So, who wants to talk about new Doctor Who (spoilers likely)

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So far I am really liking both episodes of the new season. I know a lot of folks don't like Matt Smith, but I think he Is one of the better Doctors.

With Rory and Amy, I think they have taken them about as far as you can take characters in a show. Definitely looking forward to the doctor having a new companion. It is time for a change.


From the first episode, I'm glad to see that they seem to have realised what a colossal mistake the new Dalek Power Rangers were. Though they haven't done away with them entirely, the few that were present in the Parliament were kept well to the background. Long may they diminish.

I agree that the second episode's pacing felt off. Too many ideas thrown at the screen in great profusion, too fast to be explored in any depth.

I don't think it warranted a double episode, but a single episode with slightly less going on would have been a little better. Maybe hold off the historical guest stars for another time.

On the pacing issue i do think there were some problems with the initial set up of the second episode (a little bit confusion in te first few moments in my opinion) but once it got a few minutes in it was fine.


First Post
I still don't really understand why the Doctor chose the two historical people to go along with him. I'm vastly more interested in the idea that the Silurians had a spaceship loaded up with dinosaurs escaping from an asteroid (presumably the K-T extinction event).


First Post
I still don't really understand why the Doctor chose the two historical people to go along with him..
Should you ever write for Doctor Who, remember this one simple tip: if you want the Doctor to do something that seems utterly contrived, have him start to act all giddy and frenetic. If you can get him to start grinning while spouting glib non sequitors, then the audience will accept what follows as yet another instance of the Doctor's mental processes ranging beyond our ken.

I mean, he doesn't need Rory and Amy either. He doesn't need companions at all, at least as far as we know.

Did Rory really take Amy's last name?


First Post
I mean, he doesn't need Rory and Amy either. He doesn't need companions at all, at least as far as we know.

See, I understand why he takes companions (he's lonely AND he needs pawns for his elaborate chess games), but there is generally a lot more to it than, "Hey, I need an African Queen and a Big-Game Hunter for this one specific mission."


Well, that was fun
Staff member
He doesn't need companions at all, at least as far as we know.

Heh, do you follow the series in detail like some of us nerds?

That's been covered time and time again to the point of repetitive nausea. He goes mad without companions. They ground him and keep him from doing bad things. This has been an ongoing theme since the 2005 reboot - from Donna getting him to stop murdering the red spider babies to him going all "Time Lord Victorious". It's referenced a couple of times every season. They're his conscience, almost.

Did Rory really take Amy's last name?

No, it's an ongoing "we know who really wears the trousers in that relationship" joke since the episode with the wedding when Rory admitted that they might technically be Williams, but they'd always be Ponds. Since then, The Doctor has always referred to him as Rory Pond, despite that not being his name.
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I liked this episode more than the first one. Less frentic Pond, no daleks, and a villainous villain. As for the extra companions, I figured the Doctor had some kind of idea of what might be going on, and brought along a big game hunter for assistance and a distraction? to act as a matchmaker? for kicks and giggles? for fun? Doesn't the Doctor always get erratic about companions while he's transitioning between them?

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