stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. II [OOC]

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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
You'll need some platinum, but the entire price (where did I put that price?) doesn't have to be platinum.

On another unrelated note: I'm starting up my first 4E RL game. It'll be Eberron and I'm using Obsidian Portal to keep the details. Have a look if you wish: Shards of Light, Shards of Shadow. Unlike my AoW game, this one is all homebrew.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Scanning the surroundings, he whispers to Jarrith,"This place is dead anyways."
Is that a dig? :rant: ;)

Been quite busy (end of semester an paper deadlines), and the next bit is going to be... complicated. I have some ideas for simplification, but I need the time to do the adjustments. Things will probably be slow until Mayish.


First Post
Is that a dig? :rant: ;)

I was originally going for the scene from the movie Swingers where they were at the underground crowded bar where one of their friends looks around at the wall to wall people and says that line.

But after reading it a few times, I find it appeals on many levels. :)


Hey stonegod! Hope your schoolpaper correcting is going well!

Just wanted to check in to see if your guesstimation of "May-ish" is still on target as a possible ramping back up time, or are we looking at a possible fizzle out? After 2+ years, having the game just sort of end is not at all unexpected (goodness knows I eventually just lost the gas in the game I was GMing, even in the middle of an adventure), but I want to make sure I keep ready if you still want/hope/expect to rev up again as we move into the endgame.

I love the game and would love to continue it... but I also don't want it to be a chore for anyone involved. So if things have to end... I just wanted to let you know that I wouldn't hold it against anyone who felt the time has come.

Thanx for all the work we've all done up to this point though! It's be great!


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
I love the game and would love to continue it... but I also don't want it to be a chore for anyone involved. So if things have to end... I just wanted to let you know that I wouldn't hold it against anyone who felt the time has come.:eek:
We're at the tail end of finals and reviewing seasons, so there are 12 papers and 22 tests between me and freedom. So "May"ish is still on target.

I won't lie and say that burnout isn't part of a factor. PBP DMing does take a bit of time to do it the way I like, and especially w/ working towards tenure this year, that time hasn't been there. Dealing w/ the system is a bit of a chore too: I finished my AoW game last year and said I'd never DM 3.5 again which is true except for this game. (I still like playing 3.5, but DMing 4E is much more my preference for DMing).

To resolve this, I've been thinking of ways to trim some of the "fat" off of the adventure. The Castle is a huge dungeon, and dungeon-crawls don't work well in PbP anyway in my mind. The stealing of the relics, RBDM I am (that is not in the original addy), works into this. Ideally, I hope to have only one or two trips into the Castle before this is all said and done. We'll see how this works.

And we're finally getting to a part of the game I've been hiding for two years. That alone will be worth it. ;)
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Awesome! Glad to hear!

And I hear you on the massiveness of trying to DM 3.5 on PbP, especially when you want to do it "right". It's a lot of description, lots of color and font formatting, a lot of pain-in-the-butt parts to make it work the way you want it to work. But if you're ready to delve back in, then I'm there.

Incidentally... do you think we should start up this next section in a new thread (i.e. Chapter 3)? Our current threads both IC and OOC are pretty long, so it couldn't hurt. Just an idea.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incidentally... do you think we should start up this next section in a new thread (i.e. Chapter 3)? Our current threads both IC and OOC are pretty long, so it couldn't hurt. Just an idea.
Good idea.

I'll be starting back up again next week, so please check in if you haven't already!

Voidrunner's Codex

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