So, who wants to talk about new Doctor Who (spoilers likely)

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He looks around the Dalek parliament and is like, "Okay, go ahead. It's Christmas! Here I am! What are you waiting for?"

Also, a bit of a reach here:

* Eggs-ter-min-ate.
* Dinosaurs lay eggs.
* The alien doctor's ship looked like an egg.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Also, a bit of a reach here:

* Eggs-ter-min-ate.
* Dinosaurs lay eggs.
* The alien doctor's ship looked like an egg.

Hmmm. Yeah, I'm inclined to think that's too much of a reach unless something else shows up next episode. The dinosaurs is the weak link there.


I thought the ship looked like a giant Tic-Tac breath mint.

Overall, I thought this episode was kind of sub-par. And there wasn't much for Amy and Rory to do, except argue with the Doctor (Amy) and run around as an alien doctor decoy (Rory).



First Post
The best line from this episode:

"Frightened people... Give me a Dalek any day."

Yes, of course. Because dealing with the black and white simplistic morality of space Nazis is much simpler than the reality of any human situation. I think this is partially why I like spaghetti Westerns more than traditional Westerns--because the morality plays of the traditional are subverted by the ambiguity and nuances of something more realistic.

The play on the scene from "The Three Amigos" was entertaining.

Remus Lupin

It looks to me like Moffat has decided to simply ignore the Time War backstory that was so much a part of Eccleston's and Tennent's doctors. That he should be so outraged at the attrocities committed by the alien doctor, without even making a reference to his own similar actions against his own people in the time war struck me as a false note.

I'm assuming that it was a conscious decision on Moffat's part to ignore that material, since it was so obviously available and applicable. I wonder why?

My wife suggested that the when the alien doctor talked about the rage in the Doctor's eyes and compared the two of them, he was making just such an allusion, but I thought it was a pretty thin attempt, and wasn't followed up upon as it absolutely should have been.


First Post
It looks to me like Moffat has decided to simply ignore the Time War backstory that was so much a part of Eccleston's and Tennent's doctors. That he should be so outraged at the attrocities committed by the alien doctor, without even making a reference to his own similar actions against his own people in the time war struck me as a false note.

The whole "mirror" element was brought up. The Doctors' outrage was specifically fueld by his own self-loathing.

Remus Lupin


The whole "mirror" element was brought up. The Doctors' outrage was specifically fueld by his own self-loathing.

I mentioned that above, but I thought it was a pretty thing reference, if at all. It was more of a generic "you understand me because you've done bad things" kind of speech, leading to no insight on the Doctor's part or insight into his character, something that would have been unthinkable if it had been Tennent's Doctor.

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