stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. III [IC] (Completed)


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Ashlyn whispers back "Moving with all haste, but not charging ... there are too many traps in this place for my liking."

Ashlyn's blade is out and her senses alert as she continually checks for the presence of undead.

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Ladreth sets the body of Ravika against the wall leading to the stairs up and out of the catacombs and looses his massive sword. Whatever other horrors this place held, he would meet it head on. And should he die, much like he expected each morning he awoke in this accursed land, the catacombs seemed an ideal place.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Ashlyn keeps vigilant, but the castles construction is sturdy stone and too thick for her magic. [The crypts have at least 1' thick walls of stone.]

As the group approaches, they pass several long sealed tombs, their namesakes long missing. The soon reach a much larger grand tomb carved into the northern wall. Iron bars block a grand marble stair down to a great, silent tomb, restful in almost palpable serenity. A white marble slb in the center bears an intricately inlaid coffin. On the far wall, three statues of pearly marble stand in wide alcoves.

The sound Jarrith and Ashlyn heard is gone.[sblock=Ashlyn]Your Lightbringer senses are almost overwhelmed a moment. A very powerful undead was here, but its power masks the when of it. It could have been moments to within the week.[/sblock]


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Ashlyn looks concerned. She spins around slowly, her eyes searching carefully (Detect undead), and whispers to her companions, "Be on your guard, something very powerful .. and undead, was here. Definitely within the last week, and possibly only moments ago. The residue of its power is too strong to be sure exactly when."


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Ladreth pulls out his sword, wielding it in his two hands and holding it before him, his muscles bulging and rippling as his grip tightens and he looks about, ready to be attacked at any moment.


Upon Ashlyn's statement, Jarrith nods. "Well, if it's not here now, then so much better for us. Let us move and find this tomb and quickly."

His eyes squint as he tries to find nameplates if any that identify who are encased within, hoping to find one that might represent the person they are looking for.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The tomb is unmarked at the bias, thought it looks marked from the top. Bringing his light to the bars, Jarrith squints to try to make it out. Prince Ser... Prince Serg... sonofa... He turns to the others. It reads 'Prince Sergei, Lord of Barovia'.

The bars remain in the way.


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As Jarrith speaks Ashlyn focus's her attention on the area on the other side of the bars, particulary around the tomb itself.

[sblock=stonegod]The area where the very powerful undead presence had been, was it on this side of the bars, or on the other side of them?[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Ashlyn]The residue is on the other side, specifically near the tomb. She also remembers the seers words about the "dead prince."[/sblock]


First Post
Ashlyn sighs, muttering to herself just loud enough for the others to hear, "Of course the tomb of the dead prince is frequented by a powerful undead ... what else could one expect when trying to awaken a blade of the light"

She then turns to Marot and asks, "Marot, do you think you could jump us all to the other side of those irons bars, next to that tomb?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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