there, and his reaction when he tells Amy and Rory to go adventuring at the end, just screams out that he knows more that he's letting on, even to the Doctor. Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.

At any rate, I've really enjoyed the common threads through all the episodes so far. (Lights off/eggs/Christmas/memory and "remember") There's too much for there not to be a payoff, either Saturday or further down the road in Season 7.


Maybe.... we weren't supposed to see the new companion until Christmas either and there were no dates on the headstone. Although if Moffat's not careful it could end up like RTD's bringing back Rose after her departure.

River is awesome and despite the way they broke the paradox "originally" being kind of hinkey, it was a great, Moffat-style send off for Amy and Rory. It also highlighted The Doctor's two choices: face excruciating lonliness or incredible pain.

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