stonegod's Expedition to Castle Ravenloft: Ch. III [OOC] (Completed)


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@renaul1g: My condolences for Ravika.
Rest assured that Ashlyn will avenge her, smiting her fury upon the cursed creatures that struck down her comrade.
If only Ravika's AP's could have helped prevent her untimely death.

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First Post
@All: I'm going to be flying to the other side of the world again (the other direction this time), leaving tonight. I'll arrive on Sunday and won't be posting during the flight(s). ;)

@stonegod: Ashlyn will continue to do the same thing as this last round.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Note to spellcasters: You can cast dispel magic on the silence effect (or the unhallow directly). Tessa had a note about that. I'll give her (and Avron who still hasn't posted) a bit to update that (and I have another lecture to write tonight).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Yeah, I've been a bit lax on this. Doesn't help that (1) Work is kicking my butt and (2) the laptop with everything from the past n years of the game just died. I have the content on backup, but no machine that I can access it on regularly (just intermittently at work when I have a break).

I'll post updates when I can.


First Post
I just got back into town after a week in Maui, so I will be slowly getting back up to speed.

But, Marot's incorporeal undead sense is going off and he is not en route to remedy the situation!

BTW @ stonegod -- couldn't Marot take a move action (move 30'), then use Flee the Scene (std action) to teleport 40', so his total move would be 70', so he might get there a moment or two sooner? Probably might not make a big difference (70' vs 60' movement), but who knows...

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