stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. III [IC] (Completed)


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]Are you resting here or moving on? If moving on, which exit? Left (to an unknown area), center (catacombs), or right (to the study/bedroom you think)?[/sblock]

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First Post
OOC: Ashlyn is keen to take the center door to the catacombs and awaken the sunsword. However, either she or Ladreth should get the scroll of restoration used on them before we proceed (since both have negative levels atm). Kindof waiting for Marot to make a call on that since he has the scroll.


OOC: Jarrith and Khensu will go along with Ashlyn's desire for the center door. And if a Lesser Restoration will help in any way, I have two that I can cast. If not, then waiting for Marot to cast the full Restoration before heading for the center door is fine.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[S@s's been out since the 9th. I'll make the decision for Marot soon if I don't hear otherwise. Majority vote: Ashlyn or Ladreth.

Lesser Restoration does not help with energy drain.]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]Longer post later when I get home. S@s has been gone a bit, so I'm voting for him: The one w/ the most drain wins.[/sblock]Marot takes out his scroll and hands it to Tessa. The words are familiar, if a bit beyond her normal ken, but as she finishes the spell and touches Ashlyn, the paladin is refreshed to feel the magic cleans her.

OOC: All of Ashlyn's four levels restored. Ladreth still down 2.


First Post
Ashlyn thanks Marot and Tessa and then moves over to the central door, ready to proceed.

[Detect undead every second round as we move forward]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
The group opens the center door and cautiously makes their way ahead. Fog flows like a river from the eastern end of the tunnel, covering the floor of the long passage. The damp walls are rough and scored, unlike the finer construction elsewhere.

Halfway down the passage, Jarrith is caught by surprise as the stone floor begins to give way under him. His quick reflexes, however, save him from a tumble into the darkness as marble slide opens. Whomever built the passage did not want trespassers—or anyone escaping from the other end.

Eventually, after a few hundred feet, the passage ends at a heavy stone door. Jarrith sees no means of trapping it, but his push is not enough to open it. It takes Ashlyn and Khensu working in tandem to finally push it open, making some bit of noise as it does so. A stealthy approach is certainly spoiled.

Beyond is the catacombs.

Buried deep beneath the keep of Ravenloft, an arched ceiling here sags over squat crypts. The thick fog clings to the floor and cobwebs hang limp in the musty air. The darkness almost seems to crawl along the ceiling.

Somewhere within lies the tomb of the fallen prince where the sunsword may be awoken and perhaps other rituals performed.[sblock=Ashlyn, Jarrith]Faint sounds that cannot be distinguished may be heard from the east.[/sblock][sblock=OOC]The catacombs stretch mostly east and south; you are at their northern end.[/sblock]


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Jarrith raises a fist to halt their movement, then steps back to the rest of the group to whisper quietly to them.

"There are sounds coming from the left... indistinguishable at the moment. While I could try and advance silently to get a better sense of what is down there... our past experience within this place tells me that trying to sneak around is rather futile. I would personally rather have us move straight to the sounds at full speed as a group... and not give whoever is down there any additional seconds to prepare that they would otherwise get by hearing us move through the catacombs at a slower speed."

He glances around the group for any response.

"For once, I say we take the initiative and bring the fight to them by charging their location immediately."

Voidrunner's Codex

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